~Ze~ - I have to hit shift, find that squigley thing, hit the other shift to type Z, then hit the first shift again to type the ending squigley thing. So much work and I'm so lazy.
GracePreston - just sounds like a normal name. If I had another daughter I was considering Gracie but that never happened so just named my dog that instead.
berkleigh - I before E except after C and obviously many other times.
LustyBustyGina38FF - has a nice rhythm to it but so much to type (and remember) 38FF? seriously???
ElisabethWhispers - I've always liked the name Elizabeth or Elisabeth, If I had another daughter....nevermind that was something else
Dorthy_Monroe - not to be confused with Dorothy. if you call her the wrong name you'll get roasted and throat punched. Usually I have to pay extra in a session to get humiliated...she will do it for free.