Climate Change hits Texas hard

WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 02-16-2021, 03:37 AM
You don't actually believe WTF knows anything about cancer do you?
. Originally Posted by LexusLover
How about you go out on a limb and predict when Rush will kick the bucket Mister Cancer expert.

I've already said April 1rst 2021
LexusLover's Avatar
Originally Posted by WTF
Do you know who Fauci is? Here is his picture ...

Recently he wears a mask following "science" that just a year ago said that masks were "unsafe" to wear as reported by .....FAUCI!

Remember? He's the guy who said about this time a year ago that there was nothing to worry about with this "Covid" .... China stuff ... based on "SCIENCE" ....

FYI: During the Obaminable (your hero) administration Obaminable stopped funding the Chinese research that created the "Covid" cell and FAUCI with a couple of buddies stepped in to FINANCE the continued research and development of the cell.

But, of course, you wouldn't know about that .... because there is no JURY SELECTION involved ..... YET! Please keep laughing!

Finally ... do you know why the cell was being developed?

Why would FAUCI lie about all that was happening in China? MONEY?

btw: He also believes in "climate change"!

I recognize you probably don't believe in Newsweek as a reliable source, particularly if it smears your laughing tears, but .... here is the Newsweek HEADLINE back in April 2020 .....

Dr. Fauci Backed Controversial Wuhan Lab with U.S. Dollars for Risky Coronavirus Research
Like I posted: Fauci claims to follow "SCIENCE" ... DON'T YOU?
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 02-16-2021, 06:22 AM
Fauci early on said we did not need to wear masks because there was a shortage of masks for medical personnel. Are you really this ignorant of the facts?

Recently he wears a mask following "science" that just a year ago said that masks were "unsafe" to wear as reported by .....FAUCI!

Remember? He's the guy who said about this time a year ago that there was nothing to worry about with this "Covid" .... China stuff ... based on "SCIENCE" ....

FYI: During the Obaminable (your hero) administration Obaminable stopped funding the Chinese research that created the "Covid" cell and FAUCI with a couple of buddies stepped in to FINANCE the continued research and development of the cell.

But, of course, you wouldn't know about that .... because there is no JURY SELECTION involved ..... YET! Please keep laughing!

Finally ... do you know why the cell was being developed?

Why would FAUCI lie about all that was happening in China? MONEY?

btw: He also believes in "climate change"!

I recognize you probably don't believe in Newsweek as a reliable source, particularly if it smears your laughing tears, but .... here is the Newsweek HEADLINE back in April 2020 .....

Like I Originally Posted by LexusLover
Now I know why Area 51 has a missing person alert!

You did not provide a link to your Nesweek source, had you, I suspect your quote would be out of context. Below is a link that counters your Covid/Fauci nonsense.

"If someone were seeking to engineer a new coronavirus as a pathogen, they would have constructed it from the backbone of a virus known to cause illness," Andersen also added.

Our ruling: False
We rate the claim that the U.S. government purposefully created the novel coronavirus, through research efforts led by Fauci, as FALSE because it is not supported by our research. Scientific evidence has found no support for the claim that the coronavirus was intentionally engineered in a laboratory setting.
LexusLover's Avatar
WTF..."blah, blah, blah
LexusLover's Avatar
We rate the claim that the U.S. government purposefully created the novel coronavirus, through research efforts led by Fauci, as FALSE because it is not supported by our research. Originally Posted by WTF
You will not find in anything I have posted and/or to which I have referenced the statement that .....

... "the U.S. government purposefully created the novel coronavirus".....

... in fact I suspect that phrase was crafted itself "purposefully"!

Again, WTF, .... you've shown yourself to be a fool.

The research that resulted in the cell that was inadvertently allowed to infect someone at the lab who was allowed to leave before decontamination .... began around 2014 ....

.... the simple protocol was to establish a cell that would attack other cells and draw the attention of the body's natural immune system to destroy the attacked cells .... it was an intended cure for cancer using the body's own war chest as opposed to chemicals that historically had bad results ...

(take that statement of facts ... and compare it to the tidbits of bullshit one hears almost daily about Covid ... who are those most at risk in our society for detrimental effects of Covid19? Older and already ill whose IMMUNE SYSTEMS ARE IN POOR, IF NOT FAILED, CONDITION!

... Fauci was masquerading for "HIV" cures to generate funding .... and the major pharma companies were to be the benefactors.

