Was Trump aware of his campaign manager's involvement with the deposed leader of Ukraine?

The lame-stream media hasn't been genuinely interested in digging up dirt on a dim-retard candidate since Gary Hart's "Monkey Business" exposé.

Originally Posted by I B Hankering
You can hardly blame ole Gary, that Rice chick was pretty damned hot.

Granted, not as hot as fat chicks in blue dresses.
LexusLover's Avatar
You can hardly blame ole Gary, that Rice chick was pretty damned hot.

Granted, not as hot as fat chicks in blue dresses. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Gary Hart's "transgression" was that he was "cheating" in public on his mistress, who was a well respected and "high profile" employee of the State Department at the time. Hart and his D.C. mistress were an "item" at a lot of "high profile" parties and gatherings, to which, I understand, she was the primary invitation recipient. Hart was a practical shoe-in in the image of JFK. But he disrespected her publicly.

I like political career cut short by "an affair" was that of Henry Cisneros the former mayor of San Antonio. He was practically a "shoe-in" as well to be the first Hispanic Governor of Texas. The spectacle of media knocking on his door and interviewing his wife with their baby in her arms in the dark hours of the morning after the "leak" of the affair hit the press was too much to overcome ... particularly in the Hispanic dominated San Antonio area in which the culture dictates you do not disrespect or humiliate your wife in public with a mistress issue.

I always suspected the Bill Clinton wanted Henry on board as the HUD director so they could chase pussy on junkets together. Henry like Bill had a history of keeping his zipper down.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
And Trump is squeaky clean is that your point? Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt
Did I say that, Lube Wideass? No, I did not. But Hillary is, by far and away, the most corrupt, dishonest and incompetent person to ever run for President. Freedom will not survive 4 years of Hillary. If this weren't our last chance to stop, or slow, this country's decades long slide into a police state, I'd support Gary Johnson in a heartbeat. But since it is, I'm supporting the guy who has the best chance of defeating Hillary.
BigLouie's Avatar
It is being reported today that Trump's daughter and Putin's girlfriend are on vacation together.
bambino's Avatar
The Clintons do a damn better job of HIDING IT, shit-for-brains. At least from the press, which there isn't a story circulating about their shit like Manafort's.

If he is linked to that Black Ledger, I'm sure it will be "beneficial" to Trump's campaign. Like I said: APPEARANCES.

The press loves this shit. Why give them another opportunity by hiring this guy? Hell, Trump doesn't listen to anyone but himself, anyway. Originally Posted by Prolongus
Really? Clintons are better at hiding it? How about this shit for brains:


Go back to fucking hookers. Your better at that.
I B Hankering's Avatar
It is being reported today that Trump's daughter and Putin's girlfriend are on vacation together. Originally Posted by BigLouie
It's been reported that the convicted pedophile Jeffery Epstein's "fixer" attended Chelsea's wedding ceremony, BL.

It is being reported today that Trump's daughter and Putin's girlfriend are on vacation together. Originally Posted by BigLouie
Again, no link from the most intellectually disingenuous poster on the board.

I'm sure it doesn't ....

Originally Posted by LexusLover
Tanned, rested, and ready in 2024 when he's released from prison!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Yuh mean they didn't hang him from a tree?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Really? Clintons are better at hiding it? How about this shit for brains:


Go back to fucking hookers. Your better at that. Originally Posted by bambino
At least he can get a date with a hooker, you cyber bully.

Go fuck yourself with a weather vane, you Limpdick Lardass.

This place used to be a lot more interesting.

Ball gargling Neanderthal.
Really? Clintons are better at hiding it? How about this shit for brains:


Go back to fucking hookers. Your better at that. Originally Posted by bambino
Breitbart?? BREITBART???!
You could have sourced WSJ or the NYPost...and you chose Breibart??? LMFAO!! You get your news from The Onion also??

So where was the national outrage over this?
Yep...the media is slanted against Trumpolini. Really. It is.
bambino's Avatar
At least he can get a date with a hooker, you cyber bully.

Go fuck yourself with a weather vane, you Limpdick Lardass.

This place used to be a lot more interesting.

Ball gargling Neanderthal. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
You can be the weather vane because your pig snout is always up my ass. You cockstalking, cocksucking, stupid, lazy pig.
bambino's Avatar
Breitbart?? BREITBART???!
You could have sourced WSJ or the NYPost...and you chose Breibart??? LMFAO!! You get your news from The Onion also??

So where was the national outrage over this?
Yep...the media is slanted against Trumpolini. Really. It is. Originally Posted by Prolongus
Here's another source dumbass, I can provide more. But why don't you look yourself you blind partisan hack. Clinton is the queen of skullduggery, shit for brains.

Here's another source dumbass, I can provide more. But why don't you look yourself you blind partisan hack. Clinton is the queen skullduggery, shit for brains.

http://www.investors.com/politics/ed...ladimir-putin/ Originally Posted by bambino
Clinton...skullduggery...I AGREE! FUCK THAT MONEY-GRUBBING CUNT.
Get a fifth grader to describe my avatar to you, Bannedwino...and maybe teach you proper English...or not.
bambino's Avatar
Clinton...skullduggery...I AGREE! FUCK THAT MONEY-GRUBBING CUNT.
Get a fifth grader to describe my avatar to you, Bannedwino...and maybe teach you proper English...or not. Originally Posted by Prolongus
Well, at least you came around. You're flapping your wings about Manafort when the Clintons make him look like an amateur. And fuck your avatar and Johnson. He has no chance.

Is the NY Times an acceptable news source for you?
