Biden Bicycle Tour

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
George H. W. Bush threw up on the lap of the Japanese Prime Minister. Originally Posted by VitaMan
this is why the Queen of England bans seafood to be served at state dinners. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid

what was junior eating that caused him to vomit?
Biden is a fucking idiot it was fucking hilarious watching him fall
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Biden is a fucking idiot it was fucking hilarious watching him fall Originally Posted by Stockinglover

and "81 million" idiots voted for him. 80,999,998 regret it now.

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
what was junior eating that caused him to vomit? Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm

not Jr, GHW Bushy I

here he is ralphing in the PM's lap ..

On January 8, 1992, about 8:20 p.m JST, while attending a banquet hosted by the Prime Minister of Japan, Kiichi Miyazawa, U.S. President George H. W. Bush fainted after vomiting in Miyazawa's lap. This copy is taken from the CNN tape master of the incident, restored correcting the white and black levels, slight cropping, and then using Izotope RX8 decracklling and spectral denoising the tape audio. This is the best copy you can find online!

good thing he didn't puke in Emperor Akihito's lap. but he wasn't there.

... Rumour is - that Biden shit himself when he fell.

Will anybody get confirmation? .... Depends. ...

### Salty
VitaMan's Avatar
Of course Salty would be the 1st one to get wind of a rumour.
... Good one...

... But then I'm also the one to bring ya Ashley's "diary story"
and the Colbert criminal minions wilding inside the Capitol.

Those AINT rumours... They're the Truth.

### Salty
VitaMan's Avatar
These are the things Trumpites are interested in because they have no positive ideas.

It's just an out of control marketing machine.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
These are the things Trumpites are interested in because they have no positive ideas.

It's just an out of control marketing machine. Originally Posted by VitaMan

what positive ideas does Biden have?

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar


he just falls down.


down goes biden!

what positive ideas does Biden have?

BAHHAAAAA Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
You know better than to ask him trick's above this level of comprehension.
ICU 812's Avatar
The "adult-in-the-room" needs an adult tricycle.
You mean Diaper Don shit himself, we have all fallen off a bike before if you have ever ridden , very few if never have I seen a chump like Trump take two hands to hold a bottle of water, pathetic
Jacuzzme's Avatar
These are the things Trumpites are interested in because they have no positive ideas.

It's just an out of control marketing machine. Originally Posted by VitaMan
That’s hysterical. Democrats have absolutely NOTHING to run on and they know it, which is why they’re constantly trying to play up January 6th that nobody gives AF about. People can’t afford groceries, gas, or to heat their house and their retirement savings is becoming more worthless by the hour. Dems think all the destruction they’ve caused will get overlooked because some people were walking around inside the capital. Good luck with that.

How about rescinding everything biden has done since last January that has sent the country downhill on a sled. That’d be a good start.