I guess that the most interesting thing about the admiral's post is his utter lack of concern for the fact that another dozen or so folks have been shot down like dogs in a massacre enabled by a gun control system that allows seriously mentally ill people to obtain assault rifles, hi-cap pistols and all the ammunition they want, so that when they blow a fuse, they can go kill 10 or 20 or 30 utterly innocent people.
His concern isn't preventing that sort of event in the future. The admiral's concern is making certain that existing gun laws continue to allow psycho's like the Oregon psycho to continue to kill utterly innocent folks in the future so we can protect him from the imaginary forces of the government who want to take away his rights.
Good call admiral. Spot on. Let's set today as the marker for how many people will die as a result of the policies you support and promulgate in the next 12 months. I'll be keeping track. We'll match the number of innocent people shot down like dogs versus how many times you had to use your Airsoft Garand to defend yourself against government tyranny. Agreed?
Originally Posted by timpage
Shooting like this always bring out the crazies like Timmie. They will not argue the facts. They misstate what others say intentionally. And they jump to incredible conclusion based only on things inside their own mind.
We are currently operating under liberal Obama rules and people are dying. Is that Obama's fault? No and no one has said that. No, it is people like Obama who have made these rules and they have allowed their politics to make it easier for crazies to kill people.
As for the next 12 months, I don't see the government deviating from their course in the next 12 months. Any deaths are on them....and people like you. Just think of yourselves as accessories to murder. If you're going to keep track then I would start in Chicago.