The kind of submissive men I like

I like your style. Too bad I don't live in your area.

Surely, you could find a good Domme in your area to fulfill your desires.
Lhornbk's Avatar
I like your style. Too bad I don't live in your area.

Surely, you could find a good Domme in your area to fulfill your desires. Originally Posted by Scarlett De Rossi
I wish. I live near Amarillo, and so far no luck. I actually thought I had found one who would be perfect, but for some reason I stopped hearing from her. So far, my only submissive experiences have been with providers in Oklahoma, and the last was over a year ago.

This fall, I will get a raise that might allow me to travel for the right domme once a month or so, maybe even as far as Dallas........
I like to think I'm a submissive BCD but I don't want to be dominated. To me submissive means putting your partner's wants and desires first. Hopefully your partner's attitude is the same towards you. When both are trying to put the other first it can be an amazing time.
Willen's Avatar
Great Thread.

While I'd define myself as predominantly (contradiction intended) a sub, the [um] thrust of this session prompts me to complicate matters. The various traits referred to as 'submissive' I'd label as 'responsive.' Which is to say, I'm very happy when my female playmate takes charge, and leads me to pleasure her as she wishes. To me this implies the 'normal' range of sexual interchange.

[To me] I enter the 'submissive realm' when I'm asked, and undertake, to do stuff out of the 'norm.'

What say the rest of you?
I agree. Nicely stated.
This is beautiful. Originally Posted by Scarlett De Rossi

I absolutely concur!

Miss Sarafina, you're the kind of woman I would love to spend all day long slowly massaging (head to toe) with warm, aromatic oils....taking time to rub those achy shoulders and feet....and then shower you with kisses (all over...wherever you wish, for how ever long you desire).

What a wonderful post.
Guest072015-2's Avatar
I adore them.
I want a man who is a POWERHOUSE in the boardroom and a kitten behind closed doors. Originally Posted by *GoddessDallas*

I want a kitten too!!!
Lhornbk's Avatar
I want a kitten too!!! Originally Posted by Alexie Amor
I'll be your kitten!
ncrtt1's Avatar

Interesting definition of Submissive men but I like it.

Guess the first thought coming to mind was tied up and beaten or something, and not into that, so your definition caught me by surprise. Maybe not exactly what you are looking for, but for me what is a real turn on is to woo. If a door opens, and I decide to step through, it is only because what I see appears to be worthy and I wish to ascertain if that is true. The first kiss provides a valuable clue. My whole course of action is centered around the idea of presenting myself in such a way that my lady companion will fall in love with me. Ok, maybe not really fall in love but simply love me as opposed to just doing things with me. My lady should feel that she is with HER chosen lover, no matter how it is that it happens we met.

So I woo the lady. Always the perfect gentleman in public, this continues in private in the sense that I wish to see that my lady's needs are well attended to. Soft words, gentle caresses and deep looks with my lady's needs foremost are all part of what I do to woo. Humor and good conversation are also techniques used to set my lady at ease. Whatever level of play we choose, it is done in the spirit of meeting the needs of my lady. If I am truly successful in my approach, then it seems that my lady will love me back with the same level of joy and then our whole being together far exceeds what the sum of our individual pleasures could be. Woo is an old fashioned word of course, but I am an old fashioned guy, however I believe some things never really go out of fashion, and love, even if not "in love" is one of those things.

Submissive men are seemingly cream of the crop... everyone knows that, no need to reiterate it ...but, truly they are god's gift to women

The number one thing I absolutely adore - is being worshiped, looked up to when we're together as a special, divine feminine woman... feeling my power over you - making me feel superior... adored, cared for... even if it's just one encounter

I have no desire to emasculate a man - quite the opposite, accept each other the way we were made, and bring out, appreciate those treasures...

God, I love you

For the rest of my days

Excuse me, when I lose my temper... and forget your beauty Originally Posted by Zabrina Sarafina
kitmouser's Avatar

Interesting definition of Submissive men but I like it.

Guess the first thought coming to mind was tied up and beaten or something, and not into that, so your definition caught me by surprise. Maybe not exactly what you are looking for, but for me what is a real turn on is to woo. If a door opens, and I decide to step through, it is only because what I see appears to be worthy and I wish to ascertain if that is true. The first kiss provides a valuable clue. My whole course of action is centered around the idea of presenting myself in such a way that my lady companion will fall in love with me. Ok, maybe not really fall in love but simply love me as opposed to just doing things with me. My lady should feel that she is with HER chosen lover, no matter how it is that it happens we met.

So I woo the lady. Always the perfect gentleman in public, this continues in private in the sense that I wish to see that my lady's needs are well attended to. Soft words, gentle caresses and deep looks with my lady's needs foremost are all part of what I do to woo. Humor and good conversation are also techniques used to set my lady at ease. Whatever level of play we choose, it is done in the spirit of meeting the needs of my lady. If I am truly successful in my approach, then it seems that my lady will love me back with the same level of joy and then our whole being together far exceeds what the sum of our individual pleasures could be. Woo is an old fashioned word of course, but I am an old fashioned guy, however I believe some things never really go out of fashion, and love, even if not "in love" is one of those things. Originally Posted by ncrtt1
Even though I knew better, I thought I would have to jump into the middle of the BDSM world to even come close to my intentions. Seeing this, there are ladies that appreciate being treated very well and not destroy the real me in the process. It seems the ones that I do treat so well, do not appreciate it and prefer to destroy, not accept it for what it is. I still look down at myself, but there might be something in this.
I like SPH but definitely not submissive.
ncrtt1's Avatar
Yes, you are quite right in that not all ladies appreciate being treated well. Initially it is ok, but if it appears that my partner appreciates a little rougher level of play, then by all means. That is what I am hoping for and we move in that direction. After all, giving the lady whatever she wants is part of the process.

Even though I knew better, I thought I would have to jump into the middle of the BDSM world to even come close to my intentions. Seeing this, there are ladies that appreciate being treated very well and not destroy the real me in the process. It seems the ones that I do treat so well, do not appreciate it and prefer to destroy, not accept it for what it is. I still look down at myself, but there might be something in this. Originally Posted by kitmouser
SlowHand50's Avatar
Beautifully, descriptively written ... but as I was reading it I kept thinking, "This is being submissive?" It just sounds like being respectful of a woman. I guess I've always associated the submissive label as being all about the sissy-boy stereotype, the boot-licking, kneeling, emasculated tool. Mutual respect is what it's all about to me. And then role-play can go whatever direction two people agree on. I think I've played both sides of the coin, and enjoyed both. Good topic.