Steak 48 got visited by foooking Shine Da Great!

So Shine Da Great was a tad bit bored just only going to strip clubs every day so I suggested to my OG, hey let's go to Steak 48 and drink some wine. So he wants Shine to drive his foooking Benz truck up there, but Shine has got to drive his wheels every now and then. So Shine pulls out his 2000 Toyota Corolla and off we go. OG is laughing the whole way And sweating, cuz Shine's ac is out in da hupty. So we pull up to da valet. Park my car in da front! I tell da valet. We are leaving here with some hot pus, and I ain't waiting for my wheels. So the valet says, sir is your ac broke. Yes mo foooker, that's why the windows are rolled down! Park my shit right here! So me and OG go in and sit at the bar. I must say the Ribeyes there are foooking excellent. Actually meet a foooking hot couple of 60 year old grannies at da bar. My OG got major paper so he isn't into foooking old ladies but since Shine is he's rolling with it. So we are yucking it up at da bar, for a few hours. Sipping, bill comes out and it's damn near 6 fitty. Of course Shine is sweating, but OG calmly Pat's me on da shoulder and says I got it as always Shine. Thank God! Got da granny number and I told her boo when we actually go out without my OG I'm more of a frenchy's on Scott type of dude. She says sure, I've never been there.Whats their best entree. Shine Da Great whispers in her ear, I always order da chicken when I go there. I get my whip, OG slings da valet 40 and off we go. Wish me luck Ecco and ecca fam! Treyway! Toodlez... Originally Posted by shinepro
Sounds a little to hoodrat for steak 48, sure this wasn't the golden corral?
  • pxmcc
  • 09-07-2018, 12:16 PM
Why do you defend him so much? Have you met him? You said one provider has seen both of you and can confirm you're not the same person. Maybe she is shinepro or she is covering for you. Your undying loyalty is very odd. Originally Posted by Kickrocks
sure Kammye, Seeking P (well i've never seen her; not down for supervised showers, but shine has), and Champagne Brown are all a bunch of fake handles, right? i've never met shine but would get a kick outta chillin with him and his ogs at onyx..

the reason why i defend shine is simple. i have the personality of a pitbull. i will always stand up for my homies. ya'll wouldn't do the same?
sure Kammye, Seeking P (well i've never seen her; not down for supervised showers, but shine has), and Champagne Brown are all a bunch of fake handles, right? i've never met shine but would get a kick outta chillin with him and his ogs at onyx..

the reason why i defend shine is simple. i have the personality of a pitbull. i will always stand up for my homies. ya'll wouldn't do the same? Originally Posted by pxmcc
Thanks pxo. I foooking don't understand these eccos. Like I just try to add a little sun "shine" to coed. And I never talk about anyone. Ya da true homie pxo!!

Hey shine, folks are interested in your services
I thought you and him... we "bros". Originally Posted by bb1961

No, Sistahood hates all AA.
Say mods like reel your guy in back2 whatever in. This mo foooker suggests me for a session, guy looks for me, can't of course find me and is a tab bit upset. Permanently ban this ass clown please. Like wtf. Check the thread in question modos.
You’re upset the guys couldn’t find you?
Cheer up there’s someone out there for everyone.
Was trying to help you out shine. You seem lonely and always complain about not making money. This would have helped you in both those aspects
sure Kammye, Seeking P (well i've never seen her; not down for supervised showers, but shine has), and Champagne Brown are all a bunch of fake handles, right? i've never met shine but would get a kick outta chillin with him and his ogs at onyx..

the reason why i defend shine is simple. i have the personality of a pitbull. i will always stand up for my homies. ya'll wouldn't do the same? Originally Posted by pxmcc

3 chicks could have got together to make a mandle to read pa content. Ive heard of it before and suspected a few handles of it. Ever thought of that?

Hopefully it doesn't come out one day to be true and you have been defending a mandle this whole time.
Was trying to help you out shine. You seem lonely and always complain about not making money. This would have helped you in both those aspects Originally Posted by Back2HoustonHobby
Look you foooking asshat back ho. Stay off my mo foooking great threads or I'm going to go Ferdinand Da Bull on your ass all da way to ban city. I reside in my own district of foooking greatness as well as my homie pxo. You are a foooking nerd women simply allow to hang around when they need some money or their computers fixed. Shine Da Great could teach you a few things but you have shown your ass enough that's no longer possible. Go back in your rabbit hole computer, German speaking wanna be. Toodlez...
^^ hey shine no need to get upset. Must be the lack of attention. If regular dudes don't work out for you, There are also plenty TS posting here that couldd give you some needed attention. I'll be on the lookout for your sake
  • pxmcc
  • 09-07-2018, 03:25 PM
3 chicks could have got together to make a mandle to read pa content. Ive heard of it before and suspected a few handles of it. Ever thought of that?

Hopefully it doesn't come out one day to be true and you have been defending a mandle this whole time. Originally Posted by Kickrocks
lol. ikr..

but 2 of those ladies can't stand each other actually.
Look back ho, let's start from scratch and really get to know each other in a gentlemanly sit down. How about we meet tonight and discuss how we can get along better. How about 11, sir. I'll even pay for the foooking drinks sir. Peace offering. Toodlez...
lol. ikr..

but 2 of those ladies can't stand each other actually. Originally Posted by pxmcc
That is why doubles with those two would be off the chain!!
Look back ho, let's start from scratch and really get to know each other in a gentlemanly sit down. How about we meet tonight and discuss how we can get along better. How about 11, sir. I'll even pay for the foooking drinks sir. Peace offering. Toodlez... Originally Posted by shinepro

Make sure to ask your boss for some money.