My First NO review.....Oh I'm sooooo devastated!!

Exactly the reaction I expected. Attack a man's character by making up more BS. I've NEVER hurt or intimidated any woman, I'm the guy that asks whether or not i'm being too rough or hurting a woman. Nice try.

You have a track record of being a drama queen and starting shit. I posted this to further show your character. I told you, you started all this BS not me.
MajicPlayground's Avatar
Rock on babe
Lia88's Avatar
  • Lia88
  • 03-30-2019, 03:29 PM
Thanks for showing everyone just how ridiculous and unprofessional you are with this BS post about our little encounter. First of all prior to me asking to cut the date short you were all smiles complimenting my dick thanking me for bringing such a nice dick to signs of being uncomfortable with my hygiene or appearance. And YOU were the one that came to me sticking your tongue in my mouth, as you told me you would on the phone as soon as i walked in cause you said you liked my accent and whatever else.

I brush my teeth gargle with mouthwash and take a good shower prior to seeing any girl I’ve never had any complaint of hygiene. You started all this hygiene crap after the date was cut short. I showered and brushed my teeth at my house AND at your hotel and your trying to say i had hygiene issues?? After you were moaning while kissing me sticking your tongue in my mouth?? How come you kept kissing me if i had bad breath?? Yea ok.
And temper tantrum?? Your the one that had the temper tantrum after i pointed out your pics are misleading. And they are. And even during the temper tantrum you admitted you was enjoying what you were doing as i was trying to explain to you i wasn’t you had my dick in a fkd up angle. And no you didn’t readjust after i told you twice it was uncomfortable you just smiled and said that’s how you liked it.

You didn’t have any candy you told me you were out so you couldn’t do your candy trick i remember reading about the candy thing, i was just like ok whatever. Now you say you had to use candy while going down on JR?? Really?? You never had candy in your mouth the entire time. Lies and BS. Have your fun but ppl are seeing how you handle a NO review. I wasn’t going to post shit about this until you txt me telling me you put a warning out on me. You started this not me. And this post is further proving your character.

And Lia, don’t know if you remember but i saw you in Slidell about a year ago don’t know if you remember. If you do i can’t believe your commenting on this like you are. You mssg me quite a few times afterwards to tell me you were free if i wanted to see you again... you may want to do some thinking. Originally Posted by skipper504
I’ve never met you before....

I’ve never in my whole companion career messaged people to see me. Never. I wait for People to message me.

Thirdly.... I’m not anyone’s girlfriend or Wife. I can comment on anything I want on here. People have a pretty good idea by now my personality pertaining to that.

Here’s the thing. It’s not that you wrote a No review. It’s not about that.

It’s the fact that things that could’ve been left in ROS were exposed in the comment section. That’s very unprofessional and Looks like a personal a Personal attack. If you had a bad experience cool. State your business and keep it classy.

Also to comments like, “you may want to do some thinking”...

.....I see guys I’ve seen make comments that I don’t agree with and you know what?..... I still see them.. you know why?.... it’s none of my business as long as their not being a jerk or disrespectful to another provider.... but I’ve never seen you.

You however.. may want to do some thinking.

You also exposed yourself.

You made a comment saying you only wrote the review as retaliation. That’s bad for business and makes any future reviews you write as not credible... at least until people forget.
So I’m supposed to let ppl comment and not respond? You don’t respond to ppls comments? Lol. Whatever.
And i did in FACT SEE YOU. And you did in fact mssg me telling me you were available something providers have done and still do no big deal my point was she was trying to make me out to be a not desirable client yet i get mssgs/txt mssgs from time to time from providers asking if I’m interested. And i get why I’m not saying this as an insult, after y’all see someone you know they are cool and feel safe with them. I chose not to leave a review… but I did see you.
And unprofessional? I’m guessing you ok with all she wrote tho? I know y’all all stick together but this is a ridiculous situation. This all started with a simple request to cut the date back to a hhr. I’ve made the request before a few times when things weren’t going right and had no issues.
The only personal attack came from her and her group.
Meredith's Avatar
Ladies and gentlemen, the bit that was posted with the “back and forth”. That was posted by a real deviant. None of that information is correct. That member can safely and certainly be discredited. And I was PISSED when I saw my name mentioned.
  • rfl
  • 03-30-2019, 06:54 PM
Good Lord, if I wanted to get laid and deal with the drama of a woman, I’d have sex with my wife.
BigTex6's Avatar
Damn nice point here.

