Income Gap Grows Wider (and Faster) NYTimes article

Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
This is why we need to raise the minimum wage to 12 bucks an hour, to break the grip of the Republican elites and Democrat elites. Large companies exploit small companies and their low wage, no benefits way of doing shit. Fuck if I care if hamburgers go up in price, Americans are too fat anyway.
lostincypress's Avatar
Income Inequality growth is a long term trend and easily explainable. With the decrease in manufacturing jobs in the US wage pressure in the service sector was eliminated. There was no longer competition for labor. We have gone from higher paying jobs in the production of goods to lower paying jobs in the delivery of services. What was an almost 50 50 split now has 80% service vs 20% manufacturing. It is not all that complex.
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Guest123018-4's Avatar
I do not think that he is silently waging war, I think he is very vocal in his war. "You cant drive your SUVs or keep your thermostat on 72 regardless of if you are in the desert or the tundra."

The fact that energy, the production of energy, and the exploration and development of energy is what has made this nation great. More jobs have been created raising people out of poverty than any welfare program ever has. The fact is that he attacks it with fervor. It is fortunate for us that there is so much private land where energy can be produced that his crippling policies are not as effective as he would like. Meanwhile the solar panel companies that received huge amounts of government money to build solar panels are now selling the solar panels to .......the government. We get a double fucking and pay twice for something we do not need.

These are just small examples.