Dato, tuma, tuha, fia, drinking chocolate out of ass... etc.

TheFrenchman's Avatar
I've had exactly one lady offer and perform TUMA. It's not something I demand or seek out, but in this case it was glorious. To me it's about a deeper level of intimacy and expressing that (even though it's a fantasy world kind of intimacy) you *really* have a comfort level with your partner.

Few girls really get the technique of FUMA. Usually they spit and just jam it in there. Ass play needs to go slow, and I mean real slow.

Girls probably don't want to have TUMA on their reviews - it should always be YMMV. And most guys probably don't want to discover they actually like it.

Guys keep your assholes squeaky clean. Ya never know.
Ollie Pop's Avatar
Sound advice Frenchman.. I find it to be incredibly erotic but I don't ask. If it is something a lady WANTS to do then it will naturally be better all around. As for TUHA.. I'm more of a FBC (face between cheeks) kind of guy and let the lady drive.. Ain't nothing like a lady's taint...