Sexxxychyna I wouldn't sweat it and no it's not just you.
I have had the same problem. Originally Posted by DBella

The worst place I toured some months back (In which i'll never return) I found when I tried to befriend/humanize a few folks all I got in return was pure hate and disrespect.
you cant shake a whore tree and expect a friend to fall out Originally Posted by DallasRain

Once again, The worst place I toured some months back
it's not just the ladies that can be unfriendly on this board. A large portion of the frequent posters on both sides have really unattractive attitudes Originally Posted by CarolineDavenport

.... I chose to stay positive through it all and I did meet a few kind upstanding people and am grateful i've met them while visiting the area
DallasRain's Avatar
I am always here if any of my sisters need me.....we need to keep each other safe!
BBW Katrina's Avatar
They are just jealous Chyna because your're so DAMN HOT!!
It's not you. I'm not a mod or provider, so I am in the unique position of being able to speak my mind and walk away if I so choose. I've only experienced one truly horrible incident involving a provider, but I've witnessed many.

I get tons of emails asking for my thoughts or advice. I always try to help.

My best advice is to read the forums more and it's rather easy to spot the nice helpful ladies. Caroline, Elizabeth, Tiffani Jameson, FancyInHeels all pop into mind as truly helpful.
BigBaldBlk's Avatar
.....we need to keep each other safe! Originally Posted by DallasRain
This is soooooo true Dallas. I understand it's competitive out there for ladies and if gents have X amount of dollars to spend, they may see (or perceive to see) the same ladies over and over again.

To the OP: There shouldn't be any jealousy from provider to provider for a reference. It may not be popular, but I thing gents need to step their game up as well and if a lady isn't reference-friendly, to think hard about not seeing said lady. The hobby should always be about safety first for all!
Yes, I agree. I just learned to deal with it
ICU 812's Avatar
Do you mean Roseanne Roseannadanna?

I know, some days it is just best to stay in bed
Originally Posted by grayturner
Yeah . . . Well that was what. . .forty year ago ? And Inow 'm forty years older too.
I once befriended two providers and ended up getting screwed over royally. One stole money and my camera from me...and denied it. The other got upset at me because I was making more money than her and set me up to get busted. After those two incidents, I am very careful in whom I choose to associate myself with.

I know of one provider that isn't reference-friendly.
Alyssa XOXO's Avatar

To the OP: There shouldn't be any jealousy from provider to provider for a reference. It may not be popular, but I thing gents need to step their game up as well and if a lady isn't reference-friendly, to think hard about not seeing said lady. The hobby should always be about safety first for all!
Originally Posted by BigBaldBlk
This is why I began my "Do Not Use Provider List" last year. I let the gentlemen know why I do not accept that Provider as a reference as well. Your only "competition" is yourself and we should always want to better ourselves. In all of the years that I've been in this hobby, I've DEFINITELY seen a lot, therefore I choose to keep to myself (Provider wise). OP, you are definitely not alone, choose wisely
Dallas, you're so funny! LOL

Speaking of Dallas, she's one of the most honest ladies you'll ever come across. But any lady mentioned in this thread, if you search their posts, will give you the most drama-free insight into the questions you may have. If you have any questions, feel free to pm me.

Excuse me ladies. I'm about to shake the whore tree and see what falls out...
Ouch. I think I broke something falling from the tree.
Sexy Katrina's Avatar
Dude, she's a girl. :P

I can't really answer your question without more info. What information are you seeking when you ask? Are you asking politely? Elisabeth Whispers is a good one to talk to. She has endless patience and empathy for new ladies. It's a rare quality here. You have to understand that ladies come and go constantly in this business. Some ladies just have the attitude that helping new ladies is a waste of time because: 1) why help the competition? And 2) she probably won't be around long anyway. You can probably learn a lot of what you're wanting to know from the threads on the board. Or ask publicly. It is hard for me to advise you further since I don't really know the nature of the information you seek.

Of course it can be a bit clique-ish here, as with any social group. Just try to stay out of the drama and identify a few ladies who seem like they have the same kind of attitude and goals you do and try to form some acquaintances.

You'll learn that it's not just the ladies that can be unfriendly on this board. A large portion of the frequent posters on both sides have really unattractive attitudes. Just remember that for every bad apple that posts a lot, there are hundreds of wonderful lurkers who also read your posts and would love to see you. I think the owners and mods figured out a long time ago that drama brings page views, so they let the psych ward inmates run rampant, which discourages a lot of good people from posting because why get dragged into the muck?

Chin up. It's probably not as bad as I make it sound. It's just, well, this isn't church or daycare. It's a bit dog eat dog and you have to kind of accept that it won't always be the friendliest place. Originally Posted by CarolineDavenport
There are some very friendly ladies on this board you just have to cherry pick around a few cock blockers.
I personally think Caroline should start her own Business 101 .
I always love her advise and the style in which she post.

The other ladies have given you great advice to!
I would love to be RL friends with some of the ladies here but I've tried before and it never works out in the end. I personally keep to myself.

I would think that having respect from your peers and from the many members here would go a long way to adding to the list of people who really care and support you. Yes you need to post more but not to just be posting either.

A provider gave me some advise once when my postings began to go array, not that your posting have btw). It helped me and I would like to share it with you.....
She advised that:
Before you post stop and really read it before hitting send.........
Is it something that will make a difference?
Will it help someone,
will it make someone smile,
will it make you smile?
If so then post, if not then don't....

Does it contain BS?
Does it embellish?
Is it a lie?
If so then don't post........

My advise is earn the respect of your colleagues by contributing more to the board discussions with a positive, honest and an alluring sexxy attitude. ijs Originally Posted by cumalot

This is also good advice. Surprising from a male stand point.

Really think about what you want to say and how you will say/type it. There are a few members on the board who love to take what you post and twist it around so , say what you mean exactly.
Also think of how your post will be perceived and is it beneficial to your business? Did you present it in a way to be perceived the way you want?

I know it can be hard not to comment on some of these pointless threads but really like the person above said post what you mean and think of how it will support the image you are trying to create. I think starting dramatic threADS works for a few of the girls here just because of advertisement but the professional image they are building looks dramatic and trashy.

I hope I actually answered your question and I'm not totally of topic.
If so I'm sorry. lol

Keep your head up! I'm sure it will get better.
DallasRain's Avatar
lol--I luv yall ladies!!!
GenesisNicole's Avatar
You just have to keep your head up and above all of the nonsense.

I've been around since 2009. Seen a couple of boards come and go...and have been SCREWED over more by WELL KNOWN AND REPUTABLE PROVIDERS.

Let me say this again.

ALL of the backstabbing, dirty deeds, drama to no end, came from WELL KNOWN AND REPUTABLE "Ladies"

SO! I keep to myself, and do not go around looking for "friendships"

I know that may sound harsh or even jaded to some degree, but it is the truth and hard cold fact of this little world of ours.

Be VERY careful with whom you chose to associate.

That is the BEST advice I can give you on this topic.

*side note, while I do not go LOOKING for friendships, I am quite friendly and have made 1 gal pal friend (in and out of the hobby) and our friendship is true blue and has stood the test of time, hobby competition, and our own personal issues that have come up. And unlike so many other relationships. WE ARE STILL FRIENDS.


~Genesis Nicole~
thanks for the feedback beautiful I had to hear it coming from another womans pov!