Goodbye, Joe

Allen Woody's Avatar
Bullshit. JoePa shouldn't have been fired. It's already coming out that Penn St.'s board knew about this well in advance of any Grand Jury proceedings. Years ago. Before any of you fill up this thread with ziggabytes of self proselytizing morality tell me who of you KNOW for certain what you would have done? Who is so without sin posting on a hooker board no less, that you can cast the first stone? Not me and i'm not going to pretend like it. JoePa should have been allowed to coach out this season. The team deserved that much. Next bunch Penn State's board should fire is themselves for being pompous hippocrits. They hung JoePa out to save their own asses. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Posting on a hooker board to mock someone for posting on a hooker board. Keep chasing your tail, you'll grab it yet!
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
+1 LOL!
Allen Woody's Avatar
Joe's been there for 60 years. He put Penn State on the map. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
So the fuck is a game. Rape ruins a human life.

The point of the post is that Joe deserved to be fired, there was no way to continue respecting the program with him at the helm.
Rape ruins a human life.
Originally Posted by Allen Woody

So does abortion.....hypocrisy......I figure liberals have no problem ruining human life or this form of exposing the youth to the gay lifestyle......
Allen Woody's Avatar
So does abortion.....hypocrisy......I figure liberals have no problem ruining human life or this form of exposing the youth to the gay lifestyle...... Originally Posted by Marshall
Still sore about me pointing out the problems with your advocacy of nuclear holocaust?

Your unfounded, wild ass guesses about my beliefs, stated as if they were fact, only confirm that you reason based on your emotion, not logic.

So now you've defended using WMDs on civilians and men who only casually act against child rape in their workplace. The board eagerly awaits learning about your other favorite things.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Still sore about me pointing out the problems with your advocacy of nuclear holocaust?

Your unfounded, wild ass guesses about my beliefs, stated as if they were fact, only confirm that you reason based on your emotion, not logic.

So now you've defended using WMDs on civilians and men who only casually act against child rape in their workplace. The board eagerly awaits learning about your other favorite things. Originally Posted by Allen Woody
You quit the other thread to come over here to continue to post your erroneous opinions?
Allen Woody's Avatar
You quit the other thread to come over here to continue to post your erroneous opinions? Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Once Marshall starting telling me what Jesus had told him about the Japs deserving to get nuked, the gig was up.

Also, find a dictionary and look up the word opinion. Read it three times so you give yourself a good chance to understand what the word means. Thank me later!
I B Hankering's Avatar
Once Marshall starting telling me what Jesus had told him about the Japs deserving to get nuked, the gig was up.

Also, find a dictionary and look up the word opinion. Read it three times so you give yourself a good chance to understand what the word means. Thank me later! Originally Posted by Allen Woody
Nothing you posted was based on fact - hence it was your "opinion."
Allen Woody's Avatar
Nothing you posted was based on fact - hence it was your "opinion." Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Last chance to get on the brain train I B: Opinions are inherently subjective.

My opinion can be that Tim Tebow is a smart guy. You can opine that he is a fool. Our opinions are different and opposed yet neither are "erroneous".
Still sore about me pointing out the problems with your advocacy of nuclear holocaust?

Your unfounded, wild ass guesses about my beliefs, stated as if they were fact, only confirm that you reason based on your emotion, not logic.

So now you've defended using WMDs on civilians and men who only casually act against child rape in their workplace. The board eagerly awaits learning about your other favorite things. Originally Posted by Allen Woody
nuclear holocaust? Where did that happen?

In regard to the dropping of the nuclear bomb, I merely pointed out that your conclusions had no facts behind them, only feelings......the "soreness" is not mine.....HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA!

my guesses are unfounded, wild ass guesses about your beliefs? Regarding the guy who dislikes fundamentalist Christians, thinks dropping the bomb was immoral and has Woody Allen avatar and handle?

Well, if you oppose abortion, then say you oppose abortion.....if you're not ashamed to say you support killing unborn human life, say so....otherwise, your silence on the subject will be interpretted as meaning you support abortion, but are too cowardly to admit it......

