Another Hate Hoax

Continuing hatred of blacks while these hate hoaxes go on:

So far this year, more people have been killed in Baltimore than at this point in 2019, which ended with the highest homicide rate on record for that city. June’s killings, which eclipse those of June 2019, include a 23-year-old woman who was eight months pregnant and her three-year-old daughter. They were gunned down in their car by the father of the woman’s unborn child, according to the police.

The victims in these shootings are overwhelmingly black. So far this year, 78 percent of all homicide victims in Chicago are black, though blacks are less than a third of the population. But the defund-the-police advocates and the Democratic establishment have said nothing about the growing loss of black lives.
Continuing hatred of blacks while these hate hoaxes go on:

So far this year, more people have been killed in Baltimore than at this point in 2019, which ended with the highest homicide rate on record for that city. June’s killings, which eclipse those of June 2019, include a 23-year-old woman who was eight months pregnant and her three-year-old daughter. They were gunned down in their car by the father of the woman’s unborn child, according to the police.

The victims in these shootings are overwhelmingly black. So far this year, 78 percent of all homicide victims in Chicago are black, though blacks are less than a third of the population. But the defund-the-police advocates and the Democratic establishment have said nothing about the growing loss of black lives. Originally Posted by friendly fred
blm doesn't care, chaos helps their cause

their near term goal is to replace the police with an ideologically driven force

One distinctive feature of totalitarian governments is the existence of an explicit or implied national ideology—a set of beliefs intended to give meaning and direction to the entire society.

and their "community policing" is a means of enforcing their speech and mind control and in addition to or in place of duly passed law, they enforce their arbitrary and capricious rules
  • oeb11
  • 07-10-2020, 08:32 AM
Agred - NGIT.

Biden wins - Secret Police will dominate america with the AOC/Tlaib concentration camps they will open.
matchingmole's Avatar
  • oeb11
  • 07-11-2020, 07:02 AM
What a waste of bandwidth
But - what can one expect from one with a bumper sticker " Comrade Xi Love You. "
sportfisherman's Avatar
Hey you guys , now there is Another Hoax according to this administration.

Chump has said the Supreme Court decision regarding his tax situation is another Hoax !!

I can't remember so many Hoaxes in my life !!

Someone needs to compile them cause its bound to be a record.

So its merely by Chump's pronouncement that constitutes a Hoax ??

He claims it so and that's it ??
  • oeb11
  • 07-12-2020, 05:10 PM
Thank You - sailor
Must be watching XiNN - get some real facts on the SC decision from a source for facts instead of propaganda.

Try to post above a third grade level
sportfisherman's Avatar
Did we go 24 hours without another HOAX against Chump and his administration ?

If so,it may be a record.

I think Chump easily qualifies as the most HOAXED president in the "History of the World".