Typical WTF...he demands the facts, then when presented with the facts he ignores them and tries to redefine the issue to avoid the facts.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
No, WTF. I'm not trying to get you mad at anyone. I was just hoping for some consistency. Which, as usual, is lacking. I think both Maher and Rush are not worth the time spent discussing them, I was just pointing out your hypocrisy, which is obvious to most on here, but of which you are completely oblivious, and you will soon post a reply denying that you are, in fact, a hypocrite on this issue.
Misogynist - a person who hates, dislikes, mistrusts, or mistreats women.

Huh? He should return contributions from people who hate haters of women? No, I think he should reach out to more misogynist haters. Leave it to others to decide whether or not to return the donation of misogynists.
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  • WTF
  • 03-07-2012, 09:27 AM
Typical WTF...he demands the facts, then when presented with the facts he ignores them and tries to redefine the issue to avoid the facts. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Calling a cunt a cunt does not make you a woman hater. What woman has your nuts in her handbag? Al I have ever said on the matter is that Rush made a poliyical mistake. I do not give a shit about Ms Fluke or Sara Palin. My guess is nobody on this board does. So I am not being a hypocrite. If Rush give Mitt or Newt or Rick money I would not ask for them to give it back. You and cutiepie ned to go blow each other and quit lying while you are at it
Rush has been around a long trime, and probably knows exactly what he is doing. Don't be surprised that in a few months, his show will be even more popular, and sponsors will be waiting in line. He has a core audience that numbers in the millions.

Bill Maher is first, and foremost, a comedian. Granted, he needs to avoid falling into that old trap that is the downfall of a lot of comedians when they get involved in such things as politics, they cease being funny.

Maher has not ceased being funny. As much as I disagree with his political views, I still laugh. That is why he isn't going anywhere.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Calling a cunt a cunt does not make you a woman hater. What woman has your nuts in her handbag? Al I have ever said on the matter is that Rush made a poliyical mistake. I do not give a shit about Ms Fluke or Sara Palin. My guess is nobody on this board does. So I am not being a hypocrite. If Rush give Mitt or Newt or Rick money I would not ask for them to give it back. You and cutiepie ned to go blow each other and quit lying while you are at it Originally Posted by WTF
Good one, once backed in a corner where your idiocy is showing, you bring out the "homo" epithet. Back to the playground.