Is Dallas dry or is it me?

LustyBustyGina38FF's Avatar
You should come to see me. Other than that, I don't recommend it. Originally Posted by dormGE
Why are you Discouraging providers from visiting Dallas?

I tour in Dallas all the time and it's not dry for me with new or old friends at my rates, Maybe ECCIE Or OH@2 may not be my nitch but a lot of other sites to use to get the rate anyone is asking for.

Yes Dallas does not have the best higher rates but a provider who takes her work Serious can walk away after maybe a 3or4day tour with about 5-6k or more in her wallet.
In this industry it's the Golden Rule. Whoever has the gold makes the rules, not the other way around. Spend wisely and spend deservingly.
jan-w's Avatar
  • jan-w
  • 11-21-2024, 12:09 PM
In this industry it's the Golden Rule. Whoever has the gold makes the rules, not the other way around. Spend wisely and spend deservingly. Originally Posted by Don Cornholeone

I wish that was true but when it comes to their dicks, guys are dumb.
BabyDallass's Avatar
Why are you Discouraging providers from visiting Dallas?

I tour in Dallas all the time and it's not dry for me with new or old friends at my rates, Maybe ECCIE Or OH@2 may not be my nitch but a lot of other sites to use to get the rate anyone is asking for.

Yes Dallas does not have the best higher rates but a provider who takes her work Serious can walk away after maybe a 3or4day tour with about 5-6k or more in her wallet. Originally Posted by LustyBustyGina38FF
Thank you love! I sure do love the city of Dallas and all it has to offer. I’m looking forward to it!
Ive cut back significantly.
Low quality, High prices in all venues and modalities (Indies, Spa's, Studios, etc). My money is better off in the S&P...
Just jerk it to pron I guess, and earn 8 percent.
Just posted something similar. I am flexible on location and don’t argue rates. I do need something early morning. Maybe we can work something out…