Republicans Want A Default

the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Its obvious from the OP that some people hang on Biden's every word (and his testicles) and believe everything he says. Understand that, they believe everything. Joe the truck driver, Joe the miner, Joe the civil right protestor, Joe the.....well, there is just so much that this Forest Gump has done according to him to list.
  • Tiny
  • 05-07-2023, 01:10 PM
This thread is better than the editorial page in the WSJ! Great educational posts by LL and TC. Thank you gentlemen
texassapper's Avatar
It’s not really taxpayers money they’re spending, it’s money that never existed and is created out of thin air with a couple keystrokes. The downside is that “inflates” the money in circulation, reducing everyone’s purchasing power. That’s what inflation actually is, expanding the money supply which, through basic supply and demand, decreases its value across the board. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
Sadly... probably a tenth of the electorate understand this.

You can thank your local communist controlled education system for that ignorance.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar

Wouldn't be the first time the US defaulted on the debt. The big one was in 1933 under democrat FDR.

Wouldn't be the first time the US defaulted on the debt. The big one was in 1933 under democrat FDR. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn

I don't remember learning about that, but i do remember the gold and silver backed currency wars of the late 1800's.

The Soviet economist Nikolaai Kondratiev long term economy theory is really good. It makes a lot of sense as it times things based on how it takes a couple generations to forget lessons of past economic mistakes. Stalin wanted him to find that the Depression in the United States in the 1930's would prove that capitalism would fail and communism superior, but he came to the opposite conclusion and Stalin killed him.
default needs to happen anyway.

just so to force spending cut backs. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
A part of me actually agrees. The other part says "are you out of your fucking mind? Be careful what you wish for!"

Sorry dilbert, I can't agree. Default means not paying interest and/or principal owed to holders of outstanding US Treasury obligations. Not a good idea. Don't ask me to elaborate.

We have to find a better way to halt the fiscal insanity. This brinkmanship truly sucks. Originally Posted by lustylad
Although some might consider it viscerally satisfying to engage in brinkmanship over the debt ceiling in order to force the issue, it would create a very ugly scene and would likely redound to the benefit of Democrats, especially since they would have virtually the entirety of the media on their side.

Still wanna play a game of chicken? Gentlemen, start your engines!

(But beware the risks!)
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Playing chicken may be the only thing that democrats react to. Remember, Schumer and Biden both came out early and said that they would not negotiate.