The Marine That Accidentally Crossed Into Mexico, With Guns

LexusLover's Avatar
It seems to be a little early in the AM for you to be PROVING I AM A LIAR.... Originally Posted by bigtex
Fixed it for you.

Can't admit you lie about people, can you?
LexusLover's Avatar
Dan Patrick has proposed trading about 20million illegals in this country for the Marine.
Mexico just laughed. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
I was thinking more like 1 million. We need to "hold" some for later trades.
LexusLover's Avatar
How do you "accidentally" cross into another country? Originally Posted by timpage
He's already admitted he'd been drinking.

He's probably lucky the "government" scooped him up at the border.

They knew "we" knew he had been stopped.
The point is that this guy is a dumbass who is solely responsible for his current situation. Guess what? Mexico is a sovereign nation that has the right to pass and enforce laws that prohibit possession of firearms and ammunition. He drove into their country, apparently intoxicated, with an AR-15, a shotgun, a .45 ACP and 400 rounds of ammunition. He got treated the same as any Mexican national that had driven into our country at a border crossing with a car loaded with illegal drugs while drunk. Got sent to jail. Now, he wants to cry about it and blame his supposed PTSD. Bullshit.

It's like I already said: he'll spend a few more weeks in the Mexican lock-up and then they will cut him loose. He's lucky they don't throw his ass in some hellhole of a Mexican prison for the next 30 years.
LexusLover's Avatar
Mexico is a sovereign nation that has the right to pass and enforce laws that prohibit possession of firearms and ammunition. Originally Posted by timpage
LexusLover's Avatar
Once he finally resolves his legal issues with the Mexican government, he will have a separate set of legal issues to contend with at Camp Pendleton.

I would not want to be wearing his boots! Originally Posted by bigtex
Oh. BigTits .... here is your LIE!!!!.......... BTW.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
There are a lot of dumb, ignorant, and/or formerly intoxicated people in U.S. prisons and jails. Mexico is no exception. IMO the continued labeling of this guy as a "Marine" got his ass kicked in jail (several times according to him), got him the leg-irons, and loss of "privileges." Secondly, his own version shows dumb, ignorant, and intoxicated.

His version:
He parked his TRUCK with "all his personal belongs in it, which included his "recently" purchased firearms (which any "bandito" would love to have), and walked across the border to spend the day "shopping." After he failed to find a "decent hotel" in which to spend the night in Mexico at the end of a long day of "shopping," he returned to his TRUCK where it was parked ALL DAY LONG WITH GUNS IN IT AT THE EDGE OF "NEVER-NEVER RETURN LAND FOR STOLEN VEHICLES, and while in an impaired condition decided to DRIVE BACK TO HIS FRIEND'S HOUSE where he HAD BEEN STAYING.

BigTits .. go fuck yourself. Making up shit again?

He (on "reserve" status) .." an "Order to Muster" letter from the Marines telling Tahmooressi to report to the 4th Civil Affairs Group in Hialeah, Fla., on June 14." ... and

"Maj. Tamarra Jones, a Marine Force Reserves spokeswoman, said the corps is fully aware of Tahmooressi's situation and has been following it closely.
"This is an exceptional circumstance and Sgt. Tahmooressi won't be penalized for not attending this meeting," Jones told"

Apparently the 14June14 report date is for a readiness physical.

As I understand the criminal's stated reason for having the weapons IN HIS POSSESSION (why he purchased them) is for PROTECTION. It is also my understanding from his "history" being tossed around he has sought help for PTSD from two deployments. Dumb, ignorant, and impaired. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Not only a good post but his signature line is both introspective and intuitive.

This is the guy jd wants us to impose sanctions on Mexico over. He makes every excuse in the world why this guy fucked up. It doesn't matter why he fucked up, it's time to pay the piper. It sounds like he is being treated as well as the other prisoners.
Originally Posted by LexusLover
I've crossed into Mexico to Tijuana, Nuevo Laredo, Nuevo Progresso, Juarez, Acuna and Matamoros. By the time you see this sign it's too late.

The guy is still a dumbass. Never get snot slinging drunk in a Mexican border town. You never know when you'll get shaken down by the police.
LexusLover's Avatar
I've crossed into Mexico to Tijuana, Nuevo Laredo, Nuevo Progresso, Juarez, Acuna and Matamoros. By the time you see this sign it's too late. Originally Posted by gnadfly
If one doesn't know the law of the country into which one is about to enter BEFORE ONE GETS TO "THE SIGN," then one has no business entering that particular country with anything that might be "controversial" or may be not at all in the first place.

I've never even seen (or noticed is probably better) a sign like that one, but I also have NEVER traveled into (or to OR OUT OF) Mexico with a firearm. I know better.

There was a dumb thread not long ago in one of these forums about taking firearms into Mexico with some knuckleheads posting and boasting about how they do "all the time." People were actually arguing it wasn't against the law.

I don't think I was every "impaired" when I got "shaken down" in Mexico, and it was never in a border town.
Obalkanizier ought to do his job!

Whenever it is made known to the President that any citizen of the United States has been unjustly deprived of his liberty by or under the authority of any foreign government, it shall be the duty of the President forthwith to demand of that government the reasons of such imprisonment; and if it appears to be wrongful and in violation of the rights of American citizenship, the President shall forthwith demand the release of such citizen, and if the release so demanded is unreasonably delayed or refused, the President shall use such means, not amounting to acts of war and not otherwise prohibited by law, as he may think necessary and proper to obtain or effectuate the release; and all the facts and proceedings relative thereto shall as soon as practicable be communicated by the President to Congress.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
How do you "accidentally" cross into another country? Bullshit. This guy was drunk and drove into Mexico with firearms. He'll spend another few weeks or months in Mexican custody and then they will cut him loose. Maybe next time, he won't be such an idiot.

By the way, fuck you Admiral. Originally Posted by timpage

Care to recant now Timmie? You're looking pretty stupid right now.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
The point is that this guy is a dumbass who is solely responsible for his current situation. Guess what? Mexico is a sovereign nation that has the right to pass and enforce laws that prohibit possession of firearms and ammunition. He drove into their country, apparently intoxicated, with an AR-15, a shotgun, a .45 ACP and 400 rounds of ammunition. He got treated the same as any Mexican national that had driven into our country at a border crossing with a car loaded with illegal drugs while drunk. Got sent to jail. Now, he wants to cry about it and blame his supposed PTSD. Bullshit.

It's like I already said: he'll spend a few more weeks in the Mexican lock-up and then they will cut him loose. He's lucky they don't throw his ass in some hellhole of a Mexican prison for the next 30 years. Originally Posted by timpage
Really? Seems like you're wrong about what we do to armed border crossers Timmie.