Fake data!!!!

The Trump following ECCIE Idiots crew.

STUPIDEST people on the web. They prove it over and over. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
Thugin it and Lovin it aren't ya, lol.
sportfisherman's Avatar
Watch out people , I think one of these Chumpsters got some Fecal Matter on his post.

Let's see the Chump playbook ;
1.Discredit testing
2.Discredit social distancing
3.Discredit masks
4.Discredit the data on the number of cases
5.Discredit the data on the number of deaths
6.Blame China,WHO,CDC,Dr Fauci,Obama,Mayors,Governors,e tc.

Then focus on Confederate Statues and Flag
Then try to force school re-opening and say local districts can work it out.

In my lifetime I have never seen a Prez abdicate his responsibility so much and about matters of such import.

Whinin' Donnie ! Cryin' Donnie !
Mr. can't win the popular vote Illegitimate Fake Reality TV Con-man Condo salesman !!

Prez Victim !! Let's get some Grievance going here ! Where are my grieved citizens when needed ?

And where is that HOAX list ? You know its got to be a record. I just can't imagine an administration so beset by these HOAXES !!
JCM800's Avatar
Ripmany's Avatar
So saying 138k people are eaten with beans?
JCM800's Avatar
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Watch out people , I think one of these Chumpsters got some Fecal Matter on his post.

Let's see the Chump playbook ;
1.Discredit testing
2.Discredit social distancing
3.Discredit masks
4.Discredit the data on the number of cases
5.Discredit the data on the number of deaths
6.Blame China,WHO,CDC,Dr Fauci,Obama,Mayors,Governors,e tc.

Then focus on Confederate Statues and Flag
Then try to force school re-opening and say local districts can work it out.

In my lifetime I have never seen a Prez abdicate his responsibility so much and about matters of such import.

Whinin' Donnie ! Cryin' Donnie !
Mr. can't win the popular vote Illegitimate Fake Reality TV Con-man Condo salesman !!

Prez Victim !! Let's get some Grievance going here ! Where are my grieved citizens when needed ?

And where is that HOAX list ? You know its got to be a record. I just can't imagine an administration so beset by these HOAXES !! Originally Posted by sportfisherman

calm your mind boggle valued poster! you'll blow a gasket!

  • oeb11
  • 07-16-2020, 06:11 PM
TWK - Let them do as they wish - blow a head gasket in outrage.
hospitals are full with chinese imported Wuhan virus - so no place for 'splody heads".
Darwinian natural selection is a good thing.
JCM800's Avatar
  • oeb11
  • 07-17-2020, 08:16 AM
RIP - 'splody Heads"!
rexdutchman's Avatar
Okay 2 sports guys Joey Gallo, Jamie Johnson Both tested POSITIVE an NEGATIVE in same week so at best the tests are 50/50 ANd you know people that test Positive then Negative are not removed from count
HedonistForever's Avatar
Yes, it’s been exposed as fake positive Covid reporting in Fla. Seems like 100% of the tests came back positive. Although Florida hospitals say those results are 10 times higher than reality! That’s bad news for Liberals because they want to scare people to death. Is that incompetence or corruption? My monies on corruption. Also, Dr Redford said yesterday that most of Florida’s new cases were imported from North-easterners going to Fla!!!!!!

https://www.fox35orlando.com/news/fo...19-results.amp Originally Posted by bambino

Even this report acknowledges, in most cases, the numbers reported were errors but it isn't that hard to imagine if the number is 27% ( as being reported by more reputable sources ) in tens if not hundreds of thousands of cases here in Florida that in a small sample, the number could be 100%.

I'm just not buying into this conspiracy theory but then I don't buy into most conspiracy theories. Viruses are real. Anybody doubt that? The Flu has been around for ever. SARS came and went. Did the conspirators like Gates ( he said sarcastically ) not act fast enough to make billions with a vaccine?

This virus is real, the fact that governments big and small fuck up and or can be corrupt trying to protect their own special interest, is also real. People are dying or do we not believe that either?

My father was struck by polio at a young age. He wasn't vaccinated. Then a vaccine was invented and wa la! no more polio as with many other diseases.

If one chooses to believe this virus is a hoax, that vaccines are a hoax, there is nothing I can do or say to convince people other wise. It's almost like they are included, like the people they accuse, of having a vested interest with their opinion.

Some people would rather die than be proven wrong.
matchingmole's Avatar
matchingmole's Avatar
Even this report acknowledges, in most cases, the numbers reported were errors but it isn't that hard to imagine if the number is 27% ( as being reported by more reputable sources ) in tens if not hundreds of thousands of cases here in Florida that in a small sample, the number could be 100%.

I'm just not buying into this conspiracy theory but then I don't buy into most conspiracy theories. Viruses are real. Anybody doubt that? The Flu has been around for ever. SARS came and went. Did the conspirators like Gates ( he said sarcastically ) not act fast enough to make billions with a vaccine?

This virus is real, the fact that governments big and small fuck up and or can be corrupt trying to protect their own special interest, is also real. People are dying or do we not believe that either?

My father was struck by polio at a young age. He wasn't vaccinated. Then a vaccine was invented and wa la! no more polio as with many other diseases.

If one chooses to believe this virus is a hoax, that vaccines are a hoax, there is nothing I can do or say to convince people other wise. It's almost like they are included, like the people they accuse, of having a vested interest with their opinion.

Some people would rather die than be proven wrong. Originally Posted by HedonistForever

wa la?
HedonistForever's Avatar
Okay 2 sports guys Joey Gallo, Jamie Johnson Both tested POSITIVE an NEGATIVE in same week so at best the tests are 50/50 ANd you know people that test Positive then Negative are not removed from count Originally Posted by rexdutchman

So you sit in a hot car for 6 hours, yes, people are doing that in Miami, and you wait a couple of days and you get a negative result. Hooray! you go out for a beer, take that mask down for a drink and think OH! Shit, I might have just gotten COVID so you are back in your car for another test.

The only thing a negative test tells you is that you aren't positive today. Tomorrow may be different.

If you aren't feeling symptomatic but you want a test because you may be asymptomatic and don't want to give it to family or friends, wear a mask, socially distance and wash your hands.

Being asymptomatic today doesn't you won't be symptomatic tomorrow.

But what about contact tracing if you get a positive test? And what are the people who will be contacted do? Go wait in line for 6 hours to find out they aren't positive or wear a mask, socially distance and wash your hands for a few days because even if you find out you didn't get it from that person, who is to say you won't get it the next day from somebody else?

Wear a mask, socially distance and wash your hands and this will all be over before you know it.

Oh, and some of us will die but then that's the case with or without COVID, the FLU can easily kill you to and you don't worry about that do you?
JCM800's Avatar