It Turns Out The Officer Who Shot Philando Castile Is Hispanic. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Nether one will be charged.
0zombies are lying... https://misadventuresindiversity.wor...tual-shooting/

Girlfriend of Philando Castile Changes Her Story – Did She Withhold Video of the Actual Shooting?


Well, well, well… What a tangled web of hair-weaves, when the race-hustlers practice to deceive!

Despite the lies spun by #BlackLivesMatter scammers, new analysis (to date, found only here) may turn out to blow the lid off the Philando Castile case.

Officials are keeping such tight screws on information about the incident (the dashcam video, for example) that we are left to try to decipher everything ourselves, while black terrorists launch assassination attacks on police and lay seige to cities across the country.

Castile’s girlfriend and passenger, Lavish “Diamond” Reynolds, has changed her story in multiple ways since the aftermath of her boyfriend getting shot and killed (which she live-streamed to Facebook, narrated in her oddly calculated-sounding outrage) by a police officer during a traffic stop in Minnesota last Wednesday, July 6th.

For one thing, she started out saying repeatedly that Castile had been pulled over for supposedly having a broken taillight. But in subsequent statements, on video, she said multiple times that it was for having a headlight out.

The taillight/headlight discrepancy is no bombshell, of course.

Neither is her dubious claim that Castile was reaching for his license & registration when shot by officer Jerenimo Yenez. I say dubious partly because as anyone who has dug into this case at all knows, it seems Castile never actually drove legally. Based on his miles-long record of violations, showing scores of just about every kind of motor vehicle offense, and under near-constant license suspension/revocation, it’s very doubtful that Castile even had a license at the time in question because the scofflaw usually just drove without one.

So, for a variety of possible reasons, officer Yenez could indeed have been right in fearing that Castile was reaching for the gun instead of a license/registration. Especially since the real reason Yenez stopped Castile to begin with was (as told to police dispatch by Yenez) because Castile closely resembled a suspect wanted for an armed robbery at a nearby store four days prior.

But the unlikelihood of reaching for a license/registration by Castile isn’t the bombshell either.

What’s the bombshell? Check this out, but stay with it all the way through the second video clip: I came to notice something very peculiar in yet another way Lavish Reynolds changed her story, something that didn’t quite sink in or set off any big alarms for me at first.

Hours after the shooting, upon Reynolds’ being released from police questioning to a wildly sympathetic crowd/press gaggle, a woman asked her, “How were you able to figure out that you should put this on Facebook?” Reynolds replied by going into a long tirade saying she wanted to show the world that “these police are not here to protect and serve us, but to assassinate us; they are here to kill us because we are black!!”

In mid-rant, she told the crowd that she didn’t capture the actual shooting on video because “…if I woulda moved while that gun was out, he woulda shot me too!”

That question and answer comes at the 7:07 mark in the video below:

Does that even make sense? If we are to believe her, she started rolling video while Yenez still had his gun out, and had just let several shots fly.

It seems to me that most people who take video when they get pulled over by police start recording at the earliest possible point in the encounter. If Reynolds was afraid of being shot for moving to capture video before Yenez opened fire, wouldn’t she have been just as afraid to start recording once Yenez had opened fire and was still hyper-adrenaline keyed on any threat/target in the vehicle?

Now comes the bombshell. The next day, Reynolds spoke at a press conference and completely changed her explanation of why she didn’t get the shooting itself on video.

Ready? Go to the 5:00 mark in this excerpt:

Did you catch that?

You hear Reynolds say, “…I was not able to get the actual shooting because I did not want that horrible act to be on social media…” That’s a completely different reason than the one given the day before, by the way.

Most importantly, I believe that remark is what poker players and con-men call a “tell.”

In the process of shifting parts of her story and bellowing indignant racial screeds, she’s inadvertently telling us, by letting it subliminally slip out, that she actually did record the shooting itself — but she cut off/hid that part of the video from what she wanted us to see, and began live-streaming what she did want us to see.

Think about what she said: She claimed that she did not want to have video of a “that horrible act” to be on social media. Ask yourself, now, how could she have known that a “horrible act” was about to take place, in order to base her alleged decision — to supposedly not start recording until afterward — on such knowledge? It doesn’t pass the smell test.

She could not know of an impending “horrible act” — unless she was in on some sort of failed plan by Castile to try to shoot the police first (or, an insane plan to deliberately provoke police deadly force for some reason).

So why would she say something so nonsensical? She’s lying about something having to do with the video on her phone.

I say that what she’s really telling us (without intending to) is that not only doesn’t she want people to see the shooting, but also that she had the ability to let people see it, but pretends otherwise. She pretends she made this decision to start recording afterward. Except she’s too illogical to trick everyone.

I say she’s trying to cover up the video evidence which would sink her shakedown scam’s chances of succeeding. That is, the part of the video she’s pretending not to have recorded would help prove that Yenez was justified in shooting Castile, because for whatever reason, Castile refused to comply, and reached toward where his gun was when ordered not to reach.
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Hopefully, the police have her phone and ....

...... are reviewing it for the "deleted" portions of the video (with audio)!
Hopefully, the police have her phone and ....

...... are reviewing it for the "deleted" portions of the video (with audio)! Originally Posted by LexusLover
Hopefully she doesn't have shriLIARy's attorney's holding her phone !
Hopefully, the police have her phone and ....

...... are reviewing it for the "deleted" portions of the video (with audio)! Originally Posted by LexusLover
I have a feeling this entire thing is going to blow up in her face.
Whole thing is fishy, the cop has given different versions on why he was stopped. Last was he was a suspect in a robbery.

Another law enforcement officer stated if it was the protocol was all wrong, you just don't walk up to the car. The occupants are removed first.

Will have to see how it plays out.
Up here we save our piss for the most deserving targets, oinkboy....

Originally Posted by lustylad
That's a waste of a good piss.