The Beauty of Welfare and Living Off The Government

  • DSK
  • 03-26-2017, 05:12 PM
Trump is the real welfare queen Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
It has been proven to be a waste of energy to try and debate you, Sistine Chapel.

You'd rather post racism and ethnic slurs.

You should take that gun of yours and stuff it up your unwashed bunghole.

Or... post something on topic and relevant to a discussion.

Or another WWII style propaganda cartoon of a rabbi. That ought to earn you yet another vacation. This time for good, right?
5 kids 3 baby's mama's living off the gubbermint. How you like dem apples boy.

and not just living off the gubbermint but wasting governmemt money at astosnishing rates..him and all his kids and baby's mama's too Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
You are a complete idiot, aren't you?

Trump has never receive a welfare payment in his life. Quite the opposite, he PAYS a shitload in taxes to support loafers like you.

He now has a JOB as President of the US. The expenses of the executive branch - which accompany the JOB - are not welfare payments.

Other than that, your idiocy makes total sense.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar

5 kids and 3 baby's mama's that we know of living off the government getting welfare. What a fucking shame!!!

Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel

bahaaahhhhhaaa u shithead troll .. your premise is false as usual.

A baby mama (also baby-mama and baby-mother) is a mother who is not married to her child's father, although the term is often infused with other meanings as well.

Trump fails the test negro. he was married to all of his wives when each of his kids were born.

how many bastards do u have running around Htown negro?

you are just jealous Trump has a nicer crib than u do.

your crib ..

Trump's crib ..


now go wipe the cum off yer grill before it permanently stains it.

You are a complete idiot, aren't you?

Trump has never receive a welfare payment in his life. Quite the opposite, he PAYS a shitload in taxes to support loafers like you.

He now has a JOB as President of the US. The expenses of the executive branch - which accompany the JOB - are not welfare payments.

Other than that, your idiocy makes total sense. Originally Posted by Revenant
You know why this idiot posts this kind of frustrating bullshit? He's on a racial mission. He wants someone to call him the "N" word. Which we all know goes without saying. To a liberal the race card is their most prized possession.

Slitlikr's Avatar
OP is obsessed with Trump's refusal to grab his pussy.
OP is obsessed with Trump's refusal to grab his pussy. Originally Posted by Slitlikr
Trump would have no choice but to call him one. He might even make Obama look tough, lol.

R.M.'s Avatar
  • R.M.
  • 03-26-2017, 10:18 PM
Ha the OP is still high off of butt hurt...