trump can't pardon anyone if he's impeached.

WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-01-2020, 07:14 AM
The writer of this piece is a kike isn't he? Who else is sick of the Jews and the media? Bloodsucking parasites. I'm sure Trump's son in law hates him too. Time to turn on the showers and fire the oven. The allies wiped out the wrong regime. Originally Posted by Clay Media
your racism and prejudice is as boundless as the cosmos, isn't it? it must be, for you to be so hateful. you would believe any liberal lie to justify your blatant racism and prejudice wouldn't you? anything to disparage Trump, in any way. you'd blame him for the air you breathe if it suited you.

this hardly surprises me. your racism and prejudice is a clear and present danger to society. the next time you want to confront a prejudiced racist and look them in the eye don't cut yourself shaving. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
After reading the above post by your buddy chose to chastise eccieuser9500?

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
After reading the above post by your buddy chose to chastise eccieuser9500?

. Originally Posted by WTF

who is Clay and why should i care if he flies a kite?

and that means you obviously agree with ecky9.k's racist views .. because you didn't chastise him ..
the fair arbiter of all confusion

the libertarian, who believes in liberty, freedom and autonomy

has never ever yet to date in the whole of his 40,561 posts, defended liberty, freedom and autonomy nor did else but sow confusion
R.M.'s Avatar
  • R.M.
  • 03-01-2020, 07:48 AM
Did you miss the point? And I'm not talking about the one on 9500's head. Originally Posted by LexusLover
You miss the point sometimes too. Cranky pants. What's your point?
  • oeb11
  • 03-01-2020, 08:07 AM
do you think i should tell them that the conservatives who post here actually correct each other if we are factually wrong? that we actually sometimes disagree? while they would never do so? because it doesn't fit their agenda of "Hate Trump for the sake of hating Trump?"

do you think that would blow up their minds?


Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid

Hate Trump for the sake of hating Trump?"

That is the agenda of the Fascist DPST's - 9500- and you are a prime example in all your many posts berating Trump .
Hypocrisy and Denial.

Grow up YSL!
Budman's Avatar
If anyone is going to test the limits of how much power he can demonstrate, it would be him. He doesn't care how it looks. As long as he can get away with it. Stack the court, abuse your power, then get the SCOTUS to say . . . "oh well. Lifetime tenure bitches!" Originally Posted by eccieuser9500

Exactly how is he stacking the court? Appointing judges that are conservative is stacking the court? Appointing judges that interpret the law and not make the law to fit their agenda is stacking the court? Of course appointing liberal judges like Ruth Bader Ginsburg or
Sonia Sotomayor is perfectly OK. That wouldn't be stacking the court would it?

You fucking liberals are pathetic. Hypocrites one and all.

LexusLover's Avatar
You miss the point sometimes too. Originally Posted by R.M.
After your post to which I made the comment .... I doubt it! Even when "the point" is irrelevant!
LexusLover's Avatar
You fucking liberals are pathetic. Hypocrites one and all.
Originally Posted by Budman
IMO it has little to do with their political proclivities ...

... sniffling and blubbering rarely do.
  • oeb11
  • 03-01-2020, 11:19 AM
Comes to mind that the Fascist DPST's are not rally about the "Pardons" - after the rigged Impeachment house process - swiftly voted Not Guilty by the Senate - the Fascist DPST media is making a push to restrict the Constitutional Powers of the POTUS because of an "impeachment". That is the real thrust - despite no grounding in our constitution - they want to restrict the pardon function - and then other functions of the Adminstration branch. And bring down the POTUS by the death of a thousand cuts - Mao style!

Now - did the Republicans want to restrict the pardon rights of Billy cliniton after his Impeachment and trial - Nope - was not constitutional - and they knew it.

It reflects a blatant disregard for the rule of Law and Constitution of the American representative democracy by the Fascist DPST's - and they plan to destroy the current system in favor of their One Party Socialism to create a communist "Utopia" in Amerika - as they are doing in kalifonria.

It is a dangerous road they tread - it leads to a Venezuela socialist regime.
LexusLover's Avatar
Comes to mind that the Fascist DPST's are not rally about the "Pardons" - after the rigged Impeachment house process - swiftly voted Not Guilty by the Senate - the Fascist DPST media is making a push to restrict the Constitutional Powers of the POTUS because of an "impeachment". Originally Posted by oeb11
That's been the "plan" of PissLousy/Shuckme since DAY ONE!

Irrespective of being supportive of Bill the Predator after his.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
That's what Presidents do when Congress is busy fucking themselves! Originally Posted by LexusLover
You're a fuckin' joke. Only nitwits like you would think it prudent for the president to attempt to churn the Constitution into making himself a king while the representative body of the people can't be bipartisan.

your racism and prejudice is as boundless as the cosmos, isn't it? it must be, for you to be so hateful. you would believe any liberal lie to justify your blatant racism and prejudice wouldn't you? anything to disparage Trump, in any way. you'd blame him for the air you breathe if it suited you.

this hardly surprises me. your racism and prejudice is a clear and present danger to society. the next time you want to confront a prejudiced racist and look them in the eye don't cut yourself shaving. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
You're worse. Projection 101. Because you are an avowed racist, you somehow glean race had anything to do with my text. Is your dumbass referring to the video clip? That was just for humor.

Be original. Use your own signature post pictures. Like this:

just remember that even Nazis have the right to free speech on a whore board in Trump's America.

Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
I'm going to make sure nobody forgets you're a proud racist Nazi.

Waco ... you give these Loons way too much "air time"!

Like rabid dogs, they snap and snarl at thin air. And their nonsense is repeatedly debunked! Originally Posted by LexusLover
You're still a joke. You think you're above the fray?

eccieuser9500's Avatar
After reading the above post by your buddy chose to chastise eccieuser9500?

. Originally Posted by WTF
Does it surprise you. He's a racist, so I must be a racist. And Clay is OK.
  • oeb11
  • 03-01-2020, 12:55 PM
Okay - when even 9500 admits the house Impeachment was a Farce :"while the representative body of the people can't be bipartisan". Quote - and 9500 is right about the schiff-pelosi-nadler Farce.

When all else fails - as directed by the editorial room of the NYTimes - call Racism and Nazi!!!
Following the narrative to letter , aren't we , 9500- right down to the gold YSL elitist cufflinks.

Just like your Bernie - a an elitist communist with three homes and a multi-millionaire.

planning on being part of the nomenklatura???
Get in line - lots of millennials want to precede One.

HoeHummer's Avatar
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
You're a fuckin' joke. Only nitwits like you would think it prudent for the president to attempt to churn the Constitution into making himself a king while the representative body of the people can't be bipartisan.

You're worse. Projection 101. Because you are an avowed racist, you somehow glean race had anything to do with my text. Is your dumbass referring to the video clip? That was just for humor.

Be original. Use your own signature post pictures. Like this:

I'm going to make sure nobody forgets you're a proud racist National Socialist.

You're still a joke. You think you're above the fray?
Originally Posted by eccieuser9500

there fixed that.

one problem with that. he's not a socialist.