Some ladies have a "No Review" policy and I will honor her wishes (unless its a really bad session, then I don't care). Originally Posted by Chica Chaser
Love that answer! I stopped receiving reviews about 5yrs ago and I've had a "no public review" policy ever since, but do allow gentlemen to write them in my website's "gentleman's corner".
Mr Clever's Avatar
I use to review all the time....every fantasy was documented and reported . I stopped for no real reason.

For the sake of the leadership......who I really like. I'm gonna start to post them again.
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
I don't post reviews. No trails. BTW I'm single it's just safer this way.
CivilBarrister's Avatar
If the session was REALLY GREAT or REALLY POOR then I absolutely post a review. If someone I have been seeing as UTR wants to go more public, then I will always post a review to help her out. Also, if someone hasn't been reviewed in a while I will post a review.

BUT if the lady has been recently reviewed then unless I can add something different, I won't post a review; rather, I will add some comments, private or otherwise to the existing review.

If a lady has a NRP, I will honor it UNLESS the session was terrible in which case I will post the review.
clarkkentglasses's Avatar
I always post reviews but, I'm still in hobby honeymoon phase. Its pretty imperitive right now since so many reviews got lost do to aspd going. Some of the ladies are back at square one.
Traveler64's Avatar
When I first started at ASPD, I reviewed a lot. But today, I have a better sense of the limitations of reviews. Other than that, I assume it's not worth my time and effort.

[/curmudgeonly rant] Originally Posted by Chevalier

This wise old timer has said it all.

As another example my most recent visit happened in Vegas with a very well reviewed CA lady. I couldn't possibly add anything other than to say she got into my head at an M&G and this whole spontaneous thing happened. That kind of thing is very individual specific so that info is of little value.

Oh, and I just don't do reviews anymore.
Thanks for all the feedback, guys!!! It's always nice to get some insight from the gents point of view on things. Appreciate it tons!!

Smooches to all
Dstorm's Avatar
Unless she was just reviewed, I will do a review good or bad. Different perspectives on the same provider are good for the guys to have.
Lutherwillsit's Avatar
Most of my reasoning has already been stated in one form or another. I like to review of the experince gave that WOW factor and if the lady doesnt have too much of a review history. I dont mind putting her name out there if I feel someone else woud enjoy here just as much as I did. However, most of the time, ladies will appraoch me and request that I do a review for them. I dont accomodate all because not allin my opinion needed another to add to her collection of 30 or maybe we didnt have hreat chemistry and it was neither just wasnt there.
I travel a lot so I rely on reviews of the area in which I am traveling to lead me to the providers that meet my particular tastes. Because I rely so much on reviews to narrow my choices in a new geographical area, I feel some sense of responsibility to post reviews. Because I am traveling away from home, I am not so much worried about the trail, even though I am somewhat vaguely aware of the dangers. I never hobby while at home, which is why there may some gaps in reviews. Also, to keep the paper trail down, I need to post in order to maintain BCD access w/o having to purchase it.
When I started in the hobby, I wrote a review on every provider. I was looking for a way to better establish myself, and having reviews on TER was a way for me to that. I have not written a review lately mostly because I get busy and have not had time. It has also been over a month since I have seen a provider.
I began my membership back with TSML in 1998 and ASPD in 2000, and of the years there I only posted one review and that was in the locker room. Most of the ladies that I have seen over the years have no idea who I am on the board, (few do but very few) I don't use my board profile as a means of credibility or screening. Not doing so gives me flexibility in how I approach certain conditions.

Most of the ladies that I see are pretty much UTR or not of any big presence here on this or another boards, there forth no reviews asked, which is just what I want.

I have never been asked to provide a review by any provider, probably due to the fact when I contact them in the original email, or when I was introduced to her, I let them know that I am more less private and do not post public reviews. Not saying that I don't share in PM's, emails etc., just not publicly on the board.

So for the most part I am probably not considered an asset for the board, but I do have my contacts that I am willing to express sub-public. I am pretty sure there tons of other hobbyist just like me.
I review all the ladies I meet if they want one.
I do make a point of asking before I leave if they would like me to post one.
I am always honest in what I say and feel it's a good way to show my appreciation if the session was all I hoped it would be.

I of course will posta negative if I feel its warranted but to this point have had no reason to do so.
My hobbying experiences up to this point have all been worthwhile.
I like reading the reviews. I won't see a provider without a review. I don't personally write reviews. The reason is that on ASPD, when I was new to the hobby I tried to write a couple of reviews and the only responses I ever received were degrading like I didn't do it exactly they way they wanted. So screw'm. If this place proves to be more supportive, I will gladly write a review. So far, I like it better than ASPD.
Judge Smails's Avatar
I will always ask a first time session if she would like a review and respect her wish. If I promise to do a review, I will. Good or not so good. Like mentioned before, if the first session is less then great, I will be objective and almost always see her a second time to confirm or not.

I am somewhat lucky in that I see some ladies regularly, so in that case, unless a lot of time has passed, I don't bother with another review.

I do think it is currently a little tricky here on eccie. Lots of familiar handles came over from ASPD and see little to no value regarding all the repost reviews However, if I was just starting yesterday, I might find them very helpful. I sense that some of the ladies need the reposts to "rebuild" websites, etc.

I am very encoouraged for what I see as a general lack of "flaming", especially against newbies over here.