Makeup is your friend girls.

Frank Zappatista's Avatar
Doctor Shopping. Trafficking, Oxycontin.

I saw that too. I forget what she's been charged with. I'll suggest the 18 years (of I'm guessing some hard living) has a lot to do with it. Originally Posted by atlcomedy
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
Yeah, she was arrested near where I live.
a before and after of her pud
Rudyard K's Avatar
I went to bed with the former Originally Posted by WTF
Photos and Kleenex don't count WTF.
Iaintliein's Avatar
It's good to be a man. The Bard said it best.

". But, in faith,
Kate, the elder I wax, the better I shall appear:
my comfort is, that old age, that ill layer up of
beauty, can do no more, spoil upon my face: thou
hast me, if thou hast me, at the worst; and thou
shalt wear me, if thou wear me, better and better:"
