Trump calls the Turtle a “dumb son of a bitch”!!!!!!!!

Trump did more positive things for this country in 4yrs than Turtle has done in his career. Mitch did get rich like a good Deep Stater does. Originally Posted by bambino
I agree with you 100% on that. Regardless of how you see their political views, Trump is a gladiator and McConnell is a survivor. I'd hope even the most left-leaning person realizes that.
  • Tiny
  • 04-12-2021, 05:35 AM
I agree with you 100% on that. Regardless of how you see their political views, Trump is a gladiator and McConnell is a survivor. I'd hope even the most left-leaning person realizes that. Originally Posted by SecretE
McConnell’s shrewd and effective. Gladiators get slaughtered, right? That’s where Trump’s leading Republicans. They’ll have a more difficult time winning the Senate or the House as long as he’s the Party’s figurehead. As to the presidency, even Kamala Harris or Bernie Sanders could beat him.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
McConnell’s shrewd and effective. Gladiators get slaughtered, right? That’s where Trump’s leading Republicans. They’ll have a difficult time winning the Senate or the House as long as he’s the Party’s figurehead. As to the presidency, even Kamala Harris or Bernie Sanders could beat him. Originally Posted by Tiny
Trump still does not get it. His vitriolic speeches are detrimental to him and the Republican party. His approval rating is now at 38.6%, -19.3%. His -57.9% disapproval rating is the highest since he took office in 2017. I agree with Tiny that if the Republican party does not move away from Trump the House takeover may be possible but taking back the Senate will be very difficult.

Republicans not pleased with Trump’s fiery Mar-a-Lago speech
  • Tiny
  • 04-12-2021, 06:35 AM
Trump still does not get it. His vitriolic speeches are detrimental to him and the Republican party. His approval rating is now at 38.6%, -19.3%. His -57.9% disapproval rating is the highest since he took office in 2017. I agree with Tiny that if the Republican party does not move away from Trump the House takeover may be possible but taking back the Senate will be very difficult.

Republicans not pleased with Trump’s fiery Mar-a-Lago speech Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
He’s still going after Mike Pence! Unbelievable!
matchingmole's Avatar
Trump is fatter than you. And dumber.

Originally Posted by bambino

Lucas McCain's Avatar
That's exactly why he did not get a 2nd term. He is unprofessional and is immature. Half of my team annoys me but I would never get on social media and call them names because I would get fired. That's why America fired that dumb son of a bitch. Of course lying about the pandemic for so long didn't exactly help extend his employment as well. And I'll add showing no humility and no empathy wasn't exactly a boost for votes as well. Most normal people don't like those traits in a human.
I don't like McConnell (never have), but McConnell has been "dumb" enough to become (and remain) the Senate Leader (Majority or Minority) for the GOP side, before, during, and after Trump was in office. Have to give the devil his due. Originally Posted by SecretE
Says a lot for the intelligence of the population he represents. Must be the inbreeding.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
That's exactly why he did not get a 2nd term. He is unprofessional and is immature. Half of my team annoys me but I would never get on social media and call them names because I would get fired. That's why America fired that dumb son of a bitch. Of course lying about the pandemic for so long didn't exactly help extend his employment as well. And I'll add showing no humility and no empathy wasn't exactly a boost for votes as well. Most normal people don't like those traits in a human. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
He also lost the Senate for Republicans for his actions AFTER the election in contesting the Georgia vote. Very probable that Perdue would have beaten Ossoff in the runoff election as he did in the November election had Trump shut up.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
He’s still going after Mike Pence! Unbelievable! Originally Posted by Tiny
Trump believes in absolutes. You are either with him or against him. There is no middle ground with him. Pence went to the inauguration for Biden and did not attend Trump's little going away party. Pence was just being professional and just doing what you are supposed to do but a crybaby blouse like Trump can't understand that. Trump should have been there himself and showed some class after getting his ass kicked.

He also lost the Senate for Republicans for his actions AFTER the election in contesting the Georgia vote. Very probable that Perdue would have beaten Ossoff in the runoff election as he did in the November election had Trump shut up. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
I agree. It's like he is trying to make the majority dislike Republicans because baby Trump can't stop acting out and just can't act like a mature adult... just take your ball and go home and be quiet. You lost. He should be used to losing.
  • Tiny
  • 04-12-2021, 07:29 PM
He also lost the Senate for Republicans for his actions AFTER the election in contesting the Georgia vote. Very probable that Perdue would have beaten Ossoff in the runoff election as he did in the November election had Trump shut up. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Absolutely. Perdue was a shoe in.
  • Tiny
  • 04-12-2021, 07:34 PM
Trump believes in absolutes. You are either with him or against him. There is no middle ground with him. Pence went to the inauguration for Biden and did not attend Trump's little going away party. Pence was just being professional and just doing what you are supposed to do but a crybaby blouse like Trump can't understand that. Trump should have been there himself and showed some class after getting his ass kicked. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
What was Pence supposed to do? Throw the nation into chaos?
Lucas McCain's Avatar
^^^ Pence did exactly what he should have done. He acted like a professional government official and a mature adult. Trump just cares about himself. He doesn't give a fuck about anyone else.
bambino's Avatar
What was Pence supposed to do? Throw the nation into chaos? Originally Posted by Tiny
The nation is in chaos now.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Chaos is a understatement went the WP runs a story about who"s in charge from a tweet
VitaMan's Avatar
Trump did call Mr. Kim of North Korea "Little Rocket Man."

Maybe that is a good thing .....and one in the plus column for Mr. Trump ?