Something evil about Obamacare

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Just more twisted BS from the OP. If you read and or listen to the links the guy is not advocating suicide he is only talking about his own way of life. Once again the Conservative way is to be told how you should think and live. Everyone should be able to make the decision to get treatment or not at any age as an adult. At 32 seconds in the video he states that they are wrong about what he said. Originally Posted by slingblade
Before you post in ignorance I suggest you read up on the eugenics movement and the Fabian Society. Also put in some about the Zero Population Growth bunch. The Fabians believed that you should have to justify your existence to some panel every three years or you died. The ZPG were behind the banning of DDT in Africa and the world. They knew that millions would die from malaria but their leadership blew it off as they have to die of something why not malaria. Ezekial is part of a death cult that has been prettied up to look like science and something kind.
Just to the time to do some research and find all the things we would have lost because the creater would have been KILLED (thats the word) at 75.
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  • 09-23-2014, 01:56 PM
You swallow whatever jizz your liberal masters shoot in your mouth. You ignorant swallower. Originally Posted by LowRider69
Just because you have reading comprehension problems does not mean everyone is like you. Quit projecting your predilections.

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  • 09-23-2014, 02:01 PM
His gag reflexes will save his protein injection ..

If it quacks, walks, and looks like a duck .... IT IS! Originally Posted by LexusLover
And if youposts like a lying two bit dick sucker ....YOU ARE.

We will put you down as having no reading comprehension skills or a lying cocksucker.

which is it?

LexusLover's Avatar
We will put you down .... Originally Posted by WTF
"We" ... is that just two of your personalities or all of them?

Speaking of LYING .... and a reading comprehension deficiency ...

...didn't you just post a "link" to an article you claimed "debunked" the existence of "death panels"? .... That was you posting wasn't it?

Or was it one of your bimbos sneaking on to your computer?

Because .....

"to show that something is not true" .....
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  • 09-23-2014, 04:10 PM
Where are these Death Panels LexusLiar? And yes the article did debunk you and Sara Palins lying bullshit.

Any more questions LexusLiar?

You should forego the operation and take the pain medication you ignorant swallower. Originally Posted by LowRider69
Like I have said many times here. I post my opinion and a conservative responds with childish insults. Sorry dude i am not into calling names but I know a provider that will be happy to for a fee.
Guys, you are basically arguing over semantics. Death panels may not exist, but both insurance companies and Medicare take into account a patient's age, overall health, quality of life, and life expectancy when making a determination to approve a particular medical procedure.

If a patient is 80 years old, suffering from end stage renal failure, diabetes, and heart disease, chances are pretty excellent that the patient would not be approved for a hip replacement because the patient would not be expected to live long enough to justify the cost of the procedure. A patient can appeal a denial, and sometimes win.

My grandmother was diagnosed with uterine cancer at the age of 71. She had an emergency hysterectomy, but the doctor recommended neither radiation nor chemotherapy because he felt that my grandmother would not survive the intense radiation required. Grandma turned him around, but then the insurance company denied the treatment for the same reason. We appealed, and the treatment was approved. Grandma had already had 2 heart attacks by age 70, and the doctor was adamant that the radiation would likely cause a heart attack. But Grandma proved him wrong. She sailed through the radiation and the chemo like it was a breeze. God love my Grandma, she was a tough lady. She passed away at age 79 with no hint of the cancer ever returning.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
It's a business. Period.

You dipshits still haven't been able to separate health insurance from health care.

Hope you have both. I do!

Thank you President Obama!
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
There is no appeal in Obamacare and the doctor has no say in the matter either.
There is no appeal in Obamacare and the doctor has no say in the matter either. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
You do know that there is no such thing as Obama care. You choose a policy through a list of insurance companies. All policy's are not the same. And remember only the poor Dems have "Obamacare" The Reps are all hard working folks that fend for themselves LOL!
I B Hankering's Avatar
You do know that there is no such thing as Obama care. You choose a policy through a list of insurance companies. All policy's are not the same. And remember only the poor Dems have "Obamacare" The Reps are all hard working folks that fend for themselves LOL! Originally Posted by slingblade
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
You do know that there is no such thing as Obama care. You choose a policy through a list of insurance companies. All policy's are not the same. And remember only the poor have "Obamacare" so the Dems can take advantage of them. The Reps are all hard working folks that fend for themselves LOL! Originally Posted by slingblade
My turn. Even Obama calls it Obamacare. Can't you get with the program?
My turn. Even Obama calls it Obamacare. Can't you get with the program? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
It is a nickname of the Affordable Care Act. I guess a play on words is the best you have. As you read in the link there are a few ways to appeal "Obamacare"
So back to the point, yes you can appeal it and no you cant divert the topic.
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  • 09-24-2014, 02:18 PM
Guys, you are basically arguing over semantics. Death panels may not exist, but both insurance companies and Medicare take into account a patient's age, overall health, quality of life, and life expectancy when making a determination to approve a particular medical procedure.

. Originally Posted by SinsOfTheFlesh
Which is what they did before the ACA.

So either there were Death Panels before the ACA and things are much the same or there are no Death Panels before the ACA and are not after it.

LexusLiar and Sara Palin are have trouble with that concept.

Yssup Rider's Avatar
There is no appeal in Obamacare and the doctor has no say in the matter either. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
That's a fucking lie. Please provide evidence of either outrageous and false claim you've just posted. If a policy covers something, it's covered. No difference at all than last year or the year before.

Why don't you stop the lying and show some proof?

You can't, because you're full of shit.


HeY idiots, wake the fuck up! An insurance policy today is just like an insurance policy yesterday. It's INSURANCE reform. It suppose we're better off with people dying...
