Your Preference?

  • pxmcc
  • 12-11-2017, 01:23 AM
I refuse to take any part in any lottery unless I can win anonymously. Otherwise, thanks but no thanks..

A free session is always good, if she's a spinner or a freak. Both is even better.. Originally Posted by pxmcc
LOL at least your honest.
Pssst you're in the wrong threAD Originally Posted by Italia DiBella
i knew the spinner part. i had no idea on the other. lol. but thank God for an almost normal thread in Coed (that "taint" tho. what my eyes cannot unsee...) I was beginning to question my sanity..
Cendell M's Avatar
We should withhold opinions until there are some taint photos posted. Originally Posted by pyramider
Well pyramider you got your taint now are you happy

and i still cant eat WHY O WHY SIR LOL......
pyramider's Avatar
This is taintish, wouldn't ya say

Attachment 719196 Originally Posted by Brooke Wilde

There is no taint in that photo so I would not say so.

Me too. I want a massage.

I am guessing Brooke isn't gonna let us pick a snowman Originally Posted by CurvyKatie
Post some taint photos and you might find a volunteer, or I could give you a taint massage.

Well pyramider you got your taint now are you happy

and i still cant eat WHY O WHY SIR LOL...... Originally Posted by Cendell M
I see no taint thus I am not satisfied.
BDnation's Avatar
im not really lucky.. at least not winning any type of lottery.. but yea im in
Brooke Wilde's Avatar
Lol .. yes my friends, that is quite the picture.

I see that it brought much enjoyment to my thread. Everyone can thank 3 sides, he started it

I refuse to take any part in any lottery unless I can win anonymously. Originally Posted by pxmcc
As for winning anonymously, while I know you wouldn't be picking any thing off my tree anytime soon, just for the record, if someone does win, it will be anonymous.

Only myself and the winner will know. I wouldn't be announcing it.

I just took a peek at the poll and it is almost 1/2 & 1/2
  • pxmcc
  • 12-12-2017, 05:23 AM
^^I'm not on ur shit list, am I? You're not a spinner Brooke, but i find your mind "sexy." actually. ur one of the smartest hooktards on the board.

i thought the lottery prize was a real lottery ticket. i learned the hard way what happens when you win "a lot" of money that people don't think you "earned." well hell, i earned it ha ha...took me a while and a lotta practice to become a good dice shooter, and my read on the dice table isn't "luck." so now i dont say shit nor play any game where your winnings are "public info," and on the dice table, i always "break even." in my mind, winning 10 grand or losing 10 grand is approximately "breaking even;" i.e., a rounding error, to Bill Gates, at least..

everyone has their hand out when you're up. when your down, everyone seems to be suddenly "busy" and "broke".. lol. so the less you say, the better. loose lips sink ships. no lottery press conferences for me, thanks..
Can any of the snowmen on the tree return a text in less than 4 hours???...haha. My back is still stiff from Saturday...
Oh come on Brooke...I was kidding. We will find a time for that massage...
Brooke Wilde's Avatar
Why thank you! And of course you are not on my shit list. I misunderstood what you were saying, I thought, you thought, that I'd make a thread announcing who the winner was that had pulled the winning snowman.

I understand what you are saying now. The lottery prize is going to be a real lottery ticket, but just a scratch off, none of that mega millions stuff.

^^I'm not on ur shit list, am I? You're not a spinner Brooke, but i find your mind "sexy." actually. ur one of the smartest hooktards on the board.

i thought the lottery prize was a real lottery ticket. i learned the hard way what happens when you win "a lot" of money that people don't think you "earned." well hell, i earned it ha ha...took me a while and a lotta practice to become a good dice shooter, and my read on the dice table isn't "luck." so now i dont say shit nor play any game where your winnings are "public info," and on the dice table, i always "break even." in my mind, winning 10 grand or losing 10 grand is approximately "breaking even;" i.e., a rounding error, to Bill Gates, at least..

everyone has their hand out when you're up. when your down, everyone seems to be suddenly "busy" and "broke".. lol. so the less you say, the better. loose lips sink ships. no lottery press conferences for me, thanks.. Originally Posted by pxmcc
Can any of the snowmen on the tree return a text in less than 4 hours???...haha. My back is still stiff from Saturday... Originally Posted by rustyshackleford112.7
Oh come on Brooke...I was kidding. We will find a time for that massage... Originally Posted by rustyshackleford112.7
Lol ... the only snowmen that return texts right away are unemployed snowmen ... and no body wants to hang out with them
pyramider's Avatar
Posting taint photos is another creative idea.
midnite312004's Avatar
Damn just damn. I won't be abe to eat for a few.
JohnnyYanks's Avatar
So which sounds more appealing? Originally Posted by Brooke Wilde
Winning a lottery SOUNDS more appealing.

However, as for pure value of the tickets you're contemplating offering:

* a ticket with a 1-10 chance of winning $200.00 is worth $20.00;
* a lottery ticket is worth what one can buy it for: $1.00

$20.00 > $1.00

Opting for the snowmen seems a clear no-brainer to me.
Brooke Wilde's Avatar
Thanks again for all the input and suggestions. I went ahead with the snowmen.

I put 8 of them out with 1 of the 8 having a mark on the back of it.

If you pick that 1 ... you win the free 1 hour appointment.

To keep things fair, I'll keep all 8 of the snowmen out all week. That way if you come on the first day of this offer, or the last day of this offer, everyone's odds are still the same.
