"Never forget"

HedonistForever's Avatar
I should apologize. I got distracted and got off topic. I think the original topic was about Biden espousing teaching Islam as opposed to teaching ABOUT Islam, so could we please discuss that. Originally Posted by reddog1951

While it would be completely wrong to teach Islam, it is just as wrong to teach about Islam. So either way, what Biden said was not defensible but I take your point that there is a difference.

From what I gather, Biden said

"I wish we taught more in our schools about the Islamic faith."
Biden said he wished schools taught not only the Islamic faith but "all the great confessional faiths."

Neither man is immune from criticism in this matter. This is what kept me away from Republican politics for decades. I don't want either party discussing it, there are more important things to talk about, much more important.
Thanks for your reply Hedonist (I can identify by the way), but I must point out that your statement is opinion, not fact, and we are all entitled to our own opinion. I'm not sure how one teaches history or political science to students (high school, college, whatever) about the crusades, middle east conflict, even ancient Egyyptian, Roman or Greek culture without touching on the influence of religion on the culture. Not sure what you're afraid of but I think his statement IS defensible on the grounds of better understanding of history and other cultures. Again, I'm not religious, but not opposed to better understanding the other guy's view either.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Count me in as one who thinks they should be sworn in on the constitution, not the bible.

I guess they're too busy trashing the constitution to bother swearing on it anyway.

As far as religion goes, honor the separation of church and state and leave it out of the public schools. If you want your kid to learn a religion send them to a catholic school or a lutheran school or such....leave the public schools alone so the students can learn practical issues like math and reading and writing so they have some life skills instead of praying to some unresponsive god when shit goes bad.

No need for the "In god we trust" dogshit motto on the currency either. Clearly another violation of the separation of church and state. Freedom of religion also means freedom from religion. Originally Posted by sexykarma
Maybe times have changed since I was in public school. I don't remember classes in Christianity in public schools. We should not teach "about" any religion in public schools, period. The only teaching in schools "about" religion should be in Universities as elective courses on Comparative Religion which as an Agnostic, I find interesting. Originally Posted by HedonistForever
Religion used to be taught in public schools prior to the supreme court ruling in the 1950's that it can't be taught.
rexdutchman's Avatar
DPST's are not well enough educated - nor have the attention span Thinking is hard
Religion used to be taught in public schools prior to the supreme court ruling in the 1950's that it can't be taught. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
Back to the time when racism had a stronger hold in society and also, ironically and hypocritically when all this religious teaching was going on along with the "love thy neighbor" bullshit.....but make the blacks sit in the back of the bus and drink from different water fountains....then go to church for an hour to feel a little guilty just to come out and be as racist as you were going in.

That's the nice thing about religion....you get to choose what parts of it to follow and what to ignore as it fits with whatever opinions and whatever mindset you have. Super convenient to customize religion to fit your own agenda.
Before I forget, reminds me of a person who was really religious, that person wouldn't go through a supermarket checkout with a black cashier working it, yet wouldn't miss a Sunday in church. The Christian Racist, basically.

So, the only two real conclusions were that either that person wasn't serious about religion or that person's religion wasn't worth getting serious about.
Maybe times have changed since I was in public school. I don't remember classes in Christianity in public schools. We should not teach "about" any religion in public schools, period. The only teaching in schools "about" religion should be in Universities as elective courses on Comparative Religion which as an Agnostic, I find interesting. Originally Posted by HedonistForever
When I was in public school, no religion was taught. However, we did say "under God" during the pledge. Catholic school was another story.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...If you want your kid to learn a religion send them to a catholic school or a lutheran school or such... Originally Posted by sexykarma
Excellent, so long as the funding dollars follow the kid. That's a great idea. Let's just Do It.

...No need for the "In god we trust" dogshit motto on the currency either. Clearly another violation of the separation of church and state. Freedom of religion also means freedom from religion. Originally Posted by sexykarma
Nope. This is a Christian nation. The founders just didn't think you should kill someone over being a member of different church. Freedom of and from are different things altogether (that's why the are spelled differently). They did not want religion to be owned and managed by the State, like it was in England for example. You must have gone to a public school and didn't learnt much.
Hello Yes_I _Do. Can you please show where the constitution says this is a Christian nation? I'm athiest, so don't care much, but do like to know the facts.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
Hello Yes_I _Do. Can you please show where the constitution says this is a Christian nation? I'm athiest, so don't care much, but do like to know the facts. Originally Posted by reddog1951

That was another opinion. So-called Conservative Republicans don't know the difference between facts and opinions.
  • oeb11
  • 08-17-2020, 08:36 PM
That was another opinion. So-called Conservative Republicans don't know the difference between facts and opinions. Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
Thank You - 9500- as DPST's cannot speak truth and Facts - only XiNN Lies and Racist plantation politics. Biden has stiffed both OBLM and Hispanics for an east Indian - those racial politics - and a former prosecutor who put away thousands of blacks - aint gonna go over well Nov. 3!!!!
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Hello Yes_I _Do. Can you please show where the constitution says this is a Christian nation? I'm athiest, so don't care much, but do like to know the facts. Originally Posted by reddog1951
I agree. This is a nation where freedom of religion exists and the majority of the people are Christian. But to call the U.S. a Christian nation would be incorrect in my opinion.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Hello Yes_I _Do. Can you please show where the constitution says this is a Christian nation? I'm athiest, so don't care much, but do like to know the facts. Originally Posted by reddog1951

It's in the Declaration of Independence
...We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by...You know... That thing...
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Check out the movie: Monumental, by Curt Cameron

Not just Christian, devout and hard core Christians.
As the story goes, they were escaping serious persecution for their beliefs that were in violation of the State from whence they fled.

I agree. This is a nation where freedom of religion exists and the majority of the people are Christian. But to call the U.S. a Christian nation would be incorrect in my opinion. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
So I went back and read the Declaration of Independence and here is the actual sentence quoted by Why_Yes_I_Do:

" We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."

It does not say God, nor does it say Christian. Our wise founders used the word "Creator" (as well as "Nature's God" in another sentence). Leaves a lot of wriggle room for a number of beliefs. Another example of misleading info from incomplete quotes, or quotes taken out of context. Again, my remarks are not based on religion, but are aimed at denoting mis-information.