Democracy is dead. Long live the corporate state.

Walker won because his reforms showed they worked. Obama will lose because the past 3 years have showed us that Obama's policies haven't worked.
Those who are now cheering this corporate victory against the ordinary citizen will come to regret these events. Originally Posted by Ken Dahl
This is a victory for fiscal sanity, not corporatism.

A large and growing number of voters realize that defined-benefit pension plans and other lavish benefits packages, as presently structured in many states, cities, and school districts, are simply not affordable.

Liberal icon FDR, although a champion of private sector unions, realized at least as early as 75 years ago that it was a bad idea to allow the existence of public sector unions.
Hypocracy alert:

The public/private sector unions love corporate America.

Does the average union credit card holder understand that their union credit card bags their union $28,163,266.00 million a year for a card that a leading credit card comparison site recommends should be avoided?

The OPs notion of corporate America vs. unions is so 1930s. The unions aren't at war with corporate America, they are at war against middle class taxpayers !
dearhunter's Avatar
You are welcome
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Democracy is dead???? This from the group that wants to do away with secret ballot elections and not safe guard our public elections. Can you even spell d-e-m-o-c-r-a-c-y?
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Hey i just noticed the "Ken Dahl" is just like the real "Ken Doll", no balls.
Soros outspends Koch by three and fourfold.
You need to pay attention. You also need to read the Constitution. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

You are a fucking moron who cannot even find any credible source that would venture the STUPID IDEA that Soros outspends the Cock Brothers at all, let alone three or four fold.

Posting crap like that PROVES you have to be DUMBEST poster on this board!

Cite a verifiable source, LIAR!
Walker won because his reforms showed they worked. Obama will lose because the past 3 years have showed us that Obama's policies haven't worked. Originally Posted by Whirlaway

OOPS! The Teapublican Senate candidate LOST and will have to have the Cock Brothers pay for a recount.

What was it you were saying about a mandate? LMAO!

Plus the Walker criminal investigation isn't over yet either, losers!

Whirly, are you smoking those Depends you wear again? Just because they wind up GREEN after a few hours doesn't mean they're safe for you morons to smoke.
Anybody else enjoying the taste of Li'l Stevie's and Ed Schultz's tears?

Taste like fried chicken.

joe bloe's Avatar
Anybody else enjoying the taste of Li'l Stevie's and Ed Schultz's tears?

Taste like fried chicken.

LMFAO! Originally Posted by gnadfly


   /ˈʃɑdnˌfrɔɪdə/ Show Spelled[shahd-n-froi-duh] Show IPA
noun satisfaction or pleasure felt at someone else's misfortune.
You MORONS must still be looking for the site where it showed COF that Soros spent four-fold what the Cock Brothers did. What losers.
Steven does it hurt when Madcow plows your ass?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Stevie, you refuse to believe the truth about Obama or the left. Why should anyone bother? Everyone knows that the Democrats are owned by Soros and his ilk. Your input doesn't matter to him, only the money guys count. So get off your high horse, before you're bucked off on your ass.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Lil stevie is still upset that he cant find his daddy. It is no wonder all he can do is name call and tell people they should do his research for him.
Kochfacts Dot Com? LMAO! That's like BP's version of the cleanup of the Gulf and Exxon-Mobil's great work at Prince William Sound!

You're not off the hook, COF! It is yet another lie and remains unsubstantiated by any credible source. I'm waiting...and I even gave you the voter suppression research I did when you asked. You are all hat and no cattle.