Were you one of the kewl kids??

In the mis 60's, we didn't give a fuck. Most of our attitudes were, "I will graduate, get drafted, go to 'Nam, and get killed".

In short, we were a bunch of hoodlums, didn't give a shit one way or the other about being "cool". Besides, my car got me more pussy than the Football Team quarterback did with his arm.

By the way, our predictions came true. Many of us graduated, got drafted, and got sent to 'Nam. Some died in the proccess.

You will just have to take my word that when you are just 13 months out of High School, laying in a Hospitol Bed in Okinawa with your legs all blowed up, being "cool' was not a high priority.
Missy Mariposa's Avatar
I went to a Catholic school and was 2 years younger than most of my classmates. It made me different from the start - I graduated at 16 with a 4.0. I was the only one having sex (gasp omg) so I was the one everyone came to in hushed tones to ask what it felt like because they were virgins until college. I had friends that were older too, so that was also "cool". I had an undercut which was "edgy", listened to music they never heard of, and knew how to drive a car at 14 (everyone else could drive sophomore year, so I learned too )

I was also into hacking with a couple of the other guys in my class, we managed to break through the school's pitiful security system. Never did any damage, was kind of a thrill of the chase thing. I got into web and graphic design that year too.

I had friends, I went out, I had a job, I played football. Never got pregnant or arrested. Don't know if that makes me "cool" or not, but I had a great time and people certainly remember me ten years later.
jyoshi917's Avatar
Missy, you sound like a really fun and interesting person to get to know!
Straight A student, State Literary Rally winner in World Geography, basketball and baseball star. Guess I was an athletic nerd. Basketball coach always said he needed a smart guy to run his offense.

No.........was not part of the cool crowd.

Thank goodness high school is over. Even this board reminds me of it sometimes. Originally Posted by lisa.lisa0302
Same here. I hated high school and didn't like a majority of the people I my class. All my friends were in the class after mine.
I was a pariah in high school and hated it. All the kids made fun of me. Even my parents had to discipline my brothers so they wouldn't partake.

Went back for the 25th reunion a few years back. It was a mistake. I was so alone. No one spoke to me. I should have taken myself to a nice restaurant and a night on the town instead of blowing the cash on that trip.
I had my own group in school, I wasn't concerned with being popular just trying to have as much fun as possible. I played sports and was involved in the theater organization. Then after a my junior year to senior year I attended three different schools, so by the time I was at my 4th school, I was over making friends over and over again and just focused on school.
shorty's Avatar
Wasn't the cool kid, didn't have any friends because I was too blunt about calling people out. Now still don't have many friends because I say what's on my mind and people don't want to hear the truth.
Ms. Athena's Avatar
LOL I was a Rocker...........Drugs,Sex,Roc k and Roll was our motto......Wild Child to the hilt
Sports player, honour roll, band kid. I was good in high school. Not popular really but not picked on either. Just... average "good kid".
jyoshi917's Avatar
Nope, high school dropout. Screwed up kid, the whole nine. Things are much better now though.
cumalot's Avatar
That was back in my Hippy days....
Had a blast with the 3 P's.....Peace, Pussy and Pot...
I went to a Catholic school and was 2 years younger than most of my classmates. It made me different from the start - I graduated at 16 with a 4.0. I was the only one having sex (gasp omg) so I was the one everyone came to in hushed tones to ask what it felt like because they were virgins until college. I had friends that were older too, so that was also "cool". I had an undercut which was "edgy", listened to music they never heard of, and knew how to drive a car at 14 (everyone else could drive sophomore year, so I learned too )

I was also into hacking with a couple of the other guys in my class, we managed to break through the school's pitiful security system. Never did any damage, was kind of a thrill of the chase thing. I got into web and graphic design that year too.

I had friends, I went out, I had a job, I played football. Never got pregnant or arrested. Don't know if that makes me "cool" or not, but I had a great time and people certainly remember me ten years later. Originally Posted by Missy Mariposa
It makes you cool as hell. Or did I mean hot as hell.
Cheerleader, Soccer Player, President of Future Teachers of America, Secretary of the French Club.........And then I discovered sex........
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  • WTF
  • 02-27-2012, 10:16 PM
Cheerleader, Soccer Player, President of Future Teachers of America, Secretary of the French Club.........And then I discovered sex........ Originally Posted by Indefinable Ms. M
Before or after becoming Secetary of the French Club?