Hobbying while pregnant. Why do you do it?

gimme_that's Avatar
A cheap threesome........2 for 1......
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
I agree with the OP. I would never have considered hobbying while pregnant. I couldn't fathom endangering my children in such a way. But then, the same thing can be asked regarding pregnant women who drink, smoke, or do drugs. They have zero respect for the child they are carrying. I do understand the sense of financial desperation that can come with pregnancy, but there are so many programs out there to help those women specifically. Its just sad... We all (both sides) take a calculated risk in this hobby with every person we meet. As consenting adults, thats fine. But to place that child in harms way is completely unacceptable imho... Originally Posted by VegasJen

Although I'm still going back and forth in my mind about it I think Imma hafta side with you on this one.
holmes50's Avatar
I guess if I drank my coffee other than black and needed milk maybe so, otherwise uh no.
Pregnant women do this for the same reason non pregnant women do it - for the cash. Depends on their level of desperation and need for money.
burkalini's Avatar
This maybe sounds old fashioned but the minute a providers gets pregnant she is off my list for nine months.
Seeing a pregnant woman is on my fetish bucket list. Hobby aside, i.e. best friend's wife, you would feel safe in the fact that you wont be knocking her up if you two are messing around. So you could freely bang the living daylights out of her with no fear of pregnancy, since she's already knocked up! Pregnant women have a natural glow to them as well and most likely their husbands, boyfriends, baby-daddies, whatever repulse them so in turn it makes them horny as f*ck. And that is where people like me come in to the picture to cater to their every whim.
Jannisary's Avatar
All providers do it for the money when you boil it all down to the basics. Why a provider would keep working while pregnant I think is just a situational thing depending on their own circumstances.

For some providers its definitely desperation. Is it that much riskier for a woman to keep providing if she carefully screens than it would be if she had a minimum or low hourly wage job somewhere while pregnant? I can think of several women that I know or am at least acquainted with who felt that they "had" to keep working their hourly wage job as long as possible into the pregnancies due to economic reasons. Is the stress of working retail or other low wage jobs "better" than the stress of "providing" during a pregnancy?

Then there is actually the opportunity to possibly earn more money while providing pregnant or earn the same but have to work less due to the pregnant fetish guys out there. This is especially true if the provider is young, cute, and sexy and stays looking young cute and sexy through the pregnancy. To a provider who wants to maintain her level of lifestyle and living, providing while pregnant may not be out of "desperation" but that desire to maintain her level of income as long as possible.
Chica Chaser's Avatar
burkalini's Avatar
Just guessing you're not a democrat? Originally Posted by Contralto
I think the same thing and I'm a Republican. The child should be the number one concern. During this time she should get income another way.

bule84's Avatar
To me it is a personal decision. If it does not appeal to you as a hobbyist don't indulge. If it does not appeal to you as a provider, don't do it, the dad can support you. Just don't judge those that do.

I'm not sure I understand the safety of the child issue? People fuck when pregnant all the time, how will that harm the child?

If you mean that the provider is in danger meeting a new hobbyist, how big of a concern is that really with the screening that takes place? Using that logic, people that are pregnant should not drive, they could be in an accident, that is not in the best interest of the child, correct?
Chung Tran's Avatar
To me it is a personal decision. If it does not appeal to you as a hobbyist don't indulge. If it does not appeal to you as a provider, don't do it, the dad can support you. Just don't judge those that do.

I'm not sure I understand the safety of the child issue? People fuck when pregnant all the time, how will that harm the child?

If you mean that the provider is in danger meeting a new hobbyist, how big of a concern is that really with the screening that takes place? Using that logic, people that are pregnant should not drive, they could be in an accident, that is not in the best interest of the child, correct? Originally Posted by bule84
hahahahaha... really?
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
I agree with the OP. I would never have considered hobbying while pregnant. I couldn't fathom endangering my children in such a way. But then, the same thing can be asked regarding pregnant women who drink, smoke, or do drugs. They have zero respect for the child they are carrying. I do understand the sense of financial desperation that can come with pregnancy, but there are so many programs out there to help those women specifically. Its just sad... We all (both sides) take a calculated risk in this hobby with every person we meet. As consenting adults, thats fine. But to place that child in harms way is completely unacceptable imho... Originally Posted by VegasJen
I said almost the exact same thing several years ago, and have yet to live it down. I agree with this110%. The one thing ya don't wanna take a chance screwing up, is your own kid. It's THE most irresposible thing a woman could do. I too can understand why one might be tempted, but just as Jen states, and as it was when I said it before, There are programs, plenty of 'em, that will get you through.
Raw dog's Avatar
I love them
We're most likely single mothers well i am that needs help plus my doctor says its good for the baby😉
Ok, to clarify one thing here regarding my previous post... the sex itself has nothing to do with my comment regarding harm to the baby. Sex while pregnant is a helluva lot of fun, and assuming there are no other complications, its a healthy fun as well... But... the best screening processes are still only a deterrent to the psychos who lurk amongst us. Nothing is foolproof. Escorts DO get beaten and murdered by clients. So do other people, but as escorts, especially seeing a new client, we are walking into a situation with a lot of unknowns. That is the risk to which I refer. And yes, Contralto, I am a Republican, lol. Just one with a few liberal tendencies. ;-)