Trump raises 24.8 MIL in first 24hrs of reelection campaign.

Nobody, and I mean nobody,does it better then Trump!


That's a lot of money in just one day. While the Democraps are puffing out their chest and stomping their feet and constantly chanting Impeach Trump. Trump is giving them a big "Fuck You" I have 24 million that says you can't and you won't, lol. Originally Posted by Levianon17
I still have no idea what you are talking about. Speak in English and explain yourself and I'll try to respond. Tell me what holds I've dug for myself. I personally do not support reparations and impeachment. You tend to forget the issues that are important to voters -- health care, immigration, and the economy. Other issues tend to fall by the wayside. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
I guess you don't follow your Democraps in Congress, just what are they in the process of doing...things you don't support, but you tout them like a cheerleader at a pep rally.

The economy is the best in has been in how many years SPEED...

Immigration is nothing but a HUGE Democrap voter block of people with their hands out for handouts!!

Healthcare (UNaca) is another HUGE subsidy for people with their hands out...I guess you are OK with that.
The issues that matter to the majority of hard working tax payers...MORE HANDOUTS...Yeah right SPEED.

You also tout the BIG win by your saintly DEMS in 2018...most all Democrap Governors run average or below average states...the biggest FAILURES are Commiefornia and New Vork.

Your great hope Bitten is going to raise taxes, end poverty and cure couldn't ask for a bigger NUT...and he is your front runner, but the least radical in the peanut gallery. Your field of hopefuls need a lot of hope and your support...because this field is going to "fall by the wayside".

This post of yours is a prime example of your hole digging...STOP DIGGING!!
bambino's Avatar
I guess you don't follow your Democraps in Congress, just what are they in the process of doing...things you don't support, but you tout them like a cheerleader at a pep rally.

The economy is the best in has been in how many years SPEED...

Immigration is nothing but a HUGE Democrap voter block of people with their hands out for handouts!!

Healthcare (UNaca) is another HUGE subsidy for people with their hands out...I guess you are OK with that.
The issues that matter to the majority of hard working tax payers...MORE HANDOUTS...Yeah right SPEED.

You also tout the BIG win by your saintly DEMS in 2018...most all Democrap Governors run average or below average states...the biggest FAILURES are Commiefornia and New Vork.

Your great hope Bitten is going to raise taxes, end poverty and cure couldn't ask for a bigger NUT...and he is your front runner, but the least radical in the peanut gallery. Your field of hopefuls need a lot of hope and your support...because this field is going to "fall by the wayside".

This post of yours is a prime example of your hole digging...STOP DIGGING!! Originally Posted by bb1961
He’s been digging so long he’s almost to China.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
He’s been digging so long he’s almost to China. Originally Posted by bambino
You. as usual, are wrong. But thanks anyway.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
I guess you don't follow your Democraps in Congress, just what are they in the process of doing...things you don't support, but you tout them like a cheerleader at a pep rally.

The economy is the best in has been in how many years SPEED...

Immigration is nothing but a HUGE Democrap voter block of people with their hands out for handouts!!

Healthcare (UNaca) is another HUGE subsidy for people with their hands out...I guess you are OK with that.
The issues that matter to the majority of hard working tax payers...MORE HANDOUTS...Yeah right SPEED.

You also tout the BIG win by your saintly DEMS in 2018...most all Democrap Governors run average or below average states...the biggest FAILURES are Commiefornia and New Vork.

Your great hope Bitten is going to raise taxes, end poverty and cure couldn't ask for a bigger NUT...and he is your front runner, but the least radical in the peanut gallery. Your field of hopefuls need a lot of hope and your support...because this field is going to "fall by the wayside".

This post of yours is a prime example of your hole digging...STOP DIGGING!! Originally Posted by bb1961
The next time you add something of value to this board will be the first. You hate Democrats. I got it. Democrats have never done anything positive. I got it. All people left of center are socialists and Communists. I got it. Trump can do no wrong. I got it. End of discussion. Got it???
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
At the same point in time, the polls had Mondale ahead of Reagan, Bush 41 ahead of Clinton, Dole ahead of Clinton. And Trump was at 1%. Originally Posted by bambino
You obviously did not read my post on current polls, or you just ignored what I said.

