Review: No LMCC for Me!

Drtry1's Avatar
tpepsi's Avatar
It is a review. They met behind closed doors. They had CONVO, multiple reviews have listed CONVO as activities.
Precious_b's Avatar
Activities: Watching her mess with her phone
Session Length: N/A
Fee: N/A
... Originally Posted by OldYeller
Well, with what was listed by the OP and TP point of view, playing Patty Cake will qualify for Premium Status.
Samcro84's Avatar
Providers are not allowed to post in review section.

Mods, please issue points and remove her post. Originally Posted by tpepsi
If system let her post here then I bet she was also able to see the ROS. So why should she get points if system let her! Glad she could interject her side of story.
tpepsi's Avatar
So why should she get points if system let her! Originally Posted by Samcro84
The system allows lots of things that are not allowed and must be corrected by the Mods.

She's been here long enough to know that providers can't post in the review section. She broke the rules, plain and simple.

We can't let the inmates run the prison.
Precious_b's Avatar
I'm sure Cock Swallow Day will be here to help you shortly, TP
If you view the review without logging in you will see the ROS is hidden. She has knowledge of the ROS so one of you losers has spilled the details to her or she has a mandle. Regardless of whether or not it is a valid review, she knows the ROS which is a violation. The review hasn't yet been pushed to coed so she should not have seen it, nor posted on it. Her tits aren't that good to make so many of you overlook reality.

dolfan's Avatar
Should never have been put in as a review. Should be in COED and LMCC has her side of story too. Just cause she knows what is in the post, doesn't mean she has access. I'm sure there are those on here that would copy and send to LMCC.
Should never have been put in as a review. Should be in COED and LMCC has her side of story too. Just cause she knows what is in the post, doesn't mean she has access. I'm sure there are those on here that would copy and send to LMCC. Originally Posted by dolfan
This sounds like a confession to me. She deserves a vacation along with anyone who shared the info with her. Those are the rules. Whether you like them or not doesn't change they fact she has access to information she should never have acknowledged. But she is a dumb pair of tits, and some of you go for that sort of thing.
4funn's Avatar
  • 4funn
  • 02-08-2018, 09:34 PM
This sounds like a confession to me Originally Posted by Rover14
ck1942's Avatar
LOL I wasnt late. I was already there. I had a earlier appt you where the one who walked in 5 min after your scheduled time. My hair is blue. Just blue.I'm actually 5'2 160. Don't have much ass boob yes butt no.
I kept checking my phone because you where just sitting there. You asked like 20 questions about the fly session, which you somehow tried to invite yourself all bad ass then go on to say it did not accommodate your schedule. You wernt invited to it to begin with lol you also criticised negativly the weight loss of a couple other girls as well as went in to pretty much call them ugly.. Apparently you only fuck ' bad bitches' .
I don't cater to anyone. You had a scheduled appointment time. This isn't your first rodeo. You walked with Jesus on water surely you know that you've gotta undress and lay on the massage table. I threw out hint after hint yet you still sat there... In long pauses of ackward silence. I had someone else scheduled after you. You are no more important then the one before or next. You wasted your own time.Im not a clock watcher nor was I about to spend an extra hour - hour and a half rubbing your old ass, predictability for the hour rate. You threw a temper tantram once i told you you only had time for a hh appt. I had another sceduled at noon. You got mad lol like you where fucking mad lol which is why i moved away from you and stood in the corner texting another how i was about to kick your old ass out. you should've known I'm not gonna gas you like others do. So tuck your bottom lip back in, you'll be alright. Or continue to pout I really could care less. But Next time you want to tell a story, tell the whole story. Originally Posted by Little Miss Cuntcakes

Fair enough perspective.

Let's call "No Joy, No Foul" and leave it at that.

Perhaps a rematch?

Can we all be flies on the wall. Well, I'll watch LMCC and anyone who wants to stare at OY, he's all yours.

= = = =

Regarding above commentaries, imo, since there was a full refund and closthes never came off, there was no formal session per se.
Sounds like a lot of speculating going on in here...rover whats up this doesnt sound like you

Have to agree with ck here
Dr Grey's Avatar
If you view the review without logging in you will see the ROS is hidden. She has knowledge of the ROS so one of you losers has spilled the details to her or she has a mandle. Regardless of whether or not it is a valid review, she knows the ROS which is a violation. The review hasn't yet been pushed to coed so she should not have seen it, nor posted on it. Her tits aren't that good to make so many of you overlook reality.

Originally Posted by Rover14
I agree on that with access to the ROS, that's messed up. I was just commenting earlier on why she was responding to the review section. Girls have posted in the past and their comments just deleted. The software allows them to post still. But yeah, sounds like there are pussy whips who gave info, or likely a mandle.
Sounds like a lot of speculating going on in here...rover whats up this doesnt sound like you

Have to agree with ck here Originally Posted by a10bomb
There is no speculation. She commented on hidden ROS content. That much is clear. Whether or not a session occured is irrelevant to that point. I understand who you are defending and that is your choice, but LMCC doesn't deserve to be coddled. I've dealt with her mess before and choose to not involve myself with her or those that enable her.
Drtry1's Avatar
Freaking abound