How do you know people don't do the same as you and can't offord health care? I could look at your reviews and tell your lifestyle.and yet you expect this forum to believe on only the income of a retired e-9 that you can afford a house like this? right!!!!
There's plenty of hard working americans who don't buy sex(like you), have tats, sex out of wedlock - oh yeah it's only libs who are taking advantage of the system.
Guess you haven't seen the recent GOP town hall meetings- By the way Tony I can buy you and sell your ass on some street in San Antonio.
By the way, I live in Cibolo Canyons- come to my neighborhood I will give you a nice tour- you couldn't afford a house out here if you saved your salary for the next 3 years. Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt
and of course i could claim i live in Preston Hollow. my neighbor is Dubya. lol
we sit on my back patio by my pool and discuss world events regularly. bahhaha