Polls give the viewpoint of respondents at a specific point in time. Any poll taken today could change if taken again tomorrow. A poll taken 16+ months prior to the election is mostly meaningless but, as I said, Trump and his campaign are very aware of the polls showing him losing in important battleground states. Five or so states will determine the 2020 election in all likelihood. I expect Republican focus on those states to be intensified in the near future, if not already being done, based solely on the polls.

Agree or disagree?
bambino's Avatar
You obviously did not read my post on current polls, or you just ignored what I said.

Polls give the viewpoint of respondents at a specific point in time. Any poll taken today could change if taken again tomorrow. A poll taken 16+ months prior to the election is mostly meaningless but, as I said, Trump and his campaign are very aware of the polls showing him losing in important battleground states. Five or so states will determine the 2020 election in all likelihood. I expect Republican focus on those states to be intensified in the near future, if not already being done, based solely on the polls.

Agree or disagree? Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
I think some polls are flawed. I think some polls try to shape public opinion.
The next time you add something of value to this board will be the first. You hate Democrats. I got it. Democrats have never done anything positive. I got it. All people left of center are socialists and Communists. I got it. Trump can do no wrong. I got it. End of discussion. Got it??? Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Thank you valued poster...
No you don't get it....that's just it!!
I debunked everything you said than you obfuscated.
Why no point counterpoint?
I shoot it down then you resort to your lame ass attempt at belittling someone you have no cogent response to and or no ability to add value to the discussion.

You're dam right Democraps have never done anything positive...please provide solid links to help solidify your narrative...if possible.

Every time you post about things in regards to your beloved DEMS that you have no proof with regards to verifiable evidence.I post links to the contrary with the PROOF of your lack of knowledge and you're so predictable.

You make a shitload of assumptions, again with nothing to back them up.Nothing new from you and your ability to lash out at people that call you out on your unsubstantiated nonsense.

I replied point for point with links on every nonsensical statement you made and you attack with "you post nothing of value" rather than debunk those links...classic of you and those with no concrete can't handle the truth!!
You say "I don't hate Trump" but ALL you do is trash him on everything...GOTCHA!!
Why don't you shed light on where I'm wrong on your unsubstantiated claims...I did yours.
The hole you dug is so deep you cant see the light of truth
You obviously did not read my post on current polls, or you just ignored what I said.

Polls give the viewpoint of respondents at a specific point in time. Any poll taken today could change if taken again tomorrow. A poll taken 16+ months prior to the election is mostly meaningless but, as I said, Trump and his campaign are very aware of the polls showing him losing in important battleground states. Five or so states will determine the 2020 election in all likelihood. I expect Republican focus on those states to be intensified in the near future, if not already being done, based solely on the polls.
Agree or disagree? Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
You're the ONE that consistently discuss polls for many months now...manly about those from the SWING states that you pray will defeat the EVIL Trump!!
Say it ain't so SPEED and that I post nothing of value...because YOU DON"T AGREE WITH ME!!
Funny thing SPEED...I have never said you never post anything of value even though I disagree with almost EVERY you post...
"Agree or Disagree"?

P.S. I love when a generic candidate beats a know candidate.
What is the question they ask?...ABT...YESS.
ABT will be the swing vote for the first time in American presidential politics...Nothing else matters...fuck the policies it's the person.
There should be no need for the long standing Presidential debates...I'm not Trump vote for me there's no debating that.
Wouldn't the debates just be a waste of time...I don't care about your polices...I HATE YOU!!
This my friends is a person with a very questionable intellect.
It's Trumps job now to get the people who hate him to take another look...if not
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
I think some polls are flawed. I think some polls try to shape public opinion. Originally Posted by bambino
I most definitely agree. Polls can manipulate respondents into a specific answer. Very rarely done by reputable polling companies such as Gallup, Fox News, and Quinnipiac.

But you did not answer my question as to whether or not you agree that Trump and his campaign team are very aware of the polls showing him behind in key battleground states and are reacting to them. And around 5 states will determine the outcome of the election.
  • oeb11
  • 06-21-2019, 08:31 AM
Bambino has a valid point, IMHO!