Dominion sues the shit out of Sidney Powell

Grace Preston's Avatar
given the fact the dominion machines have an reported error rate of 68% in GA and WI? explain that.

I think Powell has a case of fraud. this thing is going take some time to unwind....

theres going to be alot of experts be involved in this. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm

Their suit is over specific claims made by Powell such as the Venezuelan connection, etc. This is the problem. Powell could have looked logical and believable had she just stuck to the actual facts (failure rate with proof, etc). But instead-- she decided to embellish the FUCK out of her statements.. which is where she's going to end up on the very wrong side of a lawsuit.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
You mean like specific allegations? And then proof? What do you think she is? Rational?

Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 01-09-2021, 09:48 AM
Of course not. Trump allows no rational people in his cabal.
BigLouie's Avatar
Legal experts are saying the case as file is very strong and that she is a dangerous position. Experts are impressed with the depth and detail of the suit. Close to perfect
matchingmole's Avatar
VitaMan's Avatar
Finally we have someone using the Trump playbook.

How many lawsuits has Mr. Trump filed in his lifetime ?
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 01-09-2021, 01:42 PM
I truly hope they find against her, she becomes totally destitute and winds up spending a year in the JB Johnson nursing home in DC.

Won't happen, but it's what she deserves. Then go after the next one.
winn dixie's Avatar
She is a Patriot trying to expose the deep state and the unsecure voting system
VitaMan's Avatar
No she is not. She just got hired by Trump to do a job.
And even Trump had to distance himself from her.....quite a feat in its own right.
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
Grace Preston's Avatar
She is a Patriot trying to expose the deep state and the unsecure voting system Originally Posted by winn dixie

Y'know.. I might have believed that at the start-- but she went well off the reservation-- so far that even Trump was like "Nope.. not riding that crazytrain".
Redhot1960's Avatar
Why the hell are you 0zombies so scared?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
What ever gave you that idea?

Keep blasting them 0zombies, bub. And try to stay dry.

Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 01-09-2021, 06:41 PM
Not scared, disgusted that Biden--a very mediocre politician--has become the clear better choice. It is a sad commentary on the two parties and even more so on the sad state of the voting public in the primaries.

Disgusted that 40-something % of the US can look at the Wizard of Oz spouting 6 years of hate, bigotry, support for white supremacists--and STILL grovel at his every word. He was absolutely correct when he said he could walk down the middle of the street, shoot someone, and his zombies would still follow him.

Disgusted that any president of the US would exhort his followers to a coup, and then like the coward he is, not stand with them--and STILL his zombies think he is a demigod, capable of no wrong.

Disgusted that he has soiled the reputation of the US, killed tens of thousands of people by his lies and ego, and STILL 70M+ brain dead Americans think he is their savior.

Oh, and disgusted that some posters on here can't tell the difference between scared and disgusted. But maybe they can, and they just lie about it because they have become so accustomed to lying. Could well be.
given the fact the dominion machines have an reported error rate of 68% in GA and WI? explain that.

I think Powell has a case of fraud. this thing is going take some time to unwind....

theres going to be alot of experts be involved in this. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
Fact my ass. You act like this is the first time these machines have been used. No machine would be deployed with that error rate.

Now post your little brainwashed trump link of where you read that.