Obama's Successful Foreign Failure

Are the right wing fucktards happy there is no imminent strike on Syria? No they just want to snivil some more. Fuck 'em
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  • CJ7
  • 09-11-2013, 01:17 PM
You stupid Teawipe dolts. It is hilarious to watch you guys try to play against type and be bellicose and pacifistic simultaneously. Every other sentence you type contradicts the previous one. If there was ever a doubt in the rest of our rational minds, not that there ever was, of your total commitment to irrational hatred, this latest set of mental contortions has removed it. Originally Posted by Randy4Candy

kinda Mark Twain-ish right there ...
That happens when one is quoting George W. Bush who is "The Most Unpopular (and Incompetent) President in Modern US History." Originally Posted by LexusLover
Fixed it for you!
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Fixed it for you! Originally Posted by bigtex
No he did .. Bush that is..... Like Putin .. he gave you something to refocus on .... smart guy.
They always want to deflect to GW Bush, rather than address Obama's incompetence. Bush's failures DO NOT excuse Obama's failures. Address the issue. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
So true Bush was no saint but no where near as bad as Odumbo. I still can't believe this man got elected twice!!