One day when you grow up, WTF, you'll understand more. How could Fauci be WRONG in late January and early February 2020 with respect to a "virus" about which he was funding research for about 3 years and with which he was involved since 2015, if not sooner? And how could the WHO ALSO BE SO WRONG?

Do you believe in CLIMATE CHANGE?

I do as well .... it's reflected in rock and petrified tree trunks.

But I elected to study geology in college ... along with nuclear physics.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Fauci early on said we did not need to wear masks because there was a shortage of masks for medical personnel. Are you really this ignorant of the facts?
He certainly didn’t frame it that way:

“There’s no reason to be walking around with a mask. When you’re in the middle of an outbreak, wearing a mask might make people feel a little bit better and it might even block a droplet, but it’s not providing the perfect protection that people think that it is. And, often, there are unintended consequences — people keep fiddling with the mask and they keep touching their face.”
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
fauci was verbally circle jerking people with this mask nonsense.
pfunkdenver's Avatar
It will take another administration but WTF will learn eventually that Covid and cancer are related ... that's why Fauci was financially involved in creating creating Covid. Originally Posted by LexusLover
  • Tiny
  • 02-16-2021, 04:12 PM
Fauci kicks ass. When presented with good evidence that masks help prevent spread of coronavirus, he advised people to wear them.

The CDC advised people to wear masks on April 3. Fauci was on that bandwagon. I started the thread People in Shithole Countries Wear Masks about a week before that, and at the time the evidence was scanty, with more data from SARS than COVID-19. But it was convincing. Kudos to Fauci and most other epidemiologists, virologists and public health experts for promoting the use of masks, social distancing, and hand washing, and for discouraging nose picking.

The conspiracy theories that Fauci is somehow profiting from one vaccine or another crack me up. The more Republicans attack him the more we appear like morons. You've already had 150,000 Republicans leave the party the last 6 weeks because they don't want to be associated with morons. This has to change or America will become a one party state, ruled over by Progressives, who are the real morons.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 02-17-2021, 01:18 PM
How about you go out on a limb and predict when Rush will kick the bucket Mister Cancer expert.

I've already said April 1rst 2021 Originally Posted by WTF could have won some money if you knew anything about'd bet the under!
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Fauci kicks ass. When presented with good evidence that masks help prevent spread of coronavirus, he advised people to wear them.

The CDC advised people to wear masks on April 3. Fauci was on that bandwagon. I started the thread People in Shithole Countries Wear Masks about a week before that, and at the time the evidence was scanty, with more data from SARS than COVID-19. But it was convincing. Kudos to Fauci and most other epidemiologists, virologists and public health experts for promoting the use of masks, social distancing, and hand washing, and for discouraging nose picking.

The conspiracy theories that Fauci is somehow profiting from one vaccine or another crack me up. The more Republicans attack him the more we appear like morons. You've already had 150,000 Republicans leave the party the last 6 weeks because they don't want to be associated with morons. This has to change or America will become a one party state, ruled over by Progressives, who are the real morons. Originally Posted by Tiny
You will never convince our hard-core skeptics that Fauci changed his opinions on certain issues as more facts became evident over time. I'm sure they believe Scott Atlas was more effective as Trump's chief Covid health adviser.
You don't actually believe WTF knows anything about cancer do you?

I recognize that Covid isn't as kill-worthy as cancer, but that has more to do with initial response time and quality of care.

It will take another administration but WTF will learn eventually that Covid and cancer are related ... that's why Fauci was financially involved in creating creating Covid. Originally Posted by LexusLover
I think WTF knows he's a cancer.
You will never convince our hard-core skeptics that Fauci changed his opinions on certain issues as more facts became evident over time. I'm sure they believe Scott Atlas was more effective as Trump's chief Covid health adviser. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
So what are you saying?
HedonistForever's Avatar
You will never convince our hard-core skeptics that Fauci changed his opinions on certain issues as more facts became evident over time. I'm sure they believe Scott Atlas was more effective as Trump's chief Covid health adviser. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX

So the most famous immunologist in the world, who spent his life studying viruses, wasn't sure that masks would be effective against a virus that was obviously being transmitted person to person through the air?

I wonder why doctors have been wearing masks for a hundred years.

No, Fauci told the public not to wear masks because he was worried that the people who needed them most, might not be able to get them so he sacrificed the many for the few. He knew they were necessary from the beginning, in certain situations, close contact of infected people.

Maybe that is something to be applauded, maybe not.
ICU 812's Avatar
Back in the 1980s, weather like this led scientists to believe that we were facing another Ice Age!