Time for mid-term electioneering predictions?

chefnerd's Avatar
So you're saying the Chung camp as opposed to the YR camp. Hmmm... makes some sense. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
No, they're referring to the totally brain-washed idiots of the Trumpanzee Camp. Which you are obviously one of.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
No, they're referring to the totally brain-washed idiots of the Trumpanzee Camp. Which you are obviously one of. Originally Posted by chefnerd
Pea shooters versus battle ships?!? Gawd how droll troll.
texassapper's Avatar
No, they're referring to the totally brain-washed idiots of the Trumpanzee Camp. Which you are obviously one of. Originally Posted by chefnerd
It's ironic you have "1984" was NOT meant as an instructional manual in your signature, but yet you toe the party line as well as any of the less intelligent proles on here. Good way to not have seen the obvious.
ICU 812's Avatar
Vice President Harris is in a fairly protected spot as a the first black woman VP. However, her inability to compose and utter two intelligable sentences in a row is deeply disturbing to Democrats.

That she will likely be less compliant and manipulable than President Biden will hamper the implementation of the progressive agenda.

Folks like AOC and he core of The Squad want their way. Harris may mnnot want to listen.

VP Harris could maneuvered into a situation where she will fail in a very dramatic and public way; something that cannot be dismissed or explained away. on an issue that really matters . . .something impeachable.

Another thought: What really happened to Vince Foster . . .and why?

VP Harris could maneuvered into a situation where she will fail in a very dramatic and public way; something that cannot be dismissed or explained away. on an issue that really matters . . .something impeachable.
Originally Posted by ICU 812
the senator pat geary setup might not work in today's world

catching her sitting on the side of a bed in a dingy cheap room, .... dazed, naked, and blood smeared,.... camera's rolling,... might only add to her appeal with dimocrats
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 05-22-2022, 10:19 AM
I suspect similar and so do others. Bringing the hillary into the mix would be the obvious warning sign. There is no way they can risk having Cum-Allah at the helm and pretty much everyone knows that. Hence, so many of her staffers bailing out in recent times. F Joe Biden is the worst case of buyers remorse known to humankind.

Anyway, this fellow has a few articles about that very thing. Not to mention some discussion on the very point of the OP -- the depths of depravity the Puppet Masters are willing to unleash on our country: Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
You're starting to sound as nutty as our resident conspiracy theorists, bambino
ICU 812's Avatar
A set up for VP Harris: Well, I am thinking more along the lines of an egregious bribery set-up. Oh Waite! They are already working on that for The Big Guy, right?

Agnew was indited for corruption that occurred before he was elected VP . . .where are the Woodward and Bernstein of the 2st Century? What skeletons does VP Harris have in her California closet?
Chung Tran's Avatar

catching her sitting on the side of a bed in a dingy cheap room, .... dazed, naked, and blood smeared,.... camera's rolling,... might only add to her appeal with dimocrats Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
That vid of Marion Barry with the crack pipe elevated him to Bad Ass Cool!
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
That vid of Marion Barry with the crack pipe elevated him to Bad Ass Cool! Originally Posted by Chung Tran

i'm sure all the ghetto thugs thought so
Chung Tran's Avatar
That vid of Marion Barry with the crack pipe elevated him to Bad Ass Cool! Originally Posted by Chung Tran
i'm sure all the ghetto thugs thought so Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Marion was bad ass years before the Crack bust...


I couldn't find a pic of Grace Shell, but she was a hot piece of chocolate!
ICU 812's Avatar
Chris Rock did a five minute bit on Marion Barry and the Million-Man March. Funny as anything, and only a black comic could do it.

Part of the coming set up for Ms Harris is how all of her competent staff are bailing. Eventually, only midget-minds and progressive moles will be feeding her speech material. Sounds like that is already happening some days with word salad such as, " . . .together, we are working to work together . . ."

Or there could be some really unfortunate health issue as often happens to Putin's critics.

I don't know anything. I've just read too many AJohn Grisham novels I guess.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
What can you tell us about Pence’s staff’s comings and goings?

How about Cheney’s?

Having a hard time? Of course you are. Nobody gave a shit bout the VP until a woman was elected. Not to mention a black woman.

The cicadas haven’t stopped chirping.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...Part of the coming set up for Ms Harris is how all of her competent staff are bailing. Eventually, only midget-minds and progressive moles will be feeding her speech material. Sounds like that is already happening some days with word salad such as, " . . .together, we are working to work together . . ."... Originally Posted by ICU 812
There is also her penchant (it's an actual disorder) for showing the exact wrong emotion at the exact wrong time.

Reporter: VP Harris, 7 people were shot in your home town last night.
Harris: Ha, ha, ha, ha. Yeah, I know. It's pretty sad. Ha, ha, ha, ha.

Not to mention, WTF do world leaders think when we send her there?!? At least with F Joe Biden they can at least think; poor, old, white, senile, male bastard is slipping - Let's invade Taiwan.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Electioneering, circa summer 2020

Curious. No?

None of this came up during the J6 hearing the other day.
Maybe they just forgot that page.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...though I had reason to believe the Supreme Court was a separate branch of government from the Chuck Schumer branch. Read that somewhere, I think.