Well, if you oppose gay marriage/military/lifestyle, then say you oppose gay marriage/military/lifestyle.....if you're not ashamed to say you support gay marriage/military/lifestyle, say so....otherwise, your silence on the subject will be interpretted as meaning you support gay marriage/military/lifestyle, but are too cowardly to admit it......

let's see if I am right or thing we do know is that your prior post didn't say I was wrong........maybe I know liberals like the back of my hand......HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA!

I B Hankering's Avatar
Last chance to get on the brain train I B: Opinions are inherently subjective.

My opinion can be that Tim Tebow is a smart guy. You can opine that he is a fool. Our opinions are different and opposed yet neither are "erroneous". Originally Posted by Allen Woody
What you posted was factually wrong - you missed the brain train.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 11-10-2011, 12:47 PM
Ya'll are acting like it was Joe who's the child molester.

So he went to his boss instead of the police. I'm sure he thought that was what he was supposed to do. He went through the chain of command like a soldier.

OK then fire him for that mistake ....but don't pile on to him like he was the one who is the pervert.

Joe's been there for 60 years. He put Penn State on the map. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
Our opinions are different and opposed yet neither are "erroneous". Originally Posted by Allen Woody

I can also add, liberals don't believe in objective truth either.......
Allen Woody's Avatar
250k directly died as a result of H & N nukes. That's a holocaust.

I vote for the least of the evils presented on the ballot as best I can reckon, and that has included GOP and Dems and Libertarians and Greens. What do you do?

Communism? A fairy tale. So you were wrong on that. Hate America? I think you do - you equate my criticism with treason. That's a very backwards attitude. I love my country, that's why I want to see it learn from its mistakes.

I'm wary of all religious extremism. Does selectively embracing religious extremism make you conservative?

What's conservative about flushing away American life and treasure on a fool's errand in an Arab desert? Good luck explaining that one.

What's liberal about not exempting people from military duty based on who they fuck in their private life? I'm waiting....

Labels are a crutch to keep you from having to think for yourself, try letting go of them.

nuclear holocaust? Where did that happen?

In regard to the dropping of the nuclear bomb, I merely pointed out that your conclusions had no facts behind them, only feelings......the "soreness" is not mine.....HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA!

my guesses are unfounded, wild ass guesses about your beliefs? Regarding the guy who dislikes fundamentalist Christians, thinks dropping the bomb was immoral and has Woody Allen avatar and handle?

Well, if you oppose abortion, then say you oppose abortion.....if you're not ashamed to say you support killing unborn human life, say so....otherwise, your silence on the subject will be interpretted as meaning you support abortion, but are too cowardly to admit it......

Well, if you oppose gay marriage/military/lifestyle, then say you oppose gay marriage/military/lifestyle.....if you're not ashamed to say you support gay marriage/military/lifestyle, say so....otherwise, your silence on the subject will be interpretted as meaning you support gay marriage/military/lifestyle, but are too cowardly to admit it......

let's see if I am right or thing we do know is that your prior post didn't say I was wrong........maybe I know liberals like the back of my hand......HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA!

Originally Posted by Marshall
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I enjoy football as much as anyone, but I am repulsed with how some people idolize athletic heroes. Joe Paterno was a coach. Not a scientist, didn't find a cure for cancer, was simply a coach. He failed to report a crime to the proper authorities. Rather than piss off the alumni, some of whom may have been getting kids from Sandusky to play with, he helped cover up a crime. What if someone had been killed in the locker room? Would reporting to the AD been sufficient? No. Paterno is scum, he knew about this for years, and chose to say nothing. I hope they yank his pension, and I hope he is prosecuted. Along with all the rest who covered this up so as not to bring a cloud on our hallowed Penn State football program. Oh, and I hope the kids involved sue him for everything he has. Even if he is the sainted head coach of a football team, this activity cannot be tolerated.