Ladies & Pets

Why do you think they call it doggy style...
DarthMaul's Avatar
I used to have a dog ** Edited By Staff ** DM my SO. I did not really care for it but my SO liked it so what the hell. Originally Posted by bigstickdave6969
Bad post Sir!!

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You should not put your dog in the kennel as punishment, this way they are inclined to want to go in it, if you use it as punishment they are more likely to feel punished if you just need them to go inside there for a bit because you have company. Dogs have attitudes and will act out like children in various ways. Peeing under your bed or eating your favorite shoes etc. Think of the kennel more like their bedroom. Mine goes in hers on her own just to hang out sometimes. I keep the door open and only lock it when I need to. She's free to go in and out mostly. Originally Posted by ViViaN+redhead
I have opted out of having company at my place at the moment. I have a safe meeting spot near by because right now every time I leave the house his is tearing up EVERYTHING !! A disaster LOL. Im worried he may cry or act up so to save the embarrassment I just said F*** it. Im looking into another place but until then Im going to use a hotel/meeting spot.
He is very spoiled and I think he has been in that kennel 3 times in his little life LOL. Im torn on what to do with him when I leave the house. For right now Im just cleaning & cleaning LOL.

Thank you for your post & suggestions !!