New York Crimes does a thorough investigation on the recent bitten assualt allegations and come up with THIS excellent conclusion.

  • Tiny
  • 04-13-2020, 07:09 PM
alleged.... Originally Posted by friendly fred
I don't care whether Trump or Biden grabs ass. It may be important though to bb, who I think said he prizes fidelity and doesn't participate in the hobby.
  • oeb11
  • 04-13-2020, 07:23 PM
Tiny - I agree with the following :
First, the Me Too movement has gotten out of control. Yeah Bill Cosby and Harvey Weinstein probably deserved what they got but there were others who shouldn't have had their lives and careers destroyed. It's rich that we on a hooker board should be making judgments about Donald Trump or Joe Biden based on sexual allegations and innuendos.

Second, there's no one in this race who's a good candidate, like Gary Johnson or John Kasich, and who's got a realistic chance at winning. Biden might have been OK but he swung too far to the left to compete with Bernie Sanders, so the idea of Biden in the presidency and Schumer and Pelosi controlling Congress is scary.

I think i over-reacted. No One who is a normal man is likely immune from #metoo allegations.