The idea of Christ like figures that pre-date Jesus debunked

bojulay's Avatar
Well, end of discussion then. I'm glad somebody was able to finally put these unfounded rumors to rest.....the idea of a mythical magic-show Christ-like made-up-in-the-fervent-imagination-of-religious-hucksters figure originated with original Jesus. Any similarity of pre-Jesus hucksters to the current Jesus hucksters is purely coincidental.

Fuck off Bojulay. Originally Posted by timpage
You use the word huckster a lot.

Flashback from your days as a carnival barker perhaps?
Was that bearded lady for real?

ha ha ha ha
You use the word huckster a lot.

Flashback from your days as a carnival barker perhaps?
Was that bearded lady for real?

ha ha ha ha Originally Posted by bojulay
Nice try half-wit. Back to mass.
Nice try half-wit. Back to mass. Originally Posted by timpage
Wrong service.

The Catholics go to mass.

Bojo and the other fundamentalists go to worship.

The Baptists get upset when you call it mass. They don't want to be confused with papists.
Back to the magic show then. Whatever.
bojulay's Avatar
Back to the magic show then. Whatever. Originally Posted by timpage

ha ha ha ha
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I think BullJay should kiss mass!
bojulay's Avatar
I think BullJay should kiss mass! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Good one.
Start your own thread about the Libtardafacation of America.
It is a different subject.

ha ha ha ha Originally Posted by bojulay

Don't have to you already did.
Man has been creating God in his own image ever since the dawn of time.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
this is political?
JCM800's Avatar
literalists Originally Posted by ExNYer
Libtardafacation Originally Posted by bojulay
i guess using these words now qualifies it as political.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 06-03-2013, 07:22 AM
For too many people religion IS politics. Instead of looking at religion as a structured way of living a better life themselves, they want to force their ideas on others. Fundamental Muslims, Fundamental Christians, tribal groups in Africa. It doesn't really matter how much they say they are different from the others, it's all really the same:

"MY god says he/she is the only true belief, therefore he/she MUST be true because he/she wouldn't lie."

"MY god says XXXX is evil (or YYYY MUST be done, either extreme works) therefore I must obey."

"MY god's way must apply to all whether they believe it or not; in MY god's name I am allowed to kill and torture to make all heathens obey MY god's views."

"We must pass laws imposing MY interpretation of MY god's rules on everyone."

"When OTHERS do this it is evil and must be opposed, but when MY believers do it it is only right and just!"

"Death to heretics and non-believers!"

Whether it's burkas being mandatory, no alcohol sales on Sunday mornings because MY group goes to church then, etc., it really isn't any different.

Religion IS politics for most people. In some cases (murder, theft, etc.) that is reasonable. In others (homosexuality, blasphemy, etc.) it is nothing but the attempt of one religion to say their rules are fundamentally more equal than others. But if I do it because MY interpretation of MY god's wishes say it's OK, then I am completely justified. I can even justify oppressing and killing others in the name of my loving god.
bojulay's Avatar
For too many people religion IS politics. Instead of looking at religion as a structured way of living a better life themselves, they want to force their ideas on others. Fundamental Muslims, Fundamental Christians, tribal groups in Africa. It doesn't really matter how much they say they are different from the others, it's all really the same:

"MY god says he/she is the only true belief, therefore he/she MUST be true because he/she wouldn't lie."

"MY god says XXXX is evil (or YYYY MUST be done, either extreme works) therefore I must obey."

"MY god's way must apply to all whether they believe it or not; in MY god's name I am allowed to kill and torture to make all heathens obey MY god's views."

"We must pass laws imposing MY interpretation of MY god's rules on everyone."

"When OTHERS do this it is evil and must be opposed, but when MY believers do it it is only right and just!"

"Death to heretics and non-believers!"

Whether it's burkas being mandatory, no alcohol sales on Sunday mornings because MY group goes to church then, etc., it really isn't any different.

Religion IS politics for most people. In some cases (murder, theft, etc.) that is reasonable. In others (homosexuality, blasphemy, etc.) it is nothing but the attempt of one religion to say their rules are fundamentally more equal than others. But if I do it because MY interpretation of MY god's wishes say it's OK, then I am completely justified. I can even justify oppressing and killing others in the name of my loving god. Originally Posted by Old-T

The atheistic/agnostic frame of reference.

Overly simple in it's pronouncements.

Apply the same logic to other situations and experiences and
people will think you have at the least a very eccentric outlook on life.

IE Government can be evil so all Government is evil.

People die in automobile accidents so only a fool would
ever take a ride in an automobile.

People die from food poisoning so why take a chance
and eat something.

How much that is done in the name of Christianity is any sort of
true representation of Christ?

How many people ever even bother to consider the question?

You don't have to study very long before you find out that religion
is one of greatest enemies to a true understanding of God.
This isn't political !
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 06-04-2013, 03:24 PM
This isn't political ! Originally Posted by Whirlaway
As usual you are both wrong and ignorant. My whole post was about religion and politics being intrinsically connected. How is that not political in your simplistic mind? I know it makes your one brain cell hurt, but politics really is broader than you spilling your hate and jealousy about Obama.