W.A.S.P. Republicans

Hank3fan's Avatar
Yes Kitty he did have to work with a republican congress when he was in office. But these were his policies, ideas, and initiatives, not congress. That was the beauty of Clinton he actually got the job done while working with a hostile congress. Who as you pointed out wanted to get rid of him for getting a blowjob.

And by the way he might have been getting blown but at least he was doing it while he was actually working. You gotta admire that he was into the job. He wanted to be there and get stuff done. He wasn’t out spending time on the golf course of farting around Camp David on vacation. He took fewer vacation days than almost any other president. The guy didn’t even take a break for a bj.
I am not too sure you have that all right about Clinton. But I am not going to get into a huge political debate right now with you. I was only 18 at the time he was president. I had alot more fun things going on then worrying about what the president was doing or not doing in the oval office. Anyways I like your avatar and name. He is one of my favorites. I saw him at the texas music revolution when it was still at south fork ranch quite a few years ago. But I like his daddy even more!!!
DFWClubgoer's Avatar
Al Gore invented the internet, if anybody should get credit it should be him. �� on the other hand Miami is still here so he got that one wrong.