budman33's Avatar
A hatchet job? All it did was replay what Obama said. Geez, tell the truth about Obama and it's a "hatchet" job.

Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
No..those were excerpts of Obama speeches along with pundit commentary. journalistic integrity and that video are very far removed. You know that right?

he's better than Bush.. and so I'll vote for him...again. Romney is a train wreck waiting to happen because he is changing his stance DAILY to get votes. You have no idea who you will get if you elect him. 4 more years of Obama is a better option for me and thus my vote. You CoG can go vote for Gary Johnson and then see where that gets you.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I already voted for Gary Johnson. It gets me a good night's sleep knowing I voted for the best candidate, not just the "electable" candidate.

So you're denying that Obama promised to cut the deficit in half, after calling Bush's increases in the debt unpatriotic? (He was right, by the way.) And you're denying that Obama said he wouldn't hide behind executive privilege? And you must also be denying that Obama said he would have the most transparent administration in history? Then you must also deny that Obama said he would close Gitmo. That he would end the wars, that he would post bills online for 5 days before signing them, etc. and etc. Do you deny he promised all that? Or do you agree that he lied in each and every case?
COG, it is amazing how the Obama folks twist themselves into a pretzel to defend this guy......even when confronted with his own broken promises, they argue Obama never said it......amazing how they deny the truth of Obama's own words.

Note; most of the commentary in the video was from the left wing press corp personalities....not FOX !


So you're denying that Obama promised to cut the deficit in half, after calling Bush's increases in the debt unpatriotic? (He was right, by the way.) And you're denying that Obama said he wouldn't hide behind executive privilege? And you must also be denying that Obama said he would have the most transparent administration in history? Then you must also deny that Obama said he would close Gitmo. That he would end the wars, that he would post bills online for 5 days before signing them, etc. and etc. Do you deny he promised all that? Or do you agree that he lied in each and every case? Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy