Favorite Burger Chain in SA

I was thinking about starting a thread about burger joints.. NOT FAST FOOD!!!
'Ya know the ones where it is served on an actual plate with a fork... AND plenty of napkins! Fries Onion Rings... hell I don't care.. just give me a good burger! Throw in a good Margarita & I will be in heaven.

I would like to hear who has a damn good burger.. one that some have us have found.. it could be a chain... example, Burger Fi (?), Red Robin, Stoneworks, Chesters...whoever... etc...
The vote was rigged because of all you Texans. Whataburger is good, but it's strictly Southwest. I would demand a recount, but then I'd have to give a sh*t.
RandB fan's Avatar
The vote was rigged because of all you Texans. Whataburger is good, but it's strictly Southwest. I would demand a recount, but then I'd have to give a sh*t. Originally Posted by daviejones
I assume you are at or are now on your way to Big Ed's when you posted this?

I ate there in the 70's!!!!!!!!!!!and was served by "Mr.(BIG ED) Thomas" as he was just getting started.> I hear he sold out at 50 stores!!!!!!

PS the best burger in my opinion is my 4 cheese stuffed smoked filet mignon burger only available in my back yard off my New Braunfels smoker. When I go out I eat what I either can't make at home or just too lazy to do so.
Precious_b's Avatar

Than there was the dive by the old Century South theatre called SA Burger. I really liked that run down place.

Out of towners have told me they love the Real Burger at The Cove.
TxnPrd's Avatar
Red Robins. I worked in CA for a couple of years and all my coworkers were raving about In-N-Out. When I finally tried it....Meh...Prefer Whataburger. This new In-N-Out was messed up the traffic on that street. I live near there and its been a mess. Hope it clears up soon.
SpursFan's Avatar
Anyone remember Burger Chef?
Can I write in The Longhorn Cafe? Otherwise: 1. Chesters 2. 5 Guys 3. In & Out Burger

Consolation prize goes to Tommy's
Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 11-26-2014, 09:59 PM
Anyone remember Burger Chef? Originally Posted by SpursFan

Remember Whopperburger? GW Jr's?
Anyone remember Burger Chef? Originally Posted by SpursFan
Yes, they were the first fast food joint in the town I grew up in. Burger Chef and Jeff....
SimpsonGuy's Avatar
Im just happy more well know burgers are coming to town! More selection better options, i think you should separate chain burgers restaurant and local burgers restaurant. Locally momaks is something else.
Have yet to try smash burger...although, I'm not a huge fan of chains...I have some great local places I have a hard time straying from if I want a good burger.
Since the sad demise of Little Hipp's on McCullough, the crown now rests atop the Cheddar Burger at Chris Madrid's. Longhorn Cafe on Blanco is heir-apparent.
Without a doubt...Chesters. Whataburger... seriously???
Precious_b's Avatar
Since the sad demise of Little Hipp's on McCullough, the crown now rests atop the Cheddar Burger at Chris Madrid's. Longhorn Cafe on Blanco is heir-apparent. Originally Posted by PDid
You didn't like Timbos?
Randall Creed's Avatar
I don't like joints that have heavy burgers. I don't like to feel like I'm eating a brick, especially as I get older and have to take weight and health into consideration.

I had a Whataburger, maybe 3 weeks ago. I couldn't finish it. It felt too bricky and dense. Tasted OK, but nothing that I'd miss eating.