Lying Rapist Trump has no one to defend him.

the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
So, you admit that the claims are libelous. You just don't like the subject of the debate. That is your entire case in a nutshell, I don't like this person so they're guilty of anything you want to throw at them. Pathetic...
Trump is a Lying Rapist. He is being sued for sexual battery in civil court. He doesn’t have to be charged criminally with rape to be a rapist. He already stated on tape that he likes sexually assaulting women. He could testify under oath at his trial, but I suspect he won’t.

As for him being a liar. Well, that’s damned clear from nearly every statement he makes. He can’t talk more than about 10 minutes without throwing a lie in.
Feel free to RTM away
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Trump is a Lying Rapist. He is being sued for sexual battery in civil court. He doesn’t have to be charged criminally with rape to be a rapist. He already stated on tape that he likes sexually assaulting women. He could testify under oath at his trial, but I suspect he won’t... Originally Posted by 1blackman1
...E Jean Carroll et al, aka everybody in NY.
Trial updates: Apparently everybody in New York raped E. Jean Carroll… “scheme” email blows up her story… she called black husband an “ape”…

April 28, 2023

E. Jean Carroll, a controversial former advice columnist, filed a civil lawsuit against President Trump back in November 2019 accusing him of raping her back in the 90s. On Thursday, President Trump’s “pitbull” attorney, Joe Tacopina, grilled Ms. Carroll over her allegation that Trump raped her in a dressing room at Bergdorf Goodman department store decades ago. Unfortunately for Ms. Carroll, the cross-examination did not go well.

Many people believe this “rape” accusation may have political motives similar to the unfounded allegation of rape made against Justice Kavanaugh by Christine Blasey Ford.

A strange “scam” email between Ms. Carroll and a Trump-hating friend lends credence to this theory.

Daily Beast (emphasis ours):
Trump’s lawyers repeatedly went after Carroll for an odd email to a friend where they discussed the need to stop Trump—and said they had a “scheme” in mind.

Following hours of emotional testimony where Carroll described what she called Trump’s “violent” attack at a department store nearly three decades ago, defense lawyer Joe Tacopina began to cross-examine her with questions meant to poke holes in her story.

While asking about how Carroll developed her book, which marked the first time she made that startling accusation, Trump’s lead defense attorney pointed out an exchange she had with a close friend, the fellow journalist Lisa Birnbach.

“This has to stop,” Birnbach suggested in a Sept. 23, 2017 email about Trump. “As soon as we’re both well enough to scheme, we must do our patriotic duty again.”

“TOTALLY!!! I have something special for you when we meet,” Carroll responded.

Two weeks later, Carroll started a cross-country road trip to gather material for an upcoming book in 2019 about nasty men—one that ultimately included a bombshell account of Trump allegedly raping Carroll in the dressing room of Bergdorf Goodman.
Trump’s lawyer kept the fireworks going, relentlessly questioning Ms. Carroll as to why she had not spoken to anyone about the alleged rape over the past two decades.

ABC News:
In two decades, you don’t call the police, correct?” Carroll replied, “Correct.”

“In two decades you never revealed this story in your hundreds of your advice columns, correct?” Tacopina said.

“Correct,” Carroll said.
Mr. Tacopina claims that besides the “political scam” at work, Ms. Carroll also cooked up the rape accusation against Trump to sell more copies of her book. He then cleverly got her to admit the plan backfired since her book flopped
“He’s poisoning my water, he’s polluting my air, he’s cooking my planet … and as he stacks the courts, my rights over my body are being taken away state by state. I’m afraid my right to free speech will go next. So now I will tell you what happened,” the message said.

Carroll replied that the message contained a draft that was never published.

Tacopina then questioned why Carroll could not pinpoint a date the alleged rape occurred.

“I wish to heaven we could give you a date,” Carroll said.

Tacopina suggested Carroll only told her story about Trump to sell a book.

“You thought including the story about Donald Trump while he was still president would help sell the book?” he asked.

“I thought so but I was wrong,” Carroll said. She had previously testified her book did not sell well.

Tacopina then asked, “In two decades, you don’t call the police, correct?” Carroll replied, “Correct.”

“In two decades you never revealed this story in your hundreds of your advice columns, correct?” Tacopina said.

“Correct,” Carroll said.

“Only when you were trying to get a publisher and sell your book?” Tacopina asked, to which Carroll replied her story came out after The New York Times published its landmark story about Harvey Weinstein.

Tacopina didn’t ease up on Ms. Carroll. He cornered her over why she kept a diary and recorded everything except the alleged incident with Trump.
“I always thought if I wrote something bad I’d have to think about it. If I write about it, I think about it,” Carroll said.