Good Lord, if I wanted to get laid and deal with the drama of a woman, I’d have sex with my wife. Originally Posted by rfl
Date: 3/1/19
Name: Skipper504
User ID::
Phone: 504-***-*501 per masking guidelines
Email Address: Unknown
URL / Website:
City: Baton Rouge
State: Louisiana
Activities: Texting/Phone call (30 min), Shower/get ready (hour), continued flirting via text, lfk, attempted dfk, MPBBBJ, temper tantrum
Hair Length and Color: Didn't notice
Age: mid 40s?
Smoking Status: I Couldn't Tell over the bad breath.
Ethnic Background: White/Caucasian
Physical Description: Tall, a bit Pillsbury Doughboy-ish (I wonder what would have happened if I pushed his belly lol), bad breath, rough and handsy.
Recommendation: Sorry ladies, not if I hated ya
Rest of the story: Oh my goodness ladies, I just gotta tell y'all about this one

This gentleman hit me up on text. Didn't really give too much info...kinda had to do like my kids second grade teacher and slow it down a bit....asked him just one question at a time as I think it just plumb confuses him to try to sort out more than that

I had reservations once I looked up his past reviews and actually asked him to give me a call, thought this may put us both at ease. So I just mentioned I was a bit confused as I didn't seem to fall into the typical lady he seemed to enjoy. He chose to take this opportunity to 'defend himself' as he put it. Again, I was thinking maybe he was having as much trouble with conversation as he seemed to with texts...seems a bit difficult for him to shift gears but I guess some people are a bit single minded

He arrives... immediately grabs me and pokes his tongue in my mouth and grabs my ass and breasts and squeezes Hard...then says... nice! I had already requested he shower upon arrival and since his breath was quite a turn off I gave toothpaste and toothbrush with towel while he is in shower. (Oh my goodness y'all, I have been in the hobby since '13 and Never have I Ever had to request someone to brush their teeth..I'm a smoker and have breath mints all over my room so I won't ever taste nasty lol) He had already commented when he arrived that he had just showered before he left. Well ok babe, but ya were in a car for an hour or more and I prefer squeaky clean ANYthing going Near my mouth

Here comes Mr Pillsbury fresh out the shower....or so I thought lol. So I'm kneeling on the bed doing my traditional greeting kissing touching. I work my way down and he immediately starts to thrust deeply into my mouth. While this is something I sometimes enjoy definitely not right at first, he kinda still smelled a bit funky there (I didn't notice till later he never used the washcloth I gave him...i can't imagine why not tho) and it actually hurt.

I kind of backed off and he said what? I read that you like that. I said I do but I kind of like to work my way up to it if that's okay. I said how about you lay down on the bed and let me just tease you for a bit. I pop another candy in myouth to cover the smell/taste...I mean he's mostly clean, right lol? I get to doing that and we're in the middle of it he tells me he's not comfortable I'm at an awkward angle so I try to change it. Which I do the upside down b******. And in the middle of all of it he asked can we just do a half an hour? I kind of hesitate and say what's the matter is everything okay? I said I don't really change it from an hour to a half an hour when that's what we had already planned.

