GOP goes all-in and CAVES! America WINS! The shutdown is over.

The only party that lost today was the tea party, the dem's and rino's got exactly what they wanted. But America gets to do it all again in a couple of months.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 10-16-2013, 04:56 PM
Yeah they wouldn't want to get into a budget negotiation

Hey, it was the best I could come with on short notice!
I figured the first comment would be on the 2012 on the shirts. Like it makes a difference.

As long as the Dems get a "win", thats what's important. WhoopWhoop! Originally Posted by Chica Chaser

Republicans constantly bitch about Dems not passing a budget .. The Dems ass a budget and the republiturds refuse to sit down and talk about passing a budget

gee, aint that speshul
It was a punt by cowards. Game is not over, until it's over....but we are at the 2 minute warning in the 4th.
No you are shit out of luck till the next election.
skirtchaser79411's Avatar
Voters should vote against any incumbent.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 10-16-2013, 09:43 PM
Voters should vote against any incumbent. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
term limits ... fuck the lifers
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Nobody won, and nobody lost. Nothing has changed. There is nothing that is going to happen that wasn't going to happen before this charade. It's theater. They are "manufactured crises". Google that term, and see what you get.

You want this to stop? Don't vote for Democrats or Republicans.
  • Laz
  • 10-16-2013, 10:37 PM
The republicans caved. If they don't do something the primaries will get ugly. Cornyn (sp?) is already worried. He has already started running ads for his reelection. I will be surprised if he does not face a primary challenge.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
term limits ... fuck the lifers Originally Posted by CJ7
I'm down with term limits for sure. The Congressional furniture is why the GOP turned into shit.

The Tea Party is why the country is turning into shit.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Yeah they wouldn't want to get into a budget negotiation

Hey, it was the best I could come with on short notice!
I figured the first comment would be on the 2012 on the shirts. Like it makes a difference.

As long as the Dems get a "win", thats what's important. WhoopWhoop! Originally Posted by Chica Chaser
No, what's important is you merging those fucking threads from the Rock!

Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 10-16-2013, 10:42 PM
Nobody won, and nobody lost. Nothing has changed. There is nothing that is going to happen that wasn't going to happen before this charade. It's theater. They are "manufactured crises". Google that term, and see what you get.

You want this to stop? Don't vote for Democrats or Republicans. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
I disagree that no one lost. The country lost for several reasons.

--The whole premise of a representative government, i.e. compromise and finding common ground, FAILED. Both sides saw this as a blood sport with only winners and losers, and neither side really cared about what is best for the country. The Dems now will have even more feeling that they have a divine mandate, and the Reps will look for their chance at revenge. Hatfields and McCoys go to Washington.

--The RWW Reps didn't even rally around the proper issue! They are so fixated on the insult to their manhood of Obama as a person that all they can keep their pea-brains focused on is Obamacare and making him look bad. If the had fought as hard for cutting spending in other areas they may actually have achieved something positive, and they wouldn't have reinforced their image with the majority of voters as a bunch of morons completely in the pockets of big health care (which they undoubtedly are).

--The Reps are now in a full fledged civil war, which is likely to result in there being NO rational counterbalance to the LWWs.

--They didn't really solve anything, they just deferred it--so the stability the economy desperately needs is still nowhere to be found.

--Somehow the RWW faction seems to think that putting Ted Cruz on every airwave they have tonight is a GOOD thing. The guy has come across as a spoiled, pouting sore loser who refuses to understand that he and his zombie-kin spent months doing nothing positive--they made no serious alternative to Obamacare or the budget. Their ENTIRE message was, "Go back to the way it was!" There are 10s of millions who did not have a viable situation "the way it was", but Teddy & Co. don't even pretend to offer them an option. Come on RWWs, give us a charismatic leader (not someone with the charm and warmth of Papa Joe Stalin) with a message of how to FIX the healthcare system, not just preserve it for the "haves". But no, not from this crowd. No alternative to a bad Obamacare reality--they are too happy to just gripe and complain. That is the RWW approach to leadership?

I asked it before and will ask it again: where are the REAL conservatives, not this sick TP idiots who have co-opted the name conservative.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
There are not "two sides". The major parties are on the same side. These skirmishes they present to us are simply theater. Nothing changes. We continue in the same direction.

Don't fall for the lie.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I'm sure that others have already responded that the slimdown is postponed till January. It is not over. And American is not saved by more spending or Obamacare. No one is signing up when they can get through. Face it, Obama lied big time and according to Hillary lying to the American people is an impeachable offense.
Dumbest statement in this thread.

The only one going down is the American citizen..and our Constitution....more debt will destroy the next generation..and obsmas economy will mean continued misery......Tea Party principles are only going to get louder and have more traction.....