Like I said in my initial post, the other thread was closed for a reason... if some poster started a thread and posted almost daily about a personality on CNN or MSNBC, most of you MAGA loyalist would never shut the fuck up with your whining.
Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
Noted for so to be reference
The funny thing is that neither of you have posted a single fucking word about the content in the video to actually have a reasonable discussion about it. See how this works and why the other thread was closed? There is no discussion to be had here. You two geniuses are giving me shit and how the fuck do I know whether you guys watched it? Hell, I know Salty didn't. He's too busy watching "Crocodile Dundee" for the 10,000th time. 
There is no topic here. All I have to do is mention Fucker C and I can't be accused of being off topic. LOL
My guess is that this thread will be closed soon, TWK because your childish defiance in starting this thread to protest how butthurt you are about the other dumb thread being closed should in no way be rewarded IMO.
Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
Well, I saw the title of this thread and didn't know tucky had a network.
Seeing that twk and i have greatly discoursed the breadth and depth of network when it involves media of the news variety, twk made it be known what his very limited *beliefs* are of networks.
So, I went and refreshed myself to the definition.
A media network is a group of different types of media outlets (television, radio, newspapers, magazines, etc.) that distribute information, news, entertainment, and other types of content to the general public.
Popular media groups include CNN, HBO Max, Disney+, BBC, NBC, Fox News, and more.
So, looking at what the OP posted, all I saw was a link to a YT video. "That ain't a network." I thought to myself. At best, it would probably be considered the nets version of a public access channel. You know, the one that has a budget that is subsidized. Stating another way, a place where people who are too cheap/poor to get themselves put on the tube go to put up content.
"Well" I thought, "Tuckpad ain't broke. And I heard he possibly don't like the orange dyed windbag so he probably ain't sending his last dime buying maga pimp chuck taylors." So, I scoured my two neurons in my noggin trying to remember *ANY* advertising for a new network on any of the media networks.
So, ergo, this thread is just like the subject: a BIG LIE.
Tucky is an admitted liar. His former boss who shit canned him admitted to having him put out lies. And the OP still won't admit he lied about his biggest yardstick for backing tucky (Nielson points) is
So, until I am proven a liar in that there is a media network that tc started, this thread is, how do people say, a big nuthin' burger.