
WTF's Avatar
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  • 11-23-2018, 01:27 PM

I am not wrong, because I know FDR also wanted to fire all of the justices in the Supreme Court when he was in office; so, that puts Trump in good company. FDR didn't get his judicial bill, but the Supreme Court finally bent to his will.
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
You in fact were/are wrong and I know that to be factual because it was your interpretation of what I said!

I know wtf I said and it was not wtf you projected I said.

FDR in fact did threaten the judicial system much like Trump is. We shall see if they bow down to him like they did FDR.

But none of that changes the fact that you were wrong in your interpretation of my prior post.
I B Hankering's Avatar
You in fact were/are wrong and I know that to be factual because it was your interpretation of what I said!

I know wtf I said and it was not wtf you projected I said.

FDR in fact did threaten the judicial system much like Trump is. We shall see if they bow down to him like they did FDR.

But none of that changes the fact that you were wrong in your interpretation of my prior post.
Originally Posted by WTF
You admitted that Trump was not bucking the court's decision and pardoned Accost-her in accordance with the court's directive. So, no, pointing that out wasn't misrepresenting what you posted, but Trump's actions do refute the lib-retard talking-heads in the lame-stream media who are attempting to paint Trump as a renegade destroyer of judicial independence.
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  • WTF
  • 11-23-2018, 01:44 PM
You admitted that Trump was not bucking the court's decision and pardoned Accost-her in accordance with the courts directive. . Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Yet another lie IB.

You are convoluting two different items as one.

The turkeys Trump actually pardoned were in fact turkeys. Peas and Carrots.

Trump did not challenge the Acosta ruling because they had no chance of winning. They changed course.

Next Trump is challenging the judicial system with this crying about the 9th. Should get that boy a roll of toilet paper as much as he cries.

You may try and tell other posters what they said but not this one.

May I suggest you start another thread and stop derailing your own tjread if you want another "IB loves Trump this much" thread.
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  • WTF
  • 11-23-2018, 03:22 PM
- Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
That is funnt Ellen...hopefully if say a Democrat President yanks Fox News broadcast license, you'll be just a glib.
themystic's Avatar
- Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
Looks like Donald Putin doesn't have as much power as he thought he did. Its just business
I B Hankering's Avatar
Yet another lie IB.

You are convoluting two different items as one.

The turkeys Trump actually pardoned were in fact turkeys. Peas and Carrots.

Trump did not challenge the Acosta ruling because they had no chance of winning. They changed course.

Next Trump is challenging the judicial system with this crying about the 9th. Should get that boy a roll of toilet paper as much as he cries.

You may try and tell other posters what they said but not this one.

May I suggest you start another thread and stop derailing your own tjread if you want another "IB loves Trump this much" thread.
Originally Posted by WTF
Trump didn't buck the court directive, you admitted that; thus, you've confirmed that it is clearly obvious that Trump isn't seeking to undermine the independent status of the judiciary as the talking-heads in the lame-stream media fallaciously shout.

Furthermore, I wasn't the one who hijacked this thread, as it's clearly obvious that it was you who completely failed to address the OP and interjected Trump and turkeys at post #3. It's my stated opinion that Accost-her is one of turkeys that Trump pardoned, even if he did it grudgingly. I didn't make the video, but it's clearly apparent in the video and the number of times it's been shared that others feel the same about equating Accost-her to a dumb, preening bird.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 11-23-2018, 04:22 PM
Trump didn't buck the court directive, you admitted that; thus, you've confirmed that it is clearly obvious that Trump isn't seeking to undermine the independent status of the judiciary as the talking-heads in the lame-stream media fallaciously shout.

[/COLOR][/SIZE] Originally Posted by I B Hankering
You are having a hard time understanding that that there were more than one court decision.

He clearly is trying to undermine the 9th Circut.

He clearly did not try and object to the ABC reporter winning his round in court.

Justice Rodgers clearly agrees with me because he countered Trumps attempt to undermine the Judicial system via tweet, something rarely done.

Wave the white flag IB....or maybe you haven't brushed up on current events.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 11-23-2018, 04:27 PM

Furthermore, I wasn't the one who hijacked this thread, as it's clearly obvious that it was you who completely failed to address the OP and interjected Trump and turkeys at post #3. It's my stated opinion that Accost-her is one of turkeys that Trump pardoned, even if he did it grudgingly. I didn't make the video, but it's clearly apparent in the video and the number of times it's been shared that others feel the same about equating Accost-her to a dumb, preening bird.
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
You can state your opinion that a turd is a Baby Ruth....don't mean I'm gonna bite.

The reporter was not pardoned.

My post #3 wished RM a glorious holiday. Quite on point seeing how yesterday was Thanksgiving.
I B Hankering's Avatar
You are having a hard time understanding that that there were more than one court decision.

He clearly is trying to undermine the 9th Circut.

He clearly did not try and object to the ABC reporter winning his round in court.

Justice Rodgers clearly agrees with me because he countered Trumps attempt to undermine the Judicial system via tweet, something rarely done.

Wave the white flag IB....or maybe you haven't brushed up on current events.
Originally Posted by WTF
Andrew Jackson told the Justice Marshall to take his decision and go fuck himself; so, in light of precedent set by a dim-retard president, Trump did indeed pardon the turkey known as Accost-her; thus, making it abundantly clear that Trump is not aiming to suborn the independence of the judiciary.

You can state your opinion that a turd is a Baby Ruth....don't mean I'm gonna bite.

The reporter was not pardoned.

My post #3 wished RM a glorious holiday. Quite on point seeing how yesterday was Thanksgiving.
Originally Posted by WTF
There was nothing in the OP about Thanksgiving, turkeys or Trump, but you went there. Accost-her's pardon was only a temporary reprieve. He'll soon find himself properly processed and banned -- that turkey can't help himself
Surprise!! I don't watch Fox news. That's a cable show and I only stream internet.

That is funnt Ellen...hopefully if say a Democrat President yanks Fox News broadcast license, you'll be just a glib. Originally Posted by WTF
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Surprise!! I don't watch Fox news. That's a cable network and I only stream internet. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen