Cougar & Cub Thread, RAWR!!

I will certainly post a review thread! I've also heard about colletes and any of the ladies on here want to go, I would love to join. Lol with my young age I haven't been!
I am a Cougar, HEAR ME RAWR! I like my men no older than 35 but at least 27. Not too young and not too old. Just something about them.

And I dont want them forever, just for a little while. For example, my most recent one bored me after the "thrill" was gone, and I cut him loose yesterday.

So I am on the prowl...

But I need someone who is a challenge, can carry on an intellectual conversation, and one that I am okay with being seen in public.
I love Cubz of all ages, but def Count me in, Half-Sister!
No dumb Cubz though.
What kind of challenge are you looking for?
Lisa I dont know any man who could handle you and I in the same room.

@Im down, a challenge, cant make it too easy for me. Which means you have to be intelligent, carry on a conversation, and allow me to teach you a few new things. You have to be trainable.
The site duplicated, OOPS!!!
Trainable. Agreed. Get their resumes and college transcripts to weed out the fakes.
Lisa I dont know any man who could handle you and I in the same room.

@Im down, a challenge, cant make it too easy for me. Which means you have to be intelligent, carry on a conversation, and allow me to teach you a few new things. You have to be trainable. Originally Posted by chellachella
Well chella it is nice to meet you, given that I am a "cub" a little younger than your requirements, if there's any sort of waiver sign me up because I am willing to accept some training. Granted I've been through some tough training before but I see that this might not be anything that I have experienced before. You want transcripts, I got that (current college student), I am a greenhorn to your game, and I have the motivation to push through and succeed in any task brought before me. If you're willing to try out this 6'4 Hispanic stallion, please feel free to message me or continue this thread. Let's do this!

Oh, and I'm ready for a x2
Leftygunz's Avatar
Right here chella,,u wont regret meeting me.
LA Man's Avatar
Imdown you have set the stage to fill some mighty big shoes. I have only been in thus game for a year and a half but u am pretty sure that if a poll was taken in our area Dee, Nic, and Lisa could only be matched with April, Lolitta, and Skyny when it comes to drive and Stamina. I would HIGHLY recommend you spending time with them one at a time before doubling up. I can personally vouch for Dee, Nic, Lisa, and Skny that if they can't outlast ant hobbyist they surely can hang until a mutual truce is reached. Be very careful what you wish for and make sure you are comfortable in what you say you are up for. I have not experienced nor do I think I will but I KNOW all four are armed with an arsenal of toys that will make the Kinkiest most seasoned hobbiest weak in the knees and they are more than ready to use them on you.

Take my recommendation when you get back from drill and see Nic then one, two or three of the others mentioned above this weekend then consider doubles. If you feel your up for it since you have been on drill book Nic for the evening with a visit to Colette's, that would be a serious warm up to doubles.....
No faith LAMan lol no faith. I can't wait to visit Nicolet, I have done the research, read the reviews (LAMan, you are a beast) and now it is my turn to enjoy the goodness of a cougar. Hopefully she can keep up which, by the reviews, I don't see that being a problem. Thanks for the advice, I might take up that info but if she's ready I'm ready!
Lefty a description would be nice, message me privately if you do not want to post it.

And Im down, sounds like a hot latino!! you can message me as well.
I will let this be known ahead of time lol I can't speak or understand Spanish!
no hay problema