At this point I knew something was really off and I really backed off. All of the sudden he's looking at me and tells me well you don't really look anything like your pictures (we had briefly discussed that I DO look like them because I don't know how to use a filter lol) and and then says I don't want to do what you want to do. I want you to do what I want you to do that's what I'm here for. Im thinking... that's what we were doing? With the exception of letting him injure my throat...the lil talk about Physics and curve directionality was a bit much for him to grasp I think

But at this point I backed up put my robe on and said I don't think this is gonna work at all darlin, time for you to leave please....yep I sure did say please but .... I sure don't have to suffer such inconsiderate and rude people in my own room for goodness sake. I felt it was only fair that I refund half of what he brought...I mean I would have given it all back but he was just so dang rude lol.

And holy bananas batman!!....y'all, he STILL WANTED ME TO GET HIM OFF....oh lawd it was all I could do not to bust out laughin. I told him, I'm so sorry babe, I don't owe you anything cept to show you out the door

Whew ladies!! Let me tell ya, Don't Ever forget to do your dang homework! I sure coulda had a much better time snuggled up watchin ID channel with the pup lol. What I mean is, I did my Left Side Search AFTER he left. Oh maaaaan...there were already warnings signs ugh. Lesson learned and followed up this morning with one helluva hot 2 hours with a local favorite. Maybe my friend and I should thank Ol Skipper here tho....3 times in 90 min of some seriously edgy FUN!! So happy to leave without that other nasty taste in my mouth

So ladies, I think it's really YMMV with this one. Good luck and hobby safe!!

Majic Originally Posted by MajicPlayground

This is AWESOME !! But at least they can respond. Us ladies usually have to do a rebuttal !

As long as us ladies follow the "outing guidelines".. I mean it is in the guidelines to provide a handle !! Awesome !!
drinkindreamin's Avatar
Sorry for the bad experience. I often think I’d like to hear the stories you ladies could tell but you don’t. Guess we’ve all been there at some point
Reviews are a form of advertisement for the ladies, and a way to inform others of a lady to avoid. Men on the other hand, prefer to keep their info discreet. Good luck getting men to come see you if you keep revealing their info, even if just their area code, or their hair color, or their race, or approximate age, etc. Men prefer discretion and this advertising just goes against it. I think currently, a lady can post in coed if she disagrees with a review and in private share info on who to avoid, and I don't think this public sharing of info about a guy who may be cheating on his SO, or just getting a little bit on the side, is going to work to the lady's advantage but if you take it on, then good luck.
So, should clients be able to review without viability to the provider, the provider be able to review clients for other providers without visibility to the clients? Seems fair.
MajicPlayground's Avatar
Reviews are a form of advertisement for the ladies, and a way to inform others of a lady to avoid. Men on the other hand, prefer to keep their info discreet. Good luck getting men to come see you if you keep revealing their info, even if just their area code, or their hair color, or their race, or approximate age, etc. Men prefer discretion and this advertising just goes against it. I think currently, a lady can post in coed if she disagrees with a review and in private share info on who to avoid, and I don't think this public sharing of info about a guy who may be cheating on his SO, or just getting a little bit on the side, is going to work to the lady's advantage but if you take it on, then good luck. Originally Posted by iquit2
Since I did follow all the eccie guidelines, and didn't reveal anything real world....and again those who know me understand this....I have not broken any rules. As for my business, well first, that's MY business not yours....and if I lost clients like him, I call that a WIN lol. I'm no doormat and the friends I play with appreciate that....and therin lies the beauty of this hobby..... with all the personalities and likes/dislikes, we all have choices. I'm good with mine
theccccrider2015's Avatar
Beer anyone???? LOL/jk
Since I did follow all the eccie guidelines, and didn't reveal anything real world....and again those who know me understand this....I have not broken any rules. As for my business, well first, that's MY business not yours....and if I lost clients like him, I call that a WIN lol. I'm no doormat and the friends I play with appreciate that....and therin lies the beauty of this hobby..... with all the personalities and likes/dislikes, we all have choices. I'm good with mine Originally Posted by MajicPlayground
Admin should add an "encounters" tag under your avatar to link to your reviews.
Make sure all the rules are followed in this thread.

this is a rebuttal to a session and everyone can post in it. As long as it stays within the rules and this isn't starting a trend either.