“But you wrote a book about the worst thing that ever happened to you,” Tacopina said.

“I thought it was time not to be silent,” Carroll said.
When questioned about whether she had ever watched Donald Trump’s show, “The Apprentice,” E. Jean Carroll had this odd response:
“I love the premise of ambitious young businesspeople competing for a job. I thought that was really quite witty and it was different. It was so much better than, you know, the dating contests and the beauty contests and those — this was a real contest where you could watch it and learn a thing or two. It was very — it was beautifully produced,”
We’re supposed to believe that Ms. Carroll learned beautiful things from her brutal rapist? Sadly, it got even stranger. Ms. Carroll went on to reveal she had also been raped by former CBS CEO Les Moonves. She recounted the experience in a novelistic way, describing how the elevator doors closed and Mr. Moonves pushed her against the wall and had his way with her.
Carroll also told the jury she was assaulted by then-CBS chairman Les Moonves after an interview. She said she and Moonves entered an elevator and then “he pushed me up against the wall.”
Honestly, this sounds like the type of stuff bored housewives daydream about. In an even more bizarre turn of events, Ms. Carroll claims the reason she didn’t sue Mr. Moonves as well, is because he didn’t “defame” her after the rape. So, according to Ms. Carroll, it’s okay if you’re raped, as long as your rapist doesn’t “bad mouth” you afterwards. Got it.

She did not sue Moonves, Carroll said, because “he did not defame me. He did not call me a liar.”

Carroll, however, sued Trump in November 2019 “because he called me a liar. Because he said I accused other men of rape. He said I was an operative or in a conspiracy with the Democratic Party … and he said I was too ugly to rape. So I sued him.”

Carroll said no one told convinced her to sue, but she “had a conversation” with Republican lawyer and Trump critic George Conway, who Carroll said “does not like Donald Trump.”
This screwy mentality actually makes sense when you remember that Ms. Carroll appeared on CNN and told Anderson Cooper that “rape is sexy” during a very awkward and disturbing interview...
BTW: It creeped-out Anderson so much that he immediately went to commercial.

Trump’s defense is no defense at all. He’s accused of rape and aside from defaming her and calling her ugly, he has nothing at all to say, under oath at the trial. Could be a winning strategy. I’m unsure how. But who knows.

I think he’s not putting on a defense because he’s a lying rapist scumbag.
Precious_b's Avatar
Oldest defense strategy I know. Abe said it best albeit replacing a word: "Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt - It's better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid."
matchingmole's Avatar
It's obvious to all that Trump is a douchebag
txdot-guy's Avatar
He can't possibly take the stand in his own defense. Even if he doesn't perjure himself on the stand the number of public lies he has told will come back to bite him in the ass. How can you possibly believe anything he says if at least half of what he says is total bullshit. And he's done it in public in front of cameras! He's the old fat bastard who cried wolf too many times to be believed.
Under oath he says that fortunately or unfortunately stars (which he things he is) can sexually assault women, and it’s been that way for a million years.

What a Lying Rapist Trump is.
Or was it Gene Carrol. Shit he didn’t know the difference between them but I guess he married a woman that’s not his type and Raped one that to him looked like her.

Or maybe when he raped Gene Carrol he thought she was Marla Maples.

Who knows. He’s Lying Rapist Trump after all.
matchingmole's Avatar
So much for the not my type defense!!

Jacuzzme's Avatar
Apparently he wouldn’t fuck the prosecutor either. Fucking savage.
adav8s28's Avatar
Before Trump had a daughter with Marla Maples, he took Marla to Paula Abdul concert in at the Meadowlands in New Jersey. The Nets NBA team and the Devils NHL team played in that arena. How do i know, I was there. I was suprised that Trump like Paula well enough to go see her in the mid 1990's.
lustylad's Avatar
Under oath he says that fortunately or unfortunately stars (which he things (sic) he is) can sexually assault women, and it’s been that way for a million years.

What a Lying Rapist Trump is. Originally Posted by 1blackman1

Oh dear! Don't let trumpy grab you by your pussy, Blackman!

"Lying Rapist" Trump? Is that how define the presumption of innocence down there in Bayou Country?
lustylad's Avatar
Or was it Gene Carrol (sic). Shit he didn’t know the difference between them but I guess he married a woman that’s not his type and Raped one that to him looked like her.

Or maybe when he raped Gene Carrol (sic) he thought she was Marla Maples.

Who knows. He’s Lying Rapist Trump after all. Originally Posted by 1blackman1

Who the fuck is "Gene Carrol"? Some guy accusing trumpy of rape?

Oh wait! You mean E. Jean Carroll! Got it!

Psst... hey blackman, let's meet in the dressing room at Bergdorf Goodman in 15 minutes!