Sexual Intelligence - What sexual repression actually looks like

Funny, I read this blog to mean that conservative people tend to turn to pornography for a sexual release rather than cheating on their spouses with an escort or civilian.......seems conservative to me, but some conservatives think it is better to hire an escort than use porn or a civilian.....either way, marital stability is maintained......conservative, very conservative..... Originally Posted by Marshall
I didn’t get that all. If your stance is anti-porn, prostitution, gay, stripclub or any other sexual practice that in your mind immoral, then you are against it. It doesn’t disinclude the sexually constricted’s own penis or vagina. It’s called hypocrisy.

people are hypocrites ;-). reminds me of feminists screwing their way up the career ladder. Its what you want to be portrayed about yourself on the outside that counts. For some at least. Originally Posted by ninasastri
This is quite an outdated concept. In modern, corporate culture even telling someone they look nice today can get you into trouble. I started out as a data entry clerk and ended my cooperate career reporting to a divisional president of a very large Fortune 100 Company and I never fucked anyone – from work anyway . I doubt there are any couch screen tests in Hollywood anymore.
Randy4Candy's Avatar
You paint with a pretty broad brush there. If all conservatives are "repressed televangelists" and "hypocrites" does that make all liberals homosexuals and tax cheats?

Statistics, take them for what they are; a sample, a best guess based on limited data.

Many conservatives aren't ashamed of liking sex and don't give a second thought to bronze age mythology. Originally Posted by Iaintliein

Hmmmm, well I get sick and tired of the righty-tighties harping on how anyone who doesn't swallow their kant hook, line and sinker being unAmerican or some other derogatory something. So, I guess that we all get a little broad brushing every now and then.