Top 5 Reasons She Can't Orgasm With You?

Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
Where's the thread on how not to orgasm? If you've seen the show "Men of a Certain Age" one technique is to slow down and "look at them", read as to look through them, not at them, 'cause that won't help. One of my favorites, and I can't remember where I first heard it, is to try to remember all of players from a certain sports team....anything to get your big head from thinking where the little head is. Originally Posted by SimonNueve
"Margaret Thatcher playing baseball."
ANONONE's Avatar
"Margaret Thatcher playing baseball." Originally Posted by Marcus Aurelius
. . .or just print this off and keep it in your hobby kit with your condoms. Sort of like anti-Viagra!

I'm an easy cummer...I can't squirt because I tense up a lot right before I cum, which 'pinches' it off...but you can feel my muscles and my juices flowing...they are real...real and
You have to be patient and have the woman's satisfaction in mind.
every girl fakes it at some point, guys really cannot tell! or maybe you don't care!

sometimes it is better just to fake it & get on with the show tho. mood, stress, distraction, hormones- these things that are frequently changing in a woman's body, more than a guys & can mess with sex drive (maybe for a minute, maybe years!!)

personally i think the sex can be great even if i don't get off at all. IF it's fun & good otherwise & sex can still be just as great! even an unsatisfactory man, small one, whatever isn't working- can be settled myself For Real with my own fingers
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
Dstorm's Avatar
1.Who cares?
2.Who cares?
3.Who cares?
4.Who cares?
5.Who cares?

Now, if you cant orgasm with her, that needs to be looked into.
My cock is measured in millimeters instead of inches???