Buying a boat...need some tips!

so you have a plan....seems to me your mind is made up on getting the boat and you just want advice on which one to get. unfortunately i cannot help you because im more into jet boats and lake boats. your looking that the boats that stay docked in the harbor. mine gets towed to and from the body of water.

do they have boat shows in your area? we just had one in houston area (yacht show really). i would visit a boat/yacht dealer. I am sure you could find a nice Chaparral boat for mid level pricing. Now your price range has a lot to do with it but yachts and expensive boats are the first to dump in economic hard times. i have seen many on foreclosure around the 75k range.
this one is one of my favorites....
London Rayne's Avatar
so you have a plan....seems to me your mind is made up on getting the boat and you just want advice on which one to get. unfortunately i cannot help you because im more into jet boats and lake boats. your looking that the boats that stay docked in the harbor. mine gets towed to and from the body of water.

do they have boat shows in your area? we just had one in houston area (yacht show really). i would visit a boat/yacht dealer. I am sure you could find a nice Chaparral boat for mid level pricing. Now your price range has a lot to do with it but yachts and expensive boats are the first to dump in economic hard times. i have seen many on foreclosure around the 75k range.
this one is one of my favorites.... Originally Posted by windowshopper
Yes that is correct. I want pics, prices, and links to boats in my range and that are made for dinner dates. Thanks for the link btw!! WOW 75k is about what my Baja would cost. One day!!
I've seen this a million times (mostly in Three Stooges movies).....when the boat starts to fill up with water....DO NOT, I repeat DO NOT drill another hole to let the water out!!

That is the sum total of my boating knowledge...hope it helps!! Good luck!!

Hope we get the chance to make some waves some day!!
I'm so jealous!! I would love to have a boat somewhere...Happy for you though love
shorty's Avatar
May look at Deck Boats. Deck boats look like party barges but have a hull like a regular boat. They usually run about 30-50 mph and seat anywhere between 6-12 people depending on the length of boat. The later models look sophisticated and sharp looking. Only problem is your budget because your looking at a fairly older (5-8yrs) model.

If your looking at a cabin cruiser, it will be fairly older that will need some maintainace. Only good thing about the cabin cruiser would be you could offer a special package to select clients on the boat, if the weather was decent enough.
havinfuntwo's Avatar
Gonna be difficult to find a boat in that price range, other than older (way older) models.

I have a boat that I'll sell you way under market, about 150K, yes you can live on it. Tired of paying the monthly docking fees, $600 per month (you need to consider that expense too).

Happy Hunting....
havinfuntwo's Avatar
Might want to consider becoming a member of Freedom Boating Club.

I've always heard if it fly's, *ucks, or floats, it's cheaper to rent it!

After owing a plane, several boats and being married once, I have to agree with that statement!
B.O.A.T. Bust out another thousand!

The cost of boat ownership is much greater than you might think. Even a small cruiser can nickle and dime you to death. There is always something going wrong. I don't want to discourage you as boating is a passion of mine and I'm prepared for the costs and willing to pay them.

One boat I would suggest is a 1989 Searay Sundancer. This is in your price range and still a very handsome cruiser. She has a nice wide beam for the size, twin engines and a great cabin layout for your intended purpose. I had one years ago and it was a great boat. I'd never buy a cruiser without a generator.

Happy boating whatever you decide.
London Rayne's Avatar
Thanks guys! All great suggestions and hazards I had not thought of.

I don't pay docking fees at slip cost is in the price of the incall and comes out to about 90 a month since it's my own slip, not in the public Marina area. The maitenance should be covered by insurance right? I know I am going to have to go old, and I don't mind. I just want a boat so at my leisure I can go on the water and answer to no one.
London Rayne's Avatar

This is the Searay you suggested yachtmaster...very cute.
astro883's Avatar
London, I have a boat for sale, it's a 23ft center console with a single 225hp motor. PM me for details. Its in Pensacola and has a trailer.

  • Gulf2
  • 04-26-2011, 02:42 PM
Don't Originally Posted by Smokin Joe
London, listen to this man. He's a Rhodes scholar.
London Rayne's Avatar
Me not bying it is a moot point...I am buying one, just not sure when or which one. What's the point of living on the water if all you can do is look at it?
geecue's Avatar
Get a Party Bardge. They aren't that elaborate and not real fast but pretty stable. Oh and if you would like I'll be glad to be pilot the thing for ya. Originally Posted by acp5762

Agree with this, had a 24 ft poonton boat or party barge. Had alot of wild parties on this. As you stated one of the most stable boats around. Have heard of one that got flipped over when a gust of wind got under the canopy. It still floated up side down though.
London Rayne's Avatar
Hmm maybe I can get a pale pink one and call it "Princess" lol.

Lookie here....A 2011 for under 15k!! You guys may be onto something here, and they are not as dangerous as a speed